See ya around, kiddo
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A heart attack? Sneriously?
Nuthin personnel kid
>See ya round
>Proceeds to die
That is fucking dark
post yfw we still "see him around" in next episode too
You try yoga'ing your way into two places at one time and see how much energy it drains from you, asshole.
> guy who just pole vaulted across a chasm to spear a fish died of old age
I want my money back
He was putting out a huge amount of Force juice and it stands to reason that after the effort of the astral projection, the motherlode of used semen that he absorbed from sucking Peter Cushing's tongue would finally be depleted, resulting in vanishment.
So that means, he'll be in the sequel right?.
Just dawned on me Luke fucking Skywalkers last uttered words are "See ya around kid". Someone hold me.
The word is he's signed on for '9' presumably as a force ghost.
Also, per the outstanding threads this weekend there's a rumor that Luke's death was added in post production with Hamill knowing nothing of it.
It doesn't make sense. He could have just pulled up his X wing and saved those 12 survivors himself. But thanks for trying.
>his last words are a quip when his master went out in style against Vader
damn Hamill looks pretty pissed
i think 30 years underwater weren't good for X-wing, i think once yoda made him change his mind, this was the only way he could help
Are you telling me a spacecraft designed to travel with hyperspeed in a complete vacuum and survive exiting and entering atmospheres of planets casually will be destroyed by water?
yes. space is vaccum, speed and entering atmospheres is heat, water got something much, muuuuch worse, salt
>Next episode opens with the camera fixed on the rock where Luke disappeared
>The air shimmers, and Luke starts to slowly take shape again
>He opens his eyes and takes a sharp breath
>The Jedi master's hair is disheveled and sweat clings to his brow
>"Well that was weird" Luke says as he slowly looks around him
>His eyes settled on a half-drunk bottle of green milk provided by Yee-Yee, one of the friendly snorfels who populate the island
>"Ugh..." Luke groans, holding his head...
>"Gotta lay off the stuff."
>Screenwipe—Our next scene begins with Poe receiving a lecture from his new superior officer, a female Gamorean with attitude!
you mean luke wakes up and the whole movie was just a dream to which he looks at the camera and says.. "well that didnt make a lot of sense"
Yes? Have you seen what saltwater does to a ship's hull, let alone the exposed exhaust/internals of some highly advanced starship engine? Bruh I would have loved to see his old T-65 swoop in and take care of business like the Falcon did but come on
Boy am I glad Star Wars died in my eyes the second Disney bought Lucasfilm and shit all over the EU
Imagine being emotionally invested in it and going to see this in the theater, lmao
nothing personnel, kiddo
> Mark Hamill acts the scene out
> At the end go back to meditating while tearing up looking at the sunset thinking about all the things he must now do in person
> They make him disappear in post-production
> Mark Hamill goes and watches the premiere and realizes that they've killed him off without even telling him
Post yfw
>shit all over the EU
And how exactly did they do that?
This scene would have been amazing if they didnt kill Luke off. Have him tell Kylo that if Kylo doesnt step down, he will destroy him and his army. Cut to credits
like mother like son
You realize he was quoting Han to his own son, right? You know, to drive home the whole point he made about always being with him, just like his dad? Try to keep up, guys
JJ better make this non canon and say that Luke had 2 holograms or something. If more keep saying how annoyed they are then JJ def has to change the writing
By throwing it out in lieu of SJW wars.
by making it no longer canon
Did the person who recorded Hamill's reaction at the premiere delete the footage because I cannot find it with sound
JJ ripped off KOTOR with map pieces in TFA so if Disney decides to incorporate more EU then I am fine with that
Uh, by saying that 30 years of material was suddenly no longer canon? The EU was the best thing about Star Wars for a long time.
Either Luke should become corporeal where he goes from astral projection to like floating around all he wants, or he becomes one with the force and teleport his own body somewhere.
There is no reason for him to buy time for 12 people to escape just to collapse and die of exhaustion, he needs closure with Rey considering that ended with her just chucking a fit and leaving in Hans ship and no proper closure with Kylo "I'll see you around" wtf.
The EU was never canon. Literally nothing has changed other than the name, and the new books being part of the canon.
So you end your explanation of a quip with a quip?
where is the silent version?
Nope, look it up.
Canon = films
Everything else was canon to itself, but not to the main continuity of the films, and tv shows.
All disney did was simplify the ridiculous levels of canon that existed (film canon, book canon, game canon, etc) and split it into two groups.
heh, nothin personnel, kiddo
So your only argument is referring to things as quips?
You're a retard. These Disney films are less canon than the majority of EU works.
>These Disney films are less canon than the majority of EU works
According to who? You? Hate to break it to you kiddo, but your opinion means shit when it comes to canon.
Films = canon
Everything else = not canon
Deal with it.
Luke died making a joke to his nephew, foreshadowing the next movie about him being a force ghost
Was this Spaceballs or the newest Star Wars movie?
Movies 1 through 6 are actually G-canon
Sadly, these new ones are not
I'm sorry you're upset
Neither can I.
OT, prequels, Lucas-run Lucasfilm-sanctioned EU material. All canon. Disney SJW shit? Nope.
calling it now, he is going to reappear in front of kylo again in the next one.
he'll say "youre not fooling me with that again" then luke cuts him in half for real. or some shit like that. jj would do an asspull like that and honestly it might be better than what we got
Does anyone have a webm of the walkers attacking him?
>Being so upset that the EU wasn't canon that you ignore reality
I feel sorry for you, I really do.
I'd really love to know what George's outline was for the sequel trilogy, since they obviously went in a different fucking direction
And there's been rumors for decades that he already had stories for it since the late 70s
better, constantly float around Kylo, as a force ghost
Luke shouldn't kill him, now he's above that. Killing Kylo would make Luke totally fail himself.
ha, i was thinking along those lines, like what if after Luke was back in his body he decided you know what FUCK IT and then teleports his body to go help the rebels
>Nothing personal kiddo
i seriously think he is gonna have the ability to teleport.
he'll appear like a normal ghost at first, then block kylos lightsaber at a pivotal moment, or he'll grab his arm or something so you can get that nice "epic" moment that these directors love so much
Splinter of the Mind's Eye was the first book to set up the EU. And was gonna be the low end sequel to Star Wars if it didn't make bank
All of the stories to come out of Star Wars have different levels of cannon.
Both trilogies are G-canon, while three books, cartoons, comics and games have a lower tier of canon but still being connected and apart of it.
Disney, how ever they wanna label it. Legends. Whatever. Their new sequel trilogy is Disney-Canon.
So if that's what you're for, good for you.
It's not rumours. He mentioned it in some interview but later on decided to do the prequels instead.
Disney own star wars, so I'm afraid what they say goes.
Movies are canon now, new books are canon, and everything else isn't canon.
That's reality. You can pretend it's not, but you're just being delusional.
>that double space
>that smug arrogance
I'd say if you weren't a Jew shilling for Disney right now, you'd be getting your shekel fragments for every response
Guess what buddy, none of it's real
I'd probably just lift my old x wing out of the water with ease while ghost Yoda smiles proudly and then go cut off Ben Rens hands while deflecting thousands of blaster shots and slicing at ats at the legs before using some rad force power to explode the mobile death star then go hump Leia before flying back to my island to rest while ben ren learns to be the best force user ever because he has no hands in rebel prison. But that's just me.
>guy who just pole vaulted across a chasm to spear a fish one hundred feet below WHILE "UNCONNECTED" TO THE FORCE dies of old age
Still pissed about "WAIT, WHERE'S HAN??"
He's just speaking the truth with no bias or opinion thrown in.
But a brainlet like you will see his boogeymen in anything he doesn't like. Sad!
I feel like like said that to fuck with kylo. Maybe he's repeating the last thing han said to ben after the seperation.
Why don't you and him get together and let him show you his boogeyman since you wanna stick up for him so much
Kylo will never be able to masturbate in peace again
>Get probed wrong
Nice comeback, kid.
can't torrent, anywhere I can watch this online?
>get probed wrong
Tell me how you like to get probed faggot
And since that's in your autocorrect, you must have an interesting night life