Pam <3
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Who has to die to make this stop?
Jenna's getting work again.
So its going to be like the final seasons that less people watched and were received less favourably.
it will be like season 9 of Scrubs
Is the new regional manager going to be a queer person of color?
Steve Carrell correctly said - "The fans don't want the Office to come back, they only think they do."
It's going to be awful, and I don't understand how people suddenly forget that over half the original show is terrible. There's a reason it went off the air. S1 to 4 are the only good ones with a few good episodes in S5, and even S4 is stretching it.
You do user. It's up to you. We're all counting on you.
Michael Scott dies
That's just fucking embarrassing for all of the original actors who can show up.
Gee oh man I can't wait for another quality season, like season 8
Why couldn't NBC pick up the Schrute Farms spinoff instead?
the people demanded the best couple of all time back on TV!
This already happened
please no
Jim is gay
His kids aren't his
Pam is maximum beard
Dwight is alpha dog
Didn't they fuck off to Texas in the finale? I wonder how they would work them back in, if they even want to.
That was awful too. They need to leave the series alone, it's already dead.
How badly does Jenna want to return..... with John?
>Pamight confirmed
Post a source faggots
what is google
Emily would never let John near Jenna again.
Well from what I heard it was Jenna and John along with a few others that went to the producers and asked the show to end because they knew it was going to shit. So for them to come back seems a bit strange...
How are they going to do this when Pam comes back and Jim doesn't?
>no source
This is fake news
I'd be ok with the Dwight Schrute Show
Jim becomes the mom
John still gets work, Jenna doesn't. It's probably the cast who didn't break off or become successful coming back. I can see Pam, Dwight, Ryan (possibly, he is a writer mainly), and some of the other cast coming back. I don't see Michael, Jim, Kelly, Darryl, etc. coming back
Darryl would come back as long as James Franco or Seth Rogan aren't making anything at the time.
me and my brother never watched the office, but he says that michael wasn't in the last season
is that true?
He's got his own show on Fox now
As bad as the bad seasons of the Office were they're still better than anything currently on tv.
He left towards the end of season 7.
>Steve Carrell correctly said - "The fans don't want the Office to come back, they only think they do."
[Citation needed]
literally google "the office"
The last great season was 10 years ago...
It's real
please move emily blunt to a secure location
tfw no creed spinoff
why live
I can see the Office coming back with a completely new cast and even company. There doesnt even need to be a new Michael of even Dunder Mifflin.
This show won't even be relatable within 10 years. AI and automation will replace all jobs by 2030.
People could barely relate to a paper company when it was on
It's funny how there isn't even a question of if jenna will want to be a part of it
Didn't the majority of the cast not even work at Dunder Mifflin anymore by the finale? How would you even bring them back together? No one has a fucking "Ex-Coworker Reunion".
a robot office would be tighht
>MikA3L! He put my robotic arm in jello again!
No one can come up with original ideas anymore. This show was junk without Steve Carrell. Why would anyone want thus back? Pam and Jim are no doubt divorced by now. Most women cheat within three years of marriage.
>Office was mediocre by the end of Season 5
>Season 6 and 7 were uninspired drivel and unmemorable, but at least they were entertaining
>implying I didn't want to shoot myself during every season 8/9 episode besides the Finale
>implying anyone with a brain hadn't moved on to Parks and Rec during The Office S6
>tfw Jim doesn't show
parks and rec is shyt
Somebody drop that pasta with Jim and the crew member driving together
>High concept Sci-Fi comedy
Won't last three episodes.
last i heard Jenna Fischer had receded into the forest around scranton and became feral. Some say on a cold windless night you can still hear her yelling "Hey Halpert!"
They're on eight
Now to prepare for the fallout articles when Jim announces he won't be part of it.
This will happen after Jenna has agreed to do it, of course.
I got to season 7, binge watching for a month and I wanted to shoot myself
dang no offense but i would line her womb with my seed lol
John is doing the Jack Ryan show for Amazon. Doubt he'll be able to do this show as well considering his other work.
Don't @ me.
>AI and automation will replace all jobs by 2030.
So what, will everyone just become computer programmers? Dummy...
It'll be like the last season of the office all over again
>lets bring in some new unlikable people who will be the focus of the show going forward while destroying the characters of any actor who wont agree to come for another season
Still mad over what they did to Andy
Andy was a shit
>its another american series goes on too long
Jesus fucking Christ. This shit, Will & Grace, fucking Arrested Development. What else are they going to dig up for the sake of having a recognizable cast of characters that already come with a diehard fanbase?
Angela Martin was best office girl
>its another popular Brit series ends after 7 episodes.
Holy shit frumpy single mom Pam who got divorced by a now rich Jim. Make it happen.
>Pam will come back but Jim won't
>every episode Pam will go on and on about how happy she and Jim are
>This asshole got an entire tv series off a few episodes on the Office
This. It got sad when Michael couldn't even give free paper away. Another reason the show just has to die and not come back as a zombie.
Check his twitter, Kranski's not coming back
I mean Jim isn't coming back I mean maybe John will do one cameo in an episode so the implications that Pam broke up with Jim if she's on by herself is just killing that ship in canon for the show's entire history then. But she has to return since Jenna has absolutely no film or tv work. The returning season is a double edged sword for Jenna really. She'll probably kill herself after its over.
Yup. You can reunite family friends and schoolmates but no one gives a shit about coworkers really in the end.
They can't even get Kathy Bates or Spader back. Spader's good with the Blacklist and possible Marvel sequels.
Fuck you it really surpassed middle Office seasons. But even Park and Rec last seasons were pushing a dead horse though.
Crazy catlady christtard not even once
Yes because spin-offs centered on the wacky meme character are always high quality.
>"Do you want to know how I got these papercuts?"
funny how it went from a show about mundane office life to them all being best pals
It's pretty comfy
when i watched the office i binged the entire thing, and honestly can’t remember most of it, anything past season 4 and maybe early 5 ive just forgotten. are the latter seasons really as bad as people say? I’ve been thinking of going back to watch it again
Isn't 201 (two-hundred and fucking one) episodes already enough?
>a decrepit Stanley knocking on Death’s door
>Kelly is gone
>Gabe hung himself
>Creed is in prison for being the true leader if the Manson family
>Jim left Pam for a better piece of ass
>Pam sits at her desk silent most days, looking over to where Jim once sat
>Phyllis is dead
>Dwight is a broken man now, seeing his one friend betray their work family on a whim
I cant wait.
john krasinski isn't too big to do the show since he's already back to doing tv after his movie career didn't come to fruition
although he probably won't do it anyway since his ego will see it as a step back for him
>old and new
no jim and michal confirmed
I think if this is done smart it can be great.
You just need to ditch Jim and Pam, they have the athlead bullshit and their story ran its course. Keep half cast but get alot of new people in. And even if they don't want to be in it you absolutely need Paul Lieberstein, Novak, Daniels, and Kaling to showrun or write episodes in some capacity.
The most important thing that this would rely on is the new boss. They should've stuck with the Spader idea and have a high profile actor just cycle in every season