ITT: Directors who have never made a bad film

ITT: Directors who have never made a bad film

The Ladykillers

It's funny, get over it.

Hail Caesar

It's still their weakest movie.



Even Blood Simple is worse than the Ladykillers. Never understood all the hate the Ladykillers gets here. It is really funny, it's one of Tom Hanks' best performances and thay old lady is also cool. Even that guy from scary movie did a good job

Here's the moral of No Country For Old Men.

Seemingly decent people can let greed overcome them, intelligent people can make mistakes, others can pay for those mistakes with their lives and the nature of fate can (and will) affect everyone.

However if, as a lawman dedicated to upholding justice, you feel that your adversary is just a little too cunning for you to apprehend? Don't worry. Complain to your friend, go home to your wife and tell her about a dream you had about your father.

You'll feel better in the morning.

Denis Villeneueueueueunova

I thought the moral was that you can make no mistakes and still get fucked over by chance

My thoughts exactly

It was far more wholesome than I expected but I thoroughly enjoy it.

I'm amazed by how few threads there are for the Coen brothers on this board.
Is Intolerable Curelty worth watching, if they've not made a bad movie? I didn't think The Ladykullers was particularly good, but it wasn't terrible - plus the performance by Hanks was Oscar worthy.

Zack Snyder


Intolerable Cruelty and hudsucker proxy are underrated.

Intolerable Cruelty and The Ladykillers.

(Also Hail Caeser and the Hula Hoop flick - but anons will argue that).

To be fair;

>Their mother dies
>The brothers have a falling out (check out their credits prior to the Ladykillers/Intolerable Cruelty years to those afterwards)
>Their dream project gets cancelled at the last minute

I remember people saying their career was over and they were ruined and to just give up.

Then they came back with No Country. I was a bit worried still - it was an adaptation, and the follow up (Burn After Reading) was merely "good enough".

But they've had two 10/10's since then, so even with the odd Hail Caeser things are fine.

It's easier to talk about stuff you hate than stuff you like. What could you say in a thread about Barton Fink other than it's great?

It's an abysmally bad remake of a classic. Not only is it not funny, it's so fucking cringe worthy and bad that it's anti-funny. It features, by an enormous margin, the worst Tom Hanks performance ever put on film. It's shot terribly, like a TV commercial. It's awful in every way.

I mean, I thought Intolerable Cruelty was bad, but it seems mediocre after they followed it up with that abomination.

It's not as awful as The Ladykillers. It's about on par with the Hudsucker Proxy and Hail Caeser!

user must be new. We've had countless Coen's threads.

Usually arguing about how many 10/10's vs 9/10's they have.

>>Their dream project gets cancelled at the last minute
What was their dream project?
I've been posting here for years - compare how many threads you get for Coen movies to those for capeshit, star wars, LOTR, Nolan, Tarantino, Kubrick, Lynch, (And now) Denis Villeneuve.
Not to mention when there is a Coen thread they usually get very few posts.
Other than NCFOM and Big Lebowski, you don't get many threads for their films.