Does a Norwegian KINO even exist?
Norwegian KINOs
Insomnia (the original)
Dead Snow (i'm not a fan)
None of them are KINOs.
Not really.
All of these are bad for example by objective standards, if they featured an English cast they would all be considered shit.
Elling is the only Norwegian film I would recommend, and perhaps Flåklypa Grand Prix if you want some comfy children's movie.
headhunters was pretty good
Oslo, 31. august
troubled water
How about Vikings?
Erik Lochen is the closest Norway got to a great filmmaker.
Oslo 31. August
Kon Tiki wasn't half bad
Slipp Jimmy fri
Flåklypa Grand Prix
We truly are the shittiest scandinavian nation when it comes to film. Luckily we're better at just about everything else except football.