The opening battle scene of Saving Private Ryan will never be topp-

>the opening battle scene of Saving Private Ryan will never be topp-

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is this a movie or a series?

Also it gets tiring when all the thought allowed any exposition is a marxist grunt saying (no matter how much I agree) "the danes are just the lower class just as us" etc when it'd be far more interesting to hear the weird sort of thinking back then that would justify to themselves the discipline, fasces-like unity, the valor of their social values they think they're maintaining etc

>serious full of inaccuracies
>prussians don't even have their pickelhaubes
>the entire series is essentially just a Danish man raping a gypsy and masturbating into jars.


This is a mini-series, 1864.

>serious full of inaccuracies
It's a TV show after-all. What's the nature of truth exactly user? How do you know what happened and what didn't?

>prussians don't even have their pickelhaubes
There are pickelhaubes, open your fucking eyes you mutt.

>the entire series is essentially just a Danish man raping a gypsy and masturbating into jars
Do you get off to lying?


The bit where the danes just wait and start hearing the ground shake after the cannons makes this seem interesting

Battle scenes are certainly well-done. No music, no corniness, just brutality.


The series is garbage and everything about it is bad and wrong. Denmark should be nuked for this travesty.


>whats your strategy
>we attack

that's some inspiring dialog there kiddo

Danish subhumans absolutely btfo, Northern Schleswig is rightful German clay

>"We shall never surrender!"
Kek, do they actually expect us to believe Churchill said this? \\how corny eh

>comparing a speech to an order given by a general to his staff

are you retarded

How many different ways do you need to hear someone order an attack?

well it's common courtesy to give your officers a designated time to attack, in this case 10.00 pm, in fairness it seems the Prussians simply overwhelmed their enemy with numbers, but in most battles throughout human history simply saying "attack" as an order would probably get your army 10 feet underground

And you're assuming he said "Attack" and they just started attacking right then and there? Are YOU retarded? Do you understand how the passage of time in film works?

>but in most battles throughout human history simply saying "attack" as an order would probably get your army 10 feet underground
What the fuck are you talking about? That makes absolutely no sense.

The film has quite a few inaccuracies and much of it has been cut but it's still pretty good.

the blood effects look like shit

His BBC radio speeches were actually done by the same man who voiced Winnie the Pooh and often differed drastically from what he actually said in Parliament.

hurrr durrr passage of time

no shit, I'm complaining about the lazy writing, he says attack and then it cuts to the Danish and the start of the battle, I don't give a shit about what happens during duh passage of time, it's about what happens in frame that really matters and cutting what could be good dialog down to a simple word "attack" is just lazy

>What the fuck are you talking about? That makes absolutely no sense.

that sentence seems pretty basic to me, but in baby talk - if big leader man just says attack without giving any direct orders or instructions his big mean army will die and get buried as is custom with dead men on a 19th century European battlefield

Pic related; the squiggly black lines are the Prussian trenches and the red lines are the Danish, the Prussians changed positions at 2 PM and coordinated their attack to start at 10 PM after their artillery finished their barrage. I think a general would mention this to his staff instead of just telling them attack and leaving it to them to make it up as they go along.

here's a word you might find useful

> it seems the Prussians simply overwhelmed their enemy with numbers

Or maybe because they've got cartridge bolt actions instead of loose powder muzzle loaders.

the Danes did have an ironclad though

>no shit, I'm complaining about the lazy writing, he says attack and then it cuts to the Danish and the start of the battle
Yeah, that's called story-telling. Sorry it upsets your autism, but that's how it works.

Not really much help in a land battle.

>that sentence seems pretty basic to me, but in baby talk - if big leader man just says attack without giving any direct orders or instructions his big mean army will die and get buried as is custom with dead men on a 19th century European battlefield
Again, I don't think you're really understanding how time works in film.

Just judging denmark by their cinematic output I wonder if the kindest thing to do wouldn't be to just put them all to sleep. They make the Fins seem cheerful.

slow down boys, I can't respond to you all so quickly

your mind is clearly rotten by modern Hollywood movies, watch Waterloo as an example, you get to see the mental chess game of the generals of each army and it makes very compelling dialog, this film or series or whatever seems more along the lines of a marvel movie in terms of action and dialog, but if the flashing lights and loud noises help alleviate your ADHD then I won't stop you from watching, this is just my opinion on the dialog

your joking right, do you know what a row of 32 or 68 pounders on a ship would do to a Prussian formation

your missing the point, I'm telling you they missed out on an opportunity to show good dialog. Why do you think films like Das Boot are so good, it's because the audience are invited to see the processes of a submarine crew as the evade enemy ships and repair their submarine as a coordinated team, and you end up feeling very attached to the crew. In this scene OP has shown us, I feel nothing for the general and his staff, they are made to be useless characters you might as well not even show them

Are germancucks allowed to depict their military history?

>your joking right, do you know what a row of 32 or 68 pounders on a ship would do to a Prussian formation
Yeah it would be great if the SHIP was ON LAND

I just think you're getting a little upset over something that didn't need to be shown. Good dialogue is what you leave out as well as what you leave in.

This is story-telling 101.

this is Gambia, it's borders were created by British warships sailing up and down the river killing practically everything either side. As you can see here the battle is right on the coast, I am one hundred percent certain an Ironclad would be able to hit anything on this map.

How do you think ships bombarded cities, unload all their cannon on land because shooting from the sea was too hard

it also says here "the Prussians charged through shelling from the Rolf Krake which did not prove enough to halt them" the Rolf Krake is the Danish Ironclad

well I think it's bad story telling, classic war movies have such good shelf life because of their good dialog and story telling, and it's partially down to the fact that they treat each character with respect

Was that Euron I saw?


Greatest battle movie of all time

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion.

that's correct

So how inaccurate is this series exactly? I have a masters in russian history but know basically nothing about this war. The way the combat looks reminds me a lot of the Crimean War though

superb use of practical effects.