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why did they make him do that bend forward virgin walk

It was kino

thats the opposite of kino

chad walks are kino

the subtlety was superb

>Adam Driver is 6'3, built like a brick shithouse with midwestern American genetics, a former marine whose voice is deep and is married to a woman
>closeted homosexual British manlet who perpetually mumbles and got knocked out by Shia LaBeouf

This move makes my dick hard, no homo. It is fucking perfect for Kylo's character. I love it.

>former marine

why do you cucks keep bringing this up?

it's not like he did anything, he never saw active duty and left after a year because of a mountain biking accident

>actually trains mma

still better than getting knocked out by other manlet Shia fucking LaBeouf a big guy he was not

wasn't he gutshot before


if kylo is so big why does he look so skinny in his outfit

Adam Driver is such a good body actor. Must be his training as a marine

His saber needs to be started that way. It's like starting a lawn mower

Because he's a virgin

this is also a callout to the Lucas 'enhanced' OT. When leaving cloud city vader originally says something like that "prepare my shuttle" or "my ship" but in the enhanced versions for some FUCKING reason Lucas made him say "Alert my stardestroyer that I will be arriving by shuttle shortly".
Well played Rian, well played....

was he using force speed?

I was honestly just thinking this. he looks like a brick shirtless but when hes got his robes on he looks scrawny as fuck

>STILL no explanations on why Kylo's cristal is fucked.

Black is usually makes people look slimmer

who's this? seems like a big guy

It does. I wear only black and everyone thinks I am slim af.

t. fat guy

glad I'm not the only one who noticed this, he kills it

Adam Driver is the only good thing in these abortions. Worth it to see them for him alone.

It's not like there is a crystal shop and he can pick whatever he wants user.
It's a nice way of making his lightsaber an extension of his character: crude, unstable and extremely powerful.

cause he's unfocused and tantrum-y


In the past when jedi and sith had no access to kyber crystals they used random shit like stones and tech to replace the crystals. Kylo just used something crude like that.

>wanting that explained in a movie
That's some EU shit that no one should ever care about. All that matters aesthetically is that his lightsaber matches his temperament

It's because he's not actually ripped, he's just got big lanky bone structure. Like user said depending on what he wears he can look either way.

Why does he smash the mask? It was the only thing that made him cool and intimidating. Fucking gay.

its a normal kyber crystal dumbass its just cracked. The crossguards are from an ancient design.

>K-kylo Senpai could you put on a robe

Does Rey want the D?

No. Crossguards are exhaust for the excess energy you absolute imbecile.

yeah the side bits are vents

its a kaiburr crystal you dumbfucks

Snoke made fun of him lel. He told him "you are just a child with a stupid mask trying to be like Vader, pathetic"

ur both kinda right
"The lightsaber was crudely assembled based on an ancient design dating back thousands of years to the Great Scourge of Malachor."
"A single cracked Kyber crystal, barely able to contain the weapon's power, necessitated the lateral vents which diverted the extra heat produced by the crystal to either side of the hilt, and gave the weapon's red plasma blades an unstable, serrated appearance. To balance the weapon's power, the crossguard blades emerge after the main blade appears."

>requiring it to have lateral vents on either side of the handle in order to divert the extra heat generated by the crystal.'s_lightsaber

Kill you\re self

>All that matters aesthetically is that his lightsaber matches his temperament
EU is better than the current corporate fanfic we have, but I do agree with this.

>dating back thousands of years to the Great Scourge of Malachor.
Kotor2 still canon at least

Most of the stuff around Kylo is genuinely pretty good. It feels really out of place next to how trite the rest of the new stuff is.

y'all have to admit this movie had sick cinematography

>Hold on, gotta drop start my sketchy lightsaber
>Don't tell OSHA

"Alert my Star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival."
Always bugged me, but it was a little Lucas tidbit. That's how he handled the franchise, he would do small things that made fanboys go crazy with protocol.

his lightsaber stance I fucking love it but its a shame lightsaber forms are non canon now.

Imagine Ren fighting with a Juyo or Niiman form

they said its not. they are just stealing whatever they like out of the EU piece by piece.

He is definitely a Juyo/Vaapad type of guy. Kinda reminded me of a Quinlan Voss type.

>checking out hand size

>they are just stealing whatever they like out of the EU piece by piece.

They're really working to make that scavenger comparison work

My bet is that the foot stomp is being used as a visual cue for the animators to insert the actual blade into the shot.

Also makes his fighting style seem savage as fuck, I love it.

Reylo porn.

Could have given him a good backstory of crafting his own lightsaber, but what do you expect from the Mouse?

Speaking of fighting style. I always enjoyed a more acrobatic or at least fluid type of fighting. Did not like the TFA swinging around, but also the prequels did a bit too much acrobatics.

I think TLJ had a nice balance between the two. Enjoyable and fluid combat without too much acrobatics or dull swinging like knights.


What happened at Malachor is completely different in Disneyverse.

The Jedi and Sith had a huge battle and then the Sith turned on some kind of superweapon pyramid that turned everyone on the planet into stone. It's pretty gay and was only set-dressing for the season 2 finale of Rebels.

Why is Kylo attacking the ground on 37?


Messed up the stunt timing?

Another thing, I dislike Rey as a complete Mary Sue and her actress is ugly as all fuck


The physical conditioning and combat training she did actually shows. Her fighting doesn't look forced or fake, it looks good, both in these scene and while she was "training".

One of the guards does a low running attack I think


>The Uber Badass 1337 Dudes With Special Lightsaber-Equivalent Weapons get BTFO by two people with barely modified basic sabers

Nah, it was great seeing their asses whooped.

I am very surprised Disney showed a guy getting completely eviscerated though


anyone has the save me remy luke webm?

> be non-american
> they let some random guy record the line and didn't bother adding any of the correct voice filters on it
> always triggers me how he sounds nothing like in the rest of the movie
> finally see the Despecialized and find out that this scene was always in the movie and the line never needed to be changed
> still can't watch it without remembering the wrong voice

Fuck that stupid slo mo ruins the whole scene.


As a recovering /fat/guy trying to get /fit/ and nearly there, no they don't. They are just being 'nice' and letting you eat yourself into a blob because they either have no stakes in your size (family), don't care (almost everyone else), or it makes them feel better next to you (the worst people). Look into keto diet and buy some dumbbells.

Black IS slimming, but there are limits. It works for Driver, for example, who was bulking (apparently) in TLJ, and can hide a small belly, but try to use it to hide too much and you risk becoming a black hole and destroying all that you love.

>Sorry bro. I'm being honest because I care.

A marine still undergoes more hell for training than anything else on earth.

Shit, wrong post. Intended for

>it's cool to like Adam Driver now
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. been watching him since he was on Girls season 1.

>He buys the MUHREEN bullshit
It's barely any harder than Navy basic. It's got nothing on stuff like BUDS.

this was realy funny though

Kylo was the only good thing about this movie

rooting for Kylo the entire time made this movie for me.

Forced toy selling filler trash with little to no relevance to the narrative.

the guy is genuinely a good actor and pretty much the only reason i enjoyed this movie

And Rey.

into the trash this shit goes

>everything needs to be explained in a lengthy flashback scene
>what is implication and visual storytelling

are you drooling on your keyboard right now?

here a de-shill version so this literal-who twitter whore get's zero credit

>he's so big and she's so tiny

best ship


i've been saying he was a good actor since 2012. he plays mostly the same character in every movie or show. the honest, borderline autistic giant lovable oaf.


Did anyone else instantly hear this?

He voice-mogs everyone.

>liking the mary sue feminist


Even in the films his fighting style IS savage as fuck. Torturously burning the groid with the crossguard in TFA was great, so was beating on his bowcaster wound. And his battle-screaming and the rage behind his strikes when he was trying to cut down Luke. No "nothing personnel kid" finesse he's legit just aiming to cut him in half.

I do like her.

is he the only good thing from nu wars?

Everyone knows your fat they just dont want to hurt your feelings.

He was the only good thing in this retarded pathetic piece of shit.

And remove this stupid mask, son.

Han died few hours ago and all Chewie got was few funny scenes with porgs. Fuck you.

t. soyboy

pretty much

i tried keto and just felt exhausted, then again im not fat

I can benchpress 135kg for 2 reps.

>few hours

more like two years