Tfw when the capeshit threads finally die down only to be drowned out by a never ending wave of shitwars threads

>tfw when the capeshit threads finally die down only to be drowned out by a never ending wave of shitwars threads
Anyone want to talk about some actual films instead of gimicky flicks designed to sell toys?

Okay user, what do you think of Hiroshi Teshigara?

Check these digits

Dude let's talk about Game of Thrones and Twin Peaks!

>complains about people talking about films
>doesn't have any films to talk about himself


Lets talk about how we all want to see this remake being remade

i do, but we're being overrun by manchildren who never grew up and don't like to think too much

Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums, what else is new?

use filter, newfag