ITT: Shows with awful intros

ITT: Shows with awful intros

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Pic not related, I presume?

Sure if you like lolsorandum PUPPIES YAS QUEEN XD shit

>why is this show made for kids childish?

Who are you quoting?

anybody giving this thread serious replies after this "look how hard im trying to fit in" post is part of the cancer killing this board.

if you've ever complained about the state of the board and you give people like this the attention they so childishly crave, remember that you contribute to the mess


Where did I say that

You're not wrong, but much like capitalism, this entire site is dying a natural but painful death.

Right here:

LMFAO, so much cope. Capitalism is getting much, much stronger. Soon all relics of socialism will be gone, of the few still around that is.

Then you're retarded if you think I was saying that.


ah yes, the intentionally gross and ugly early 2000s nick aesthetic

I don't think so. I know so.

O rly?

Then you're retarded

>no capitals and no punctuation.
Holy fucking shit that insane amount of false-flagging. You're this much of a scum.
Fuck off BACK TO Redd|t. I can't believe just how fucking jewish people can get on the internet.

This site is dying because of your cancerous tastes for retarded cartoons like Star vs and Adventure Time. This site is dying because you cannot form a unique and objective opinion to save your fucking life. You are a sheeple and you will die like a sheep falling down the cliff when the time comes.

Geronimo Stilton. The opening is nicely put together, but GOD DOES THE SONG SUCK.

Not even posting it, to spare you the pain.

>t. fresh off the tumblr/reddit boat

A system of infinite growth on a planet of finite resources is inherently unsustainable. The only question is what will follow it: Totalitarian monarchy or good ol' fashioned communism?

I kinda wish we could talk about awesome intros instead

>lol nice meme
a-user you're not me

then make a thread about it

>implying anyone cares about "sustainability"
The 90s are long gone, user. Nobody gives a shit.

If I'm not you, then who are you? And who am I?

You're a dirty frogposter

Stop arguing with yourself.
