Can you feel it yet?

The force is a woman don't you know sweetie.

5 more years of losing millions over feminizing movies... then Hollywood will go back to the good ol days. Patience.

>most feminist star wars yet
>worst movie in the entire franchise


>losing millions
that's where you're wrong, friendo, women fucking love this shit, they eat it right up, how do you think the star wars films are making so much money?

The bechdel test is a shit test; why would they still cling on to that terrible standard

>Triumphantly feminist
>Declared the butthole of the whole series when the prequels exist
>Whole movie is Leia and Dr. Saddler losing 90% of the Resistance in futility
>In the end, Leia turns the reins of the Resistance over to the orange hotshot telling him it's His Turn to lead.
Looks like Feminism is a complete bumblefuck of clusterfuckery

Think bigger. Star wars is one franchise that will lose most of its male following. Also think about all these reboots "Ghostbusters"style that will totally bomb at the box office. This trend will end.

Funnily enough, about 5 seconds into that scene where Leia and Purple-hair have a chat, I immediately though "This is here so the film passes the Bechdel test, isn't it?"

>Star wars is one franchise that will lose most of its male following
but it won't, all the numales and kiddies will pay for the shit regardless

my fat nerd best friend even came out saying he loved it even though I can see the pain in his eyes, he unironically said he turned his brain off for it and had a great time