Rose Tico was adorable as fuck, had a cute voice, and a nice personality. She is the best Star Wars waifu and you all need to stop bullying her.
Rose Tico was adorable as fuck, had a cute voice, and a nice personality...
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>8 belts
Just like my chinese cartoons
Reminder, if you removed Rose from the film literally nothing would have changed.
what an ugly chink
I would, to be 2bh with w/ U
Imagine being this ugly and talentless and actually being cast in a Star Wars flick, then finding out you have to kiss John Ooga Booga and be bullied for life for looking like a bulldog, but at least the SJWs will praise you for being fat and ugly, because that's somehow progressive, even though you hate your looks and wish you could be pretty like other actresses.
Every word you just said is wrong.
Her sister accomplished more in a five minute sequence than she did the entire movie. She killed a shitload of people by stopping Finn too.
>Thinks movies are like video games and all characters should be min/maxxed and make perfect decisions
useless character only added to pander to brainlets
Actually she did have a pleasant voice, unironically
They made her frumpy as fuck in the movie though