Muh strong woman with purple

>muh strong woman with purple
Fuckin hair

What I got from tlj is fuck fans of the original trilogy & eu, this isn't your franchise anymore. Well they can have it, they won't get any more of my money

Other urls found in this thread:

>hair color is enough to trigger Sup Forums

God, you all are pathetic

imagine being so caught up in an autistic hate for sjws that it blocks your immersion of a film


And here goes your credibility

But we know why it's there, it's not because of muh cool space future, it's because she is a SJW

You're damn right. This isn't your franchise anymore. They don't need to pander to the nostalgia of old angry fat white men and can instead build a new audience full of better people.

The purple hair I can ignore. It's her being a fucking retard that literally destroys the entire Resistance I can't forgive.

It's a The Return reference


Just because she’s SJW in your headcanon doesn’t mean she is in the movie

She was literally the opposite, did you not watch the movie?

Don't you want to share your sci-fi fandom with women who have no interest in anything pre-TFA?

I don't think "better" people would support allowing literal thousands of people to die for no good reason because you're too stupid of a leader to share the basic details of your plan with your soldiers.

When I was younger Star Wars was like vagina repellent. What happened

Why would you wear a cocktail dress to a space war?

Star Wars doesn't take place in the future so already everything you're saying is wrong.

why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

Information in a military is on a need-to-know basis. Poe dickaron should have just shut his fucking mouth and followed orders.

But I'm a 6'7 nigga benching 290 & I saw episodes 5 &6 at the movies

DO you think other space races are amazed by human hair? Do you think they marvel at its silky texture? I bet many of them are sad they don’t have hair on their heads they can comb and brush. Seeing a human with purple hair must mean about the same thing to all non-humans as seeing a human with red hair, blue hair, white hair, etc. they must all think it’s very beautiful and unique.

>vice admiral
>dressed like a streetwalker

Why in fucks sake didn't Ackbar go down with the ship in a heroic blaze of glory? It would've been perfect.

I'm actually sad thinking about how he was just unceremoniously sucked into space and this fucking whore got to do her stupid magical hero bullshit.

she looks pretty good for 50 desu
can you imagine banging your wife everyday until your both in your 50s?

I couldn't take her seriously at all and didn't care when she died. It's like a 50yr old woman having a midlife crisis

>Purple hair lady is shown to be a terrible leader
>TV still thinks it's feminist propaganda

It's literally Redpill: The Movie.

>on a need-to-know basis
And the people carrying it out needed to fucking know. She had earned absolutely zero trust from her subordinates, and her plan seemed to be (and WAS until a last-second miracle) total suicide. Soldiers are expected to follow orders, but not blindly.

No, sweetie.

Oi, I've come across trigger happy fly boys like you before...

>And the people carrying it out needed to fucking know
>that is, access to the information must be necessary for one to conduct one's official duties.
Kill yourself. I've never met a sweetieposter that wasn't retarded.

She's a shitty leader. For another redpilled element, look at finn
>wakes up late
>tries to run away from responsibility
>fails mission (literally dindu nuffin)
>BLM protests a rich white casino proudly
>cheats on the girl he's after

They were being tracked through hyperspace. For all they knew there was a spy aboard that was transmitting data to the Empire. Telling Poe about the plan would have absolutely no effect on the outcome of that plan because he sits his ass inside of an escape pod and DOES NOTHING.

You are the biggest fucking retard I've ever encountered in my life.

Fine, bye. Enjoy your anime.

That's what makes them the wretched pieces of sexist, racist shit they are. Star Wars was NEVER fucking "racist" and it was NEVER fucking "sexist," it was a timeless adventure tale recounting the heroes journey with space magic. It was inspiring to all children of all races and genders. It was always about the struggle of good vs. evil.

The real racists, the liberal regressives, not only destroyed these new movies - they do so by demonizing the old ones as these evil bastions of bigotry and hatred.
They all deserve to get rectal cancer and burn in fucking hell for eternity. They are the enemies of all good people on this Earth.

>With literally no information to act on underneath a visibly incompetent commander who has no trustworthy traits or actions to their name
>Leading a group that is specifically designed to operate in cells, with individual operations breaking off and joining as needed when emergencies arise
>Being fucking surprised when a portion of your forces takes it upon themselves to act upon what can objectively be viewed as incompetent inaction on your part
Part of a leader's job is corralling your forces, especially when you lead a guerilla OP like she was. When you see concern, you reassure.

Yeah I'm sure if her hair was green or blue we'd all be pissed. This is a dog whistle for toxic lying hate-filled feminists and if the situation was reversed, you'd all be screaming the same thing at the top of your lungs. It was made worse by her obnoxious behavior that was directly meant to convey
>"strong, smart women puts hotheaded stupid man in his rightful place, slay queen yaaaass"
Don't even fucking lie.

>Tactician mastermind
>Wearing a slinky dress

Are you a soldier or a model?

Movies rely on what is told to us, not by reason's you make up later after seeing the scene. Never once are we shown that they suspect a spy. So by the rule of exposition they aren't going on that at all.

Her flat out refusing to divulge anything to her crew (and it's her own crew that mutiny's not just Poe) she failed her job as a proper leader.

Star Wars was always for everyone you fucking racist piece of trash. It was above racists like yourself, now shut your cunt fucking mouth and get banned.
Thanks bye sweetie.

Yeah wow hindsight is 20/20 after you've been mutinied by a rogue pilot. I guess expecting members of an organized military to follow orders was simply too much of an ask when you have a dumb fuck like Poe around


>organized military

>literal ragtag group of rebels with a very loose structure where they hardly punish anyone

The first order is the only strict military. The bad guys have always been the rigid military. The rebels are nothing like that so you are kidding yourselves by assuming that.

They are not fucking rebels, they are the fucking military wing of the republic. The rebels are the First Order, there's no fucking way you can spit it that Leia the new republic are the "rebels".

They literally call themselves both rebels and the resistance throughout the movie. Did you even watch it?

They blew up the death star. They were the establishment after episode 6. This isn't a ragtag group anymore. They have uniforms and a rank structure.

They're literally an unofficial militia that the Republic refused to legitimize

Well ACTUALLYYYY, the resistance is a splinter group of the republic with some of its navy that was formed to resist the rise of the first order which the republic didn't view as a threat until their proper navy was btfo by Starkiller when their planets were destroyed.

So they basically were rag tag rebels they just co-opted some republic ships and were led by Ahkbar, Leia etc. They should be more professional though but I guess Poe is that sort of gung ho maverick that doesn't do well with bureaucracy and authority, which is kind of what most of them are doing.

They literally cannot be rebels if they're the fucking government.

You only ever see Poe's perspective. You don't see her form the plan. You don't see who she tells it to. The only "crew" is two guys that were standing next to Poe. The bridge was empty because everyone else was following orders and getting on the escape pods.

Then you didn't watch the same movie. Theycover that the first order is now in control of things (which doesn't make sense canonically based on what is told to us in force awakens) but they establish early on that this is the Resistance/Rebels and they repeatedly refer to themselves as such the entire fucking movie.

You need to have your brain checked or you turned it off during your watch because you clearly missed large plot details.

This. If it was ONLY Poe that didn't know, then he never would have been able to lead his mutiny. As near as I can tell, Holdo didn't tell her plan to anyone but Leia. She kept the entire fucking rest of the ship in the dark, and for all they knew she had no plan and they were all going to die. When it is a literal life or death situation, a competent leader would do more than pull rank when faced with questioning, they would at the very least reassure their subordinates that they know what they're doing.

Your statement here falls flat when the main crew of the ship literally mutinies., which means she didn't tell them,. Try again sweetie

So let me get this straight: after sacrificing most of their smaller craft and all bombers just to take out one (1) First Order ship she remembers a cheat code to sacrifice one (1) resistance ship to destroy/cripple an entire fleet? Why the fuck didn't they just do that during the evacuation?

You are the dumbest motherfucker on the fucking planet.

They are the military force of the republic government, it doesn't fucking matter if they got blown the fuck out (which we never got to fucking see) to the point where they're using mothballed capital ships, they are still the last remaining military arm of the new republic government. They are not rebelling, they are defending. You stupid fucking prick.

Why couldn't they have a droid fly the ship instead of a person sacrificing themselves

Would of been a pretty goddamn dedicated spy on that ship, considering the FO wanted to blow the Raddus up ASAP.

Because that would've retroactively made everything else that happened in the series nonsensical.

What intellectual level are you operating at where a movie has to spell out every little thing for you? Can you not draw conclusions from evidence and reasoning? There is no "rule of exposition" except in children's cartoons.

go read the movie details again before making such a statement. THis asshole who directed this literally decided to change how the galaxy is going and made them rebels again. He completely retconned what the position was at the end of force awakens

Honestly, I missed the opening crawl. In that case, this is the dumbest fucking movie I've ever seen in a theater.

can capital ships be manned exclusively by droids/ai?
were there even any droids around besides r2 and 3po?

>insults make my argument right despite completely ignoring the setting of the entire movie and that the director changed what happened during force awakens

Listen up because i'm only going to say this once. At the end of Force awakens, the first order was supposed to be without a base and only a small fragment of the empire.

The idiot director that did this movie changed that. he decided to put the first order in almost completel power again, which makes no sense canonwise since they should have been weakened by losing their main homebase.

Instead the republic has fallen and is in the process of fleeing the first order. He's literally flipped the scenario back to the situation that was going on during empire strikes back.

It was a stupid retcon but it's what happened.

she had a big goofy red wig on in her fuck scene in the new Twin Peaks but I am guessing no one here saw that

>literally ignores what actual movie critics do when talking about movies

>thinks they are the intellectual

laura dern's acting in this is so hollow, it's like she didn't even care.

she cared less than carrie fisher did

everyone either overacted (oscar isaac) or phoned in their performance for this movie, it was insane.

The hacker dude was right too. He was like, "What are you people even fighting for?" They couldn't even give him a real answer.

Yeah the director completely derailed the movie plot to shoehorn this scenario. It's likely one of the reasons why they are having a new person do the last one.

I like the OT how they never explained ANYTHING, shit just happened and you were given visual information in such a basic way to fill in the blanks yourself, these movies do not need explanations and expansion, oh well that ship has long since sailed the shit waters

I don't get you people. What are they supposed to do, call you up and find out exactly what it is that you want in the new Star Wars film? They have people who care and want to do the best job they can making these movies, why do you act like you've been betrayed by it not being what you wanted?

I can understand your loss of enthusiasm, but seriously chill out. The world doesn't revolve around you.

I think you'll be hard pressed to find a film critic that states all movies should follow a specific set of rules.

The OT didn't have giant massive plotholes every other scene.

The OT's movies all played off the prior one and didn't rewrite the setting because muh driector muh rules.




so why wouldn't she tell poe her plans until things were going to shit? because poe lost half their fleet early in the movie? poe has always been an idiot but he didn't get everyone that they were trying save killed.

They're not the last remaining military arm, they are a splinter sub-group, the remnants of the republic would be defending the systems that weren't blown up by Starkiller base from the First Order invasion from the unknown region of the galaxy.

Confirmed for not watching anything. They were not officially recognized by the Republic and had no political support. The Republic had decided to not have a standing army

If that's what you got from that then you really are dense.

I said movie critics/reviewers base the film on things that the movie itself tells us, NOT random guesswork based off NOTHING the movie has given us.

Do you even understand what exposition is?

Basically if you have to make up shit to make a scene make sense, then the movie has failed to explain the scene.

>The Republic had decided to not have a standing army

This is the dumbest movie ever made.

R2 was out with Rey at the time. They did have BB-8 and C3PO. BB-8 seems like a cool guy, I reckon he would have done it if asked.

What I hate about the FO is that they do not seem intimidating.

Yes they blew up 5 planets. However now there is no one in their ranks who is a meanacing threat.

Hux? Fuck no. He's literally a joke at this point.

Snoke? Died like a bitch.

Phasma? She's a joke as well. Caused Starkiller base to get blown up and got dumped literally into the trash, then reappeared just to lose again and "die".

Kylo Ren? He's emotional and has huge mental hangups over his family. He does not scream "Supreme Leader" to me.

In the OT the Empire looked like it had actual military men in it. They were serious officers who took their job seriously, and it was fun watching them having to interact with giant dark sword weilding magic man Darth Vader.

The FO, despite their massive ships and superweapons, are not intimidating. Their massive dreadnaughts get destroyed by a single bomber. Their mothership gets infiltrated by two fuck ups. Their leaders are used for comedy, their troops continue to get fucked up, and the filmmakers want us to believe they are a threat on par with the Galactic Empire.

Fuck that.

Why do millions of women all make them selves the same charicature? It's not unique, it's fucking conformity to a stereotype why the fuck?

seen this shit around for a while now, how are you supposed to say it out loud
english is not my native language so please help me out friends


Well doesn't matter anymore now that the resistance is DONE

Twenty people can't keep a galactic revolution going, even with allies.

Shits finished.

Yeah, they sure learned a lot from the prequels. Making your enemies completely irrelevant and nonthreatening worked like a charm in those movies.

Well yeah. Imagine yourself in her shoes. They tell you you're some high ranking military leader.

Then they give you that costume.

How are you supposed to get into that role?

The only thing that bugged me about her is in the end after her crew committed mutiny she even fights to resist them then just shrugs it off and says she likes him.

Why didn't they use that ultimate strategy at the beginning of the movie? How come all the rebels don't just use ultimate slicey dicey strategy? This movie made me mad and i never want to lose this anger. I want to remember why i'll never see another star wars movie made by Disney.

Everything about Poe and Holdo's reactions is stupid. It's stupid that she doesn't tell him anything. It's stupid that he mutinies. It's stupid that after he fucking mutinies she just forgives him like it's nothing. Nothing between them makes any sense.

Am I remembering this wrong, or wasn't there a member of the bridge that joined Poe's mutiny? I think it was the blonde woman or something.

Does that mean Haldo didn't even tell her goddamn bridge crew her plan?

>We need to stop attempting risky plans that result in massive casualties

>Literally refuses to tell anyone plan, causing another super risky situation that ultimately ruins plan because now the enemy knows the plan

>Even more massive casualties as a result

That's exactly a point I was trying to make. based on evidence, only Leia and this Holdo bitch knew what they were doing. They told no one and it made everything even worse for no reason. That's the resistance leadership in a nutshell.

How the fuck were Finn and Rose gonna convince the Codebreaker dude to help them take out the hyperspace tracking device?

The guy looked rich as fuck already. The resistance had about 1000 people in it and JUST lost probably their main sources of funding from the destruction of the main New Republic planets.

Also their target, the FO just blew up five goddamn planets LITERALLY LESS THAN A WEEK AGO. Who the fuck would help the resistance at that point?

The only reason you would help them was to betray them for money, which Toro did.

she's not a punk rocker and this was made in the current political climate ofcourse she's a fucking SJW

They were desperate. At that point it was all they had, and it was better than nothing. Of course, they didn't exactly have nothing, because Holdo DID have a plan, but they DIDN'T FUCKING KNOW THAT BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE.

god you are a faggot

Should've been Ackbar


>Also their target, the FO just blew up five goddamn planets LITERALLY LESS THAN A WEEK AGO

Those were core worlds, too.

Keep that in mind, the bad guys just blew up 5 core planets that were extremely valuable for no real reason. When Tarkin wanted to make an example, he blew up one worthless green shithole, not 5 important places.

How did they know the plan even? No really how did the codebreaker know the plan

They just needed the equivalent of the cloud city plot in there. GL put it in the original movie for some reason, so copying will make this movie just as good.

Plothole number 467.