Pages that will always give you feels

Pages that will always give you feels

Other urls found in this thread:

What feel is that exactly?










>that gap between critic review and audience review

Really makes you think.




Every time.



Does anyone have a copy of this that isn't shrunken down and artifacted into a near-unreadable state?


this. also so frustrated no other "nerd" YouTube channel that reacted to the trailer said fucking anything about him popping up fucking fake nerd sons of bitches.


What comic?

You know, I'm always sympathetic towards characters whose own powers make them into bad guys.

The combination of Reality Manipulation and Madness caused by it is a sad one, especially when you think that you have a guy capable of changing everything except his fate.

Zenith by Grant Morrison

That hit surprisingly hard.

Never thought I'd sympathize with a duck dressed like a clown.


Context? I never understood what they did to him. Tissue samples?

The monkey's dying, my dude.

What kind of feels?


monkeys are shit though

what did he do exactly in this panel?




Did he just an hero?

is that the recolor?


iirc the crooked man is a villan with reality warping powers, something something lost them oh no turns out he didn't. changes reality from white wine to red.

why the FUCK isn't Batman as good as Trilogy of Good Intentions



Does anyone have a link to the moment that was revealed in the storytime?


I should read Animal Man again

Awesome, thanks!

here to help

I keep wishing I wasn't too lazy to make a good screencap summary of that thread.

first time I cried reading a comic
Wile E.'s face just gets to me to this day

>black hair in the first two panels
>blonde in the third
>Norman Osborn reading Robert fucking Frost like some halfwit Rhode Island douchebag
>now there's a guy upside down in a tree and the kite is evil, I guess?

I don't even know what to think of you right now, OP.

This was made up of a couple pages from Final Crisis. It's late, so here are the pages individually


oh shit is that Doc Fate

how did I never notice that before

If you didn't crack a smile when reaching this page, then I have no idea what to do with you.


Yes, he did. The woman was his girlfriend, who thought he had gone straight for good.


Got me good.

>being illiterate

this summed up what i felt when my dad passed he was sick too
leaves a huge gap in your heart

came in here to post this

