Should Leia have been BLACKED?
you will NEEEEEVEER write for the New York Time-
God this guys tweets are a better idea than either of the nuWars movies
>if I were scripting these movies, I would unnecessarily inject my fetishes into them
The rest of us would think up bizarre alien races, sweet-looking tech and swashbuckling adventure stories with brand new characters
I guess you can have your racebaiting fanfic and soap-opera drama if you really want it, but there's a reason you didn't write the new one
>an actual cuckservative
A literal cuckservative, wow.
He really seems to love Lando
>Interracial Love Triangle
Is that really the best he can do?
If I were scripting these movies Lando would be a transexual and would have an adopted pansexual non binary native american child
How do we stop Amerimutts from spreading their cuck fetish to the rest of the world?
"If I was scripting these, Lando would come over and fuck my wife."
It would've been meme'd to death, but it's better than what he had.
Let me guess. #I'MWITHHER
Lando is the exact same guy as Han. Why the fuck would Leia chase the same thing? Is this misogynist saying women can't make good decisions about relationships.
Sup Forums will cringe, but this idea actually doesn't sound that bad. Would be better than a love triangle with a random stormtrooper
>doesn't sound that bad
sure. thats what star wars need. MORE movies revolving around shitty politics and forced romance
more chemistry with her than finn? she has 0 chemistry with that goober, it wouldn't be hard to write.
I miss the prequels so yeah, if they were better directed, they would have worked
>divorce on the grounds of "tumultuous" circumstances
>interracial relationships
>le 56% kid vs a pasty white kid
>lel 56% kid beats the white kid using lobbying and hawkish war tactics to defeat a force wielder, thus demolishing the hierarchy of force users > non force users
>le 56% kid breeds the white girl
based desu