>Lucas never made a "Star Wars" movie by sitting down and thinking, "What do the fans want to see?" And I knew if I wrote wondering what the fans would want, as tempting as that is, it wouldn't work, because people would still be shouting at me, "F--- you, you ruined 'Star Wars,'" and I would make a bad movie. And ultimately, that's the one thing nobody wants. And let me just add that 80-90% of the reaction I've gotten from Twitter has been really lovely. There's been a lot of joy and love from fans. When I talk about the negative stuff, that's not the full picture of the fans at all.

This is what a true auteur looks like. Sup Forums will never recover from this.

nobody cares what Sup Forums thinks.

thank mr rian

>Lucas never made a "Star Wars" movie by sitting down and thinking, "What do the fans want to see?"

No he sat down and thought "What will sell the most toys"

sounds more like a criticism of JJ desu

He took Star Wars in to a bold direction and it paid off big time. True fans love this movie, while neckbeards won't because they want the same old shit.

Right because this isnt for fans.
You know, the majority of peple who pay to see these things.

And it worked.


>80-90% of the reaction I've gotten from Twitter has been really lovely

This is that I've seen as well. Moviegoers loved The Last Jedi. HUGE disconnect between them and the so-called """fanboys""".

Smarmy self-satisfied tool. All the meta commentary in the film urging for originality (Let the past die, time for the jedi to end, Kylo's speech to Rey) and he still lifts major plot points and climaxes from ESB and ROTJ (with none of the satisfying writing *towards* these moments).

Please, tell more more of this "bold direction", because I have no fucking clue what it is.

>This movie was made for the critics not the fans

Oh it shows

Why would you need to wonder what the fans would want.

It's a fucking trilogy. This is the middle movie. There was a story already.

Wasn't there?


Go watch the movie. I had to see it twice to truly get it.

>He took Star Wars in to a bold direction

Kind of like a guy driving off a cliff took his car into a bold direction.

>s major plot points and climaxes from ESB and ROTJ

I forgot when those movies were entirely a low-speed chase scene that lasts the entire run time.

Kill shills, kill shills, kill shills.

All those loose ends never getting answers, and the blatant sjw propaganda.
Pure genius.

I want new things, but this was a shit story tbqh.

I never thought anyone could be more consistently smug-looking than JJ Abrams

there's a huge disconnect between twitter fags and everyone else
I'm seeing a lot of negative reactions to it on facebook

No, Lucas sat down and wrote a treatment for all three prequels before he started making them. Something current Disney couldn't comprehend.

>And let me just add that 80-90% of the reaction I've gotten from Twitter has been really lovely.
Oh, well, I guess that's the end of that then. The movie is great, guys, people on Twitter said so!

Yeah. That's exactly what Paul Fieg said about Girlbusters too.

>>Well Twitter likes it so it must be gud. Look at all these supportive tweets I'm getting from girls that LOVE the new Ghostbusters. Guaranteed success.

>i didn't consider what the fans would want
That much was obvious, Rian.

>He took Star Wars in to a bold direction
I wish.

List of "bold" directions:

>Casino sideplot
>Slo-mo chase sideplot
>New characters are non-characters
>Nihilist Child Murderer Luke: character assassination
>Force hologram pulled off the screenwriter’s ass for the sole purpose of robbing Luke of a real, heroic death

>dropping bombs… in space
>an x-wing can solo a dreadnought now
>lo-fuel in spaceships
>slo-mo chase (why don’t use hyperspace to move destructors a little ahead; why don’t send fighters)
>Snoke reads minds but cannot sense the lightsaber moving or Kylo’s intentions
>a whole plot reserved for an anti-mansplaining lesson
>hyperspace suicide ships are a thing now
>Kylo doesn’t recognize Luke/Anakin/his blue saber in Luke’s force hologram (he destroyed it 5 minutes before)
>Rey masters the lightsaber in 5 minutes
>Rey moving rocks
>Finn’s suicide run+Rose’s love “arc”

>I can hear you can you hear me?
>yo momma
>Finn “naked & leaking”
>*throws lightsaber
>milking scene
>”yeah Jakku’s pretty much nowhere”
>”reach out” -> literally reaches out with her hand
>ship is an iron visual gag: we spaceballs now
>drunk alien puts coins in BB8
>opera singer alien
>porg puppy eyes
>porgs chew Millenium Falcon
>porg falls against a window
>rock falls on wheelbarrow

>A map to Luke's island that Luke himself put in R2 in case anyone needed him was the main McGuffin of TFA: who cares, Luke went to the island "to die"
>Rey’s parents: who cares
>Snoke: who cares



I did. It was an okay sci-fi space action movie. It was a shit Star Wars movie. I didn't like ti enough to watch it again.

He didn't write it thinking about what the fans did or didn't want. He wrote it thinking about what Kathleen Kennedy told him to write about.

>Lucas never made a "Star Wars" movie by sitting down and thinking, "What do the fans want to see?"

he's right there. george was always a massive autist with his little spaceman war scenarios and shit

>Nihilist Child Murderer Luke: character assassination
>Force hologram pulled off the screenwriter’s ass for the sole purpose of robbing Luke of a real, heroic death
>”reach out” -> literally reaches out with her hand
I was okay with these. I'm with you on the rest. The literally reaching out with her hand I actually liked. Felt like a bit of a Yoda moment when he whacked her hand with the stick for being such a retard.

I didn't even watch the movie, but it's pretty terrible.

Why are new males so fucking stupid

>Hurrrrrrr durrrrr fuck the fans lel

Does this cuck not realize Disney will crucify him if the BO keeps dropping

He could have put Disney on blast and had the fans back him up now he has nothing

No fans
No future in Disney
No career

Goodbye cuck

Maybe the movie in his theater was ghost directed by someone who isn't a soyboy and we missed it

Lucas even made a company before the deal specifically to help Disney keep shit on track.

55% now, man.

because if somebody doesnt shower praise and adoration on TLJ, that means that person is a nasty bigoted troll who voted for trump and his or her opinion is immediately invalidated, regardless of the content of said opinion

George Lucas actually cared about world building and character connections. This fuck doesn't even care about the franchise.

i can appreciate that way of thinking, but you shouldnt make a continuation of the OT if you arent going to stay true to them. in that case, star wars is not just a setting you can play around with but an already in progress story you should finish in the same style. at the least he should have made his own star wars trilogy set in the far past or future disconnected from lucases shit besides muh lasers and muh ayylmaos

Just keep getting better.

>The fans wanted a good movie.
>I really showed them!

Kek. The damage control is insane. What a narrative to spin around. "I could have made a good movie, guys, but then the fans would have been happy. You see, I took the high road, I made a bad movie in purpose! Totally purposefully! Really I'm a genius!"

>He took Star Wars in to a bold direction and it paid off big time. True fans love this movie
Hello Rian

I take it all back. That is fucking bold.

Bold and fucking stupid.

>I want new things, but this was a shit story tbqh.
It's also not actually new.
>Rey going to find Luke = Luke going to find Yoda
>Finn and Rose going to Canto Bight = Han and Leia going to Bespin
>Battle of Crait = Battle of Hoth (But this time it's at the end of the movie instead of the beginning, bravo Johnson!)
>Better throw Obi Wan's death scene and the Emperor's throne room scene in there too, can't make it too obvious
It's more subtle than the blatant copy of ANH that TFA was, but it's still basically just ESB if ESB sucked dick.

>An Auteur is apparently someone who
>Can't make something the fans want, because he knows people will shout at him
>Bitches out and decides he'll make his own thing, except he's making it in an established setting, riding on it's name instead of making something original
>Shits all over established characters and lore in his attempt to make god knows what
>Still makes a shit film
Did you mean autist? I've seen auteur's work before, the word tends to be applied to people who make distinctly unique things, not fucking schlock that's barely distinguishable from a nu-Startrek movie bar the aesthetics of the old and established settings that they've leeched off of.

He's a pillow biter isn't he.

He's too ugly for any of that

>>Battle of Crait = Battle of Hoth (But this time it's at the end of the movie instead of the beginning, bravo Johnson!)

And this time we have the ships attack the AT-ATs... so we can show that shot in the trailers, 'cause the attack NEVER happens. I swear to god this thing was bold. Boldly retarded.

And yet they still fucking suck

Maybe if you listened to fans and paid attention to the feedback TFA got you wouldn't have made a shit film.

55% youngfag

the only good thing he did was pairing the nigger with the chink.

He needed his ex-wife to save them in editing again but she ran off with a stained-glass artist in '83.So he did the special editions to try and erase her from history and gave us Han shooting first.


Tfa fucked everything. Not defending tlj but the damage was already done.

I think you meant to say "autist"

I guarantee I'm older than you. I saw the OT before the "special editions" even existed, and have always thought that the prequels are shit

but you and the D did and you were pretty far off


That's one of the amazing facts of life.

Sometimes a man does things to erase his fucking ex of his legacy and memories.

>It's a fucking trilogy. This is the middle movie. There was a story already.

Seriously, how hard can there be to make a star wars movie.

>I guarantee I'm older than you. I saw the OT before the "special editions" even existed
Different user here but all this proves it that you're at least 20.

Jesus Christ "Jedi Rocks" is such fucking cancer


And yet still not as dumb as Super Leia or Luke milking alien titties.

Special editions came out in 1997. So I watched the OT as a baby before they came out?

btw I'm actually 39

No, just a couple retards.

>Go watch the movie. I had to see it twice to truly get it.

>it's so "bold" I can't express it in words
>you have to see it for yourself, twice

Disgusting shill.

Just want to check here, do you think either previous trilogy was mapped out before they were made?

I hope you're not planning to say "yes"

That whole scene was pointless, could of easily had self sacrifice and take out the cannont thing. Then Luke files down in an x-wing and takes out some AT-ATs before using his force powers to hold off the FO while the rebels escape. That Luke gets a heroic send off while showing just powerful he's become over the last 30 years.

I would watch the ot on vhs growing up. I was a teen when tpm came out. I went to all three openings. I still enjoy those 6 movies.

>80-90% of the reaction I've gotten from Twitter has been really lovely.

That happens when Twitter bans anybody to the right of a fucking communist jew, you retarded faggot.

Go to bed George

>Go watch the movie. I had to see it twice to truly get it.
THIS. Personally, I needed to see it four times to truly take it in and also spend $300 on merchandise but it was worth it.

Yet Trump is still there

Holy fuck. Talk about winging it. George had a story guideline for the OT for Irvin Kershner (who directed ESB) and Richard Marquand (who directed ROTJ). These faggots are just making shit up as they go along.

55% kiddo

Not defending TFA but you've got to play the hand you've been given. You can't just make a squel that starts five minutes after the last one ended and ignore all the stuff you don't like.

Yes. 'Member when Anniken Starkiller meets Han Solo the lizard alien used-car salesman and helps the Wookies destroy the Sith's Imperial Battle Station?

Thank fuck for script-editors.

No, that's fair. I only bring it up because I'm only 27 (1990) so watched the OT as a kid before the special editions were released, and at 27 I can't "guarantee" I'm older than other posters.
You, sir, are the true oldfag.

>where did Maz get the Bespin lightsaber?
>why did Luke leave a map?
>who's Snoke?
>who are Rey's parents?
>Eh, the next guy will handle all that shit

>Sure won't.


I think part of the problem was that TFA basically forced whoever made the next film to make a film that carried on immediately after TFA. Star Wars films generally have a gap in time between them when other stuff happens. This also meant the opening crawl was pretty lame as all they could do is summarise TFA.

why do you still think he had control over this movie?

I mean, do you honestly think Irvin Kershner or Richard Marquand had control back in the day? no, they just shoot the footage that lucas told them to shoot.

only once did the director had the total control over the movie. and that was during the prequel era.

Cognitive dissonance. They have already invested the money and time to watch it, so they rate it higher than they otherwise would

The overwhelming majority of people on Twitter are thoughtless casuals with no depth.

Also, everyone loved The Phantom Menace when it first came out, too. Look what happened to it. When the sensationalism dies down and the hype is gone, TLJ will be subject to festering hatred from the community, and the transient fans who 'loved' this movie will be gone.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

But the crawl tells us the FO has successfully invaded the galaxy.

How? It's never explained. Why didn't they take us to the action instead of a boring contrived chase.

>”reach out” -> literally reaches out with her hand
>drunk alien puts coins in BB8

Then why do they keep blaming Sup Forums for all the bad press?

Meanwhile, AJ is under fire:

Anyone remember that video of that toy collector holding a shotgun and declaring that he was going to kill George Lucas after seeing The Phantom Menace? I assume youtube took it down because I can't find it anymore. Is this going to be history repeating itself?

>forced whoever made the next film to make a film that carried on immediately after TFA.
Fucking garbage user.

Why can't they just hire someone like Scorcesse or even Tarantino to do one of these? These guys can't even get basic character logic and motivation correct.

Fans is what made sw BIG.

Tell the truth Sup Forums.

This movie was better than TFA, and at the very least provided some brain dead fun in the form of action sequences and quips.

The first one was insanely on the rails boring and just as ridden with poor movie logic.

Rian must be so confused by the backlash. How could people not love more of the same shit (but enhanced) thrown at them?

fuck off underage

>rey spends a year training with Luke
>FO is now in all out war with the republic
>film starts with Poe and Finn bring sent to find out where the FO is getting it's money and ships from.

See it's not super difficult to come up with a starting point.

All disneywars is garbage.

>actual Rian Johnson shill on Sup Forums
How are those 2 not better than Rian or JJ? It doesn't even have to be those particular directors it could be fucking anyone almost.