I liked him

I liked him.

Nice to see a joker who is a propper criminal again

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Whats wrong no 20 minute speech on chaos and nihilisim?

That Marilyn Manson thing he's going on doesn't work and his dialogue was embarrasingly awful... though, to be fair, so was everyones elses in that movie.

I thought he had a intimidating aura.

I really liked his scene with the prision gaurd

The dialogue was not his fault, that whole movie was written like total shit.


>I thought he had a intimidating aura.

He was a fucking Hot Topic reject. Has anyone who shops at Hot Topic ever intimidated you? (If the answer is "yes", perhaps you need to reconsider your life choices.)

Uncomfortable, not intimidating.
he isn't threatening because he is actually scary. More like you don't know if he is going to stab you in the eye with a corkscrew or try and make out with you.
No, that isn't a good thing. It's a completely shitty character

There is allot more to intimidation then what u wear

Yeah. It's also what you permanently carve into your forehead
So everyone knows that he is messed up
And that he likes jokes so he has a bunch of Ha's written all over
You know
So people know he likes jokes but he's all messed up
Moms gonna freak

Ill never get why this trigger co so much


in 2027, someone on this board will say the new joker is shit cuz he's nothing like Leto, you can quote me on this

let us hate him while we can, okay ?

Because it's cheap and blatant. It's the equivalent of having your main character wear a shirt that says DEEP and expecting some retards to comment on how deep and layered the main character was. It's juvenile storytelling

I dont think it was mean to be deep.

I think it was just meant to give him hos own visual flair

Same reason why ledger had scars

But he isn't like this particular version of the character in like so is shit

t. Manchild

t. Hack Apologist

Why are you pretending it's supposed to be deep? It's not. The idea was that this joker isn't based in 20's gangsters but modern Latin Kings and ghetto pimps. It's an original take on his look. I don't like it but I'm not going to pretend their intentions were to be deep instead of just doing something original and that doesn't look like hobbo joker or gangster joker. You are an idiot that probably thinks Snyder tries to be deep too.

Why it's Ayer a hack? He got his movie butchered and didn't had the balls to call the final product shit, that's not a hack but a pussy.

Heath is still the best joker I know. Not this scumbag. I don't remember joker as a gangster.

I have no idea what hot topic is, but that complaint seem to always come from teens.

Fuck off manchild

>You can't hate it if it's a new interpretation

I can hate it if the interpretation sucks


That was a phony Joker on that cover tho. That story arc was about an impostor.

>implying he even had 20 min to burn.

English is your sixth language, isn't it?


New era, new style.
He couldn't stay a prohibition-style vilain forever

Joker has always been a fucking gangster

How have any of the Jokers not been a "propper criminal" in recent years?

Sure, but not like this, whoever thought it was a good idea to use a modern gangster for the joker when he's always been based on more classic gangsters needs to be shot

Yeah, I agree.

I mean, I get the obvious thought
>joker is clown + gangster, so we'll keep the clown part but change the gangster to a modern version

that was made, but here's the thing:

Current gangsters are lame.

In terms of personality and mannerisms, how was he any different from Ledger's Joker?

He wasn't, he just did his best ledger impression. It's just also compounded by the fact that he looks fucking retarded.

At least you got it right. People keep saying honka

God this was the most cringey, try-hard shit. I knew it was gonna be awful as soon as I saw this.

>tfw we deserved a better class of criminal

I don't know which scene is better. The one where he gave the prison guard a lap dance or the one where he mockingly encourage Harley to fuck another guy while moaning and licking his lips.

Cept it doesn't look twisted it just looks messed up.

I wanna say "he tried" but he overall seemed to miss a good tone for the Joker. Hell he tried more than Robbie for as much as that matters.

Gotham and Telltale have better ones.

Imagine a tryhard Hot Topic reject, who also has a gang of thugs and shitton of guns he uses to kill anyone he wants.

He'd still be fucking lame.

Now I admit the Joker isn't "cool" usually, but he shouldn't make even normalfags think "Jesus what a fucking wanker." the moment he enters the room.

People would literally laugh at them. Should have given him jinco jeans as well.

I'd just like to see the same characterization from the Joker that we see in comics from time to time. Unfortunately that will never happen because it only works in the comics because hes been around for 50 years and every new movie needs to reintroduce the relationship between him and Bats so it never evolves into something more.

Sorry Misguided Middle Schooler, no, you will STILL be seen as a total fucking chode, even if your step-dad bought you all the guns on your Xmas wish list that was just a print-out of an IGN CoD list, even if you had "like a thousand hardcore baller-ass juggalos at my bekk and call who will fukken kut yur mom's throat if you don't go to the prom with me JESSICA"

Dude, Joker's been a gangster in the past

>all of his mannerisms are pathetic imitations of previous, better Jokers
>his design is awful and makes him look more like one of The Joker's goons than the actual Joker
>shitty backstory on damaged tattoo which makes it even worse
>turned into a glorified sidekick for Harley
>"a proper criminal"
Gotham deserves a better class of criminal.
Even the Gotham kid was better.

Just because you are unique doesn't mean you are useful

>the one where he mockingly encourage Harley to fuck another guy while moaning and licking his lips.
He saw the guy checking out Harley, saw it as disrespect, and did that to try the goad the guy into digging himself further until he kills him. There was even "That's your lady, Joker," "That's right."

Too much gangster, not enough clown. The only time it looked like he was having fun was shooting from that helicopter

Besides stuff like driving around with Harley, where he was laughing wildly, you can chalk that up to his lack of screentime

But its stupid its a very Mobster way of handling it and not a Joker way. Nothing about it could be seen as a joke by anyone.

I feel Leto watched a lot of Gangster films but didn't really pay attention to the comedic aspects of the character.

To be fair, this Joker is based of Brian Azzarello's Joker, who was a gangster

It was an interesting spin on a character in an incredibly shitty movie. He might've worked in something where the dialog and editing were complete garbage but we'll never know.

They really took the "Clown Prince of Crime" title to heart. It felt like they pulled a lot from Azz's Joker one off, even adding Johnny Frost, and personally it didnt work for me (didnt like the comic either). I know there have been versions of Joker being a mob boss, but its too organized crime for my taste. Running a nightclub seems like too much work for him, and not in a fun way.


that implies he was in the movie enough for anything to constitute as a scene

Yea but had it been a comedy club yea that could have worked. Maybe had him do a set and shoot a heckler or something.

Even just that could have worked.