Why the FUCK did they throw away the opportunity to make them switch places?

Why the FUCK did they throw away the opportunity to make them switch places?

>female villain
um no sweetie

Because Rian is a genius who subverted our expectations of something happening by making nothing happen. It was the deconstruction Star Wars needed.

That was the only intriguing development they could have had. At the end Snoke has Rey and Luke should have Kylo Ren.

Because people were expecting it and they wanted to """""subvert""""" expectations.

I know you are posting ironically, but holy shit this is what the TLJ apologists actually believe

>tfw the spaceships running out of fuel storyline represented the creative bankruptcy of the team behind this movie

his face looks so real, but the rest of him does not.

Man, it's impressive. Wish the artist finished the drawing.

I'm hoping for a Lynch-esque reveal that the entire new trilogy has been one of Luke's deathstick trips and he's in an alley on Coruscant somewhere.

Did he actually say this shit, that he made the movie worse because people realized "You know what would be fucking awesome" and that made it 'predictable'?

This actually would have been interesting, but

>female villain

Not with KK in charge baby.

Is... is that how Episode IX should begin?

Talking to each other a galaxy away with the force was cringey

Yeah he subverted the fuck out of the idea that setups in narrative eventually have satisfying payoffs. Really killed it.


Mary Sue Rey would actually make for a better villain than she does a hero.

because that would make it good

Yes. He was so depressed about Vader dying that he turned into a drug addict. Episode IX is a drama about his recovery and acceptance of his father's death.


Unironically this

A straight white male gets to be right while a strong female is wrong? What year do you think this is?

>the film is two hours of dougie luke drinking sloth milk

Just imagine though, Rey would turn to the dark side because she would've been hungry for knowledge: who her parents were, and what to do now that she could use the Force. Luke rejected her, until he didn't, but then the fucking pit with the mirrors should've pushed her over the edge
She should've left and told Like to fuck off if he wouldn't train her, and then she would go to Snoke

And he raised a lot of really interesting questions, like "why the fuck would I go see Episode IX?

Basically yes. He told Mark when he brought up an EU suggestion for Luke "we can't do anything anyone's done before" and also said he purposely avoided thinking about what kind of movie fans would want to see.

Yep, she's already BTFO Kylo so there would actually be some tension about whether or not the villain could be defeated. Plus she is impulsive and emotionally unstable which is a path to the Dark Side even if it's not criticized by anyone, even fucking Yoda, because it's "feminine"


Oh fuck I didn't even think about that, I totally forgot to think about TFA
That would've been incredible, I can't believe the state of the franchise right now

>purposely avoided thinking about what kind of movie fans would want to see.

See that would be fine with me. Except what he clearly did was think a LOT about what movie fans would want to see, and then went out of his way to do the opposite.

They're equal

I guess it'd be laying the symbolism a little too thick.