
Just got finished binge-watching this show (plus the ending movie) and though it was extremely good.

I don't think I have seen to much discussion about this show. It's pretty funny at moments and serious when it needs to be.

Claudia Black is the greatest.

How do you feel about this series, Sup Forums?

Yeah I played some Runescape as a kid but it got old pretty fast

i really liked it but then all the wacky scorpius shit got really boring

>How do you feel about this series, Sup Forums?
It's one of the better sci-fi shows
Show picks up right when scorpius is introduced

My favorite Sci-Fi show.

Why do you say that?

Favorite and least favorite part?

This is the crux. I liked it, but it really did take over the plot.
My favorite sci-fi show. Are there any other "earthling out of water" shows?

Greatest sci fi show of the 21st century. No question whatsoever.

Its really great show, but like that other user said, the wacky scorpius shit got tiresome. I also hated that new red haired AYY chick they added towards the end.

>shows doing well
>leave last season on a cliff hanger to lead into next season
>just about to start filimg next season
>execs come down and tell you the series is cancelled with no warning
