>executive producer George Lucas
Executive producer George Lucas
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>executive producer George Lucas
>executive producer George Lucas
You know one of the female writers for reddit and memey S3 was originally working on Detours, right?
I love the fact that this was actually George Lucas himself in the costume since everyone refused to be a part of this scene.
>executive producer George Lucas
I completely forgot this even existed.
Probably for the best that it was canned. That matte painting joke was solid tho.
>executive producer George Lucas
surprisingly not bad
this isn't that bad though...
>having hamil voice old make skeeve
I bet if this was released in a good window it would have done well
>directed by Ron Howard
>produced by George Lucas
This was solid 80s fantasy kino.
Lighten up, a piss taking cartoon isn't nearly as insulting as the last jedi mate.
Eh... it was alright.
I like how they use the robot chicken star wars voice actors
“For Luck”
If you're referring to the Emperor, it's Seth MacFarlane
star wars is for kids.
>executive producer George Lucas
>produced, written and directed by George Lucas
>yfw George Lucas personally invested two million dollars in the duck suit.
Producer means jack shit. All they do is fund it.
That's because it was made by the same people who made robot chicken star wars.
I wished they released this rather than those shitty lego show disney released.
What’s this from? What’s going on?
This is the worst movie ever made.
Obnoxious, gross, boring, stupid and unsettling.
There's nothing redeeming about it. It's not even so bad it's good. I would erase it from my memory if I could.
the first marvel movie, ironically
I'm really getting a Kurosawa vibe from this.
>directed by George Lucas
It has ((((our)))) guy in it tho.
>executive producer George Lucas
That movie was so damn dumb, between the retarded love story and the whimsical music numbers it was no surprise to later learn Lucas was behind it
No it wasn't...
no. think 1985, the year you're mother was likely born
How did the "join the empire/dark side" meme even come to be, it feels overall like such a tiny detail in the OT
>Star Wars is not for childr-
>tfw mom pretended to be my “older sister” until I was 18
Spider-man was in 1977!
Is that you, Ted Bundy?
Wasn't it finished though?
I'd watch this. It's shit but in a fun way.
It is finished.
This is amazing, though...
>make Brian Cranston into a stereotypical racist asshole colonel
>every neger character is a stereotype
>evil nazi pilot has a scar on the face and an iron cross
>Neger playing chicken with an Me-262 and sirviving 20mm cannon fire
fuck this film
I want to watch this.