We must defend /our girl/

We must defend /our girl/

>fucks niggers

Fuck her and fuck you Sup Forums

i mean it wasn't that bad, even if you hated the national politics there are actual things you can effect at the local and state level so just go there

wishful thinking

Blonde haired, blue eyed bitch.

Why do liberals hate every year?

Conservatives do too. I think deep down everyone just wants to die, but expresses it differently.

People are getting way to involved in politics at the moment, we have people 18-25 trying to sway policy which is retarded. Most of the things people have against Trump are caused by them overreacting.


This jewish mind virus has been around for that long? Fucking hell.


Shut up trip fag

>I was sad this year (like I am every year)

>Therefore it should be illegal for anyone else to be happy!

Why is that liberals universally have the same logical capabilities as small children?

blacked debuted that summer

Conservatives enjoyed 2017 even if it didn't go all that well for them.

Liberals just fucking hate and whine about everything. Their physiologically incapable of feeling joy and worse, they want to spread their whiny misery everywhere else.

They always confuse their internal failings as some sort of wider social ill.


>logical capabilities as small children?
>uses sweeping generalization about muh boogeymen
Do you know what irony is, you redditspacing faggot?

You already answered your question. They literally in many cases think just like children because the social policies they like treat people that way.


I hope to God that's piss in a Gatorade bottle.

Spending most of your years in a bubble does that to you.

It's amazing. Literally every post you make makes you look more and more retarded. I couldn't imagine being so universally hated, on a Norwegian tick tack toe forum of all places to boot.

I had a really good year, what was so bad about it?

Nice ad hominems. Didn't answer the questino though.
COULD it be soy related?

Errytime Krager.

>Therefore it should be illegal
I don't think anyone said that. Not everyone wants to get rid of free speech for their enemies like you do.

How do faggots get this retarded?


>people that act like children also think like them


>this kills the Sup Forumstard

But liberals (and Jezebel in particular) are staunchly against free speech and heavy believers in censorship.

Are you really that ignorant? Or is this just b8?

Yeah, download The Swift Life app and read the reviews. And the app description. A chance to pay Swift Bux and have Taylor like your POST!

The only people trying to get rid of free speech are leftwingers though. And no, boycotting the NFL because of annoying politics isn't the same thing as violent riots thrown at a university because someone came to talk.

>Not everyone wants to get rid of free speech for their enemies like you do.

No, but liberals do.

>touching someone's cheek is fucking according to the left
Well it's no wonder you guys are having so many problems with sexual boundaries.

Not really. Go back to sharing memes about trendy depression and communism on leddit faglord.