Is this kino?
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Daaaamn, Rose looks like *THAT*??
Why can't I prray Lrose, Kathreen Kennedy?
what do big milky jap tits feel like?
a bag of sand
Like anime made real.
When will Hollywood embrace asian qts??
What are your thoughts on Azusa Nagasawa, Rio Hamasaki, and Tsukada Shiori?
Like the best thing you'll (n)ever squeeze, user-kun.
thanks trump
can i buy asian women somewhere?
when the yakuza stops having first dips on them
Travel to asia, if you are white you'll get laid instantly
when white women stop feeling threatened by them.
t. guy dating a korean qt who is never going back white women.
This, sadly the Japanese talent companies are run by Yakuza and Lawyers that force their actors into airtight contracts to make it difficult to get work out of the Japanese film and TV industry.
Such a marvelous actress. Can't wait for the next Star Wars movie to feature her.
Best goy. Race mix!!!
bagu of sandu
Good thing im white, i might actually do this
I fell for the meme the only asian chicks i got to bang were those 3rd worlders filipino's or indonesians.
If you want to bang chinese you need to be rich.
for koreans you need to be lucky and catch a westernboo.
as for japanese you only get those ugly ones or those who charge money.
asian ""men"" btfo
Go for it, there are clubs in japan specifically for jap girls to meet white guys
Fuck off John you dumb cuckold
my dad's a russian jew and my mom's an irish catholic. race mixing is all part of my heritage and there's nothing you can do to stop me from fulfilling my destiny hohohoho.
Is this kino?
Fuck off Sup Forums shit. Asian women are peak performance and haven't given in to "third wave feminism" bullshit that has made white women un-dateable let alone marriage material. I'll be over here fucking Japanese qt's while you try to make it work with self-proclaimed "poly/queer" bulldykes with shaved heads and pierced clits.
based black men
>If you want to bang chinese you need to be rich.
>for koreans you need to be lucky and catch a westernboo.
Chinks cost about 80-100 bucks to fuck in south asia. Quality varies. And their pussies are all loose. Koreans cost up to 4X more.
I don't get why this is Sup Forums so here's a Deathnote youtubes.
delete this
Yes goyim, you'll never find a good white woman so you might as well dilute your bloodlines and breed yourselves out of existence!
Jap women do love American men
Ok. It's fine then.
Best goy. Give birth to pathetic hapa sons!
well if you are just going for whores then yes everyone is easy to get but i was talking about local girls that you can fuck with.
Me on the right.
Looks like japs don't need jews to produce cuck porn.
That's what "buying" a woman means. Power is power. A hole is just a hole for fucking no matter how you get it.
You want serious marriage or something? You can buy that in china and various countries too.
Are Asian massages kino?
name a more iconic duo. i'll wait
I'm already a mutt so its totes fine
looks like my future job
Wtf is wrong with gooks? This DVD is legally sold in Japan
100% real tits!
But do you have 40 years of experience?
what is this?
GOYIM NO! Asians are robots and you don't want to have next Supreme gentlemen, right? Rising your wife's son is small price to pay to have an American woman
Very young looking 18 year old!
sauce? asking for a friend
I love that Hitomi has more followers on Instagram than most American celebrities.
well, wouldn't you?
Literally SOY GIRL. If you like this and not a white woman, you're killing the white race.
stfu white women look like horses and can never stfu
back to Sup Forums you go
white women are cumbuckets for niggers
Big surprise that SOYBOYS like SOYGIRLS
So are you by the unattractiveness that sends so many white women to BBC.
>not marrying Chinese girl and then genetically engineer your superior children since Commie party there is only one researching this stuff
Yes, Soyim never have children and orbit the woman for the rest of your life
Sauce that shit, my negro brother from another mother, father and race.
the white woman is broken user, you can find maybe one who is okay in like 25, but unless you're a 10/10 in some fashion or another, she's doomed to eventual failure too and that's without mentioning those girls are usually 6/10 or 7 if you're really lucky, their attractiveness comes from not being completely blown the fuck out like their 10/10 peers
you killed the white race when you started giving a shit about who everyone was dating to the point of making IR shit a popular normie meme, i will save it by making my waifu plump with my side
>the virgin's white girlfriend VS The Chads Supreme Asian Girlfriend
To be honest the only asian chicks worth it are the japanese the rest is just uber trash tier.
Asian women are superior and have higher IQ's, racemixing with them will improve the overall intelligence of humanity
Shilling this hard? Gee, wonder who I made mad.
Was it becauase I called you what you are, SOYBOY
>MFW i'm finnish so the asian genes simply won't work
checkmate Shlomo
go away busted white roastie, become a meme and join lauren southern
Lefties hate Asians girls and they have lowest amount of testosterone, who's soyboy now?
Obviously it's not what she or anyone could possibly be moved to think by the sight of that gawky, retarded-looking heeb but you get the idea.
When will I embrace asian qts?
Knee cleavage is not real cleavage.
>Gatling gun
Up on the chair, sonny.
Yeah lefties hate Asian women. That's why they're the heroes of the new Star Wars.
Asians are context sensitive to these people. They can either be just as privileged as whitey or just as oppressed as blacky depending on the situation. It's hilarious, honestly.
Serious answer please?
>yfw 2/10 handholdless white girls make these comics to fit in on Sup Forums
>cast some short and round to kiss the token nigger
yeah they're pandering to conservatives really hard there
>marrying mainland chinese
>literally lowest of the low in asia
And Nobuhiro Watsuki bought it!
They're real faggot.
Honestly glad they didn't cast something like this girl for Ep 8. Imagine seeing a cute, petite asian girl having to press her mouth on Boyega's lips.
Need source plz
Anri looks like absolute shit here. Is it the lighting that brings her terrible plastic surgery front and center, or just bad makeup?
the trilogy isn't over yet
They could have never cast Boyega either or made nu-Star Wars in the first place, but that's asking for too much.
That is a serious answer dumbass, Google "RaMu" and see what you get.
nadine has shitty lighting and terrible make up 9 times out of 10 user
sad because she gets goat models and decent themes once in awhile
Why do Asian women love White men so much?
It might as well be, VIII has both damaged the brand considerably and left basically no interesting material left for IX.
They only love white chads, just like regular women.
Combination of both, Hitomi has it worse in all of her Score shoots.
That can't be her name because searching "RaMu JAV" doesn't give me any relevant results