Which film/tv series best depicts white nationalists?
Which film/tv series best depicts white nationalists?
star wars: rebels
American History X
The Greatest Story Never Told
Blues Brothers
The Believer
Are there any films which depict slovenly young video gamers giggling like school girls at pictures of frogs with smug expressions?
Why do white people hate me?
yes it is called player one
why do i clench my teeth as a reaction to cuteness
name a single country or city that was made less criminal and richer by your presence.
There isn't any. Everything is just le ugly skinheads meme when in fact those people are just criminal scum that have no relation to white nationalism. Closest you'll get to white nationalism is Europe in 18th century and Nazi Germany.
thats not a picture of a jew
Idk about nationalists but these redneck brothers not only survive in tumblr age, they actually THRIVE in it 13 seasons in
get a job
stop projecting your problems
stop playing the victim
stop saying nigger if you dont want to be called one
stop committing crimes
stop secluding yourself and than rant about how you cannot fit in the white men's world
Green Room
South Africa
t. ghoul
>South Africa was in the bronze age before the British and Dutch came
Since white people have been pushed off the top its been better than ever though
The Lord of the Rings.
Topkek, it's a crime-ridden and corrupt shithole where HIV patients have sex with babies to cure themselves
>inb4 muh rainbow nation
There are more blacks murdered in SA per year today than there were under apartheid
He said "made LESS criminal"