Also there is no way this guy isn't a prime shitposter on Sup Forums.
Rian Johnson BTFO by based Smack Talk
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't talk shit about my waifu!
>using the word kino outside of 4chin
I didn't like the movie, but this guy literally lifts his talking points from Sup Forums threads. It's kind of embarassing when he can't even back up the criticisms he puts forward and cries about muh femensim for the bigger part of the video.
based Doctor Simi
Get off this board!
>the Star Wars equivalent of columbine
Stop shilling your shit already
Why are you pretending like you're not the uploader of this video?
You have 3.8k subs, nobody knows who the fuck you are so stop acting like they do.
If you wanna viral then whatever, but don't act like you're a bigshot YouTuber everyone talks about.
>b-but it's not me I swear!
Don't even bother.
fuck off paul and stop shilling your shitty videos here
But it's not me I swear!
Pretty good although you're a faggot for posting your YT.
Ahahahahahahahaha, no, fuck off
RotS is the best SW movie.
>unironically using the word "kino"
stopped watching right there
The only reviewer that I actually agree with most of the time.
Better than most other shitty reviewers desu. Fun gimmick too.
hey thats not bad.
It's not that obscure. He's been getting posted here and on Sup Forums on and off for years.
>a new reviewer
>mainstream shit
>video games
Every time.
>assuming that people don't know the guy even though he shilled here before
He might not have your RLM recognition or the dog fuckers, but this guy is actually entertaining.
The guys sounds like a faggot but he's 100.0% right about everything he says
>Reddit spacing
you one to talk faggot.
good video I really enjoyed it, you should have used a different kind of puppet that fits your tone better imo, from the thumbnail one might think it's gonna be some cutesy sesame street shit
>there is no way this guy isn't a prime shitposter on /tv
he literally posts his channel on Sup Forums many times
Saw it when I woke up this morning. Good shit.
As said. I've seen him shill on Sup Forums for the past few years.
Because you've been viraling for years and your channel hasn't 'taken off' yet.
You can't get a fucking hint that your content isn't good enough to be noteworthy.
Viraling on Sup Forums is fucking worthless anyway, it directs virtually zero traffic to your video and just results in downvotes. Only way you're gonna get anywhere is getting le ebin upvotes on Reddit.
Lemme guess though you tried and it didn't work did it? I wonder why.
Fuck off, don't bother making lengthy shitposts I'm not going to read.
I'm sorry guy, but you just keep repeating the things you've heard on Sup Forums. I've heard nothing original in that video. With all the maymays you shove in, I don't see how it appeals to anyone who isn't on Sup Forums, but you don't bring anything new to the table for those who are on Sup Forums. Reevaluate your life buddy
don't listen to this guy DESU
neck yourself
which one of you CUNTS made this?!
its great
>zero traffic to your video and just results in downvotes.
Not if he makes fair points you fucking reddit abortion. I know that you have this idea that "wow he shills his video I will le downvote him because we do so in reddit" - plenty of people will give him a chance and the it will end in net positive on the rating.
He makes actually okay vids and I see no point why he shouldn't shill them. Literally go back to pleddit.
lol TLDR faggot, you sound like a big old reddit soyboy
I wanna fuck her
What if he likes making videos for us le maymay boys?
>he's still pretending to be someone else defending his shitty videos
3 years and you can't even get to 5k subs lmao. If it hasn't happened yet it's not gonna happen you shilling piece of shit.
You're thinking 'haha this arguing is keeping the thread bumped!', but you don't seem to realise how worthless viraling here is.
The saddest thing is you probably put 'a lot of work' into your videos and think you're worthy of YouTube stardom.
>all these buttmad replies
disney shills seething
bruhh look at this dood
Am I the only one disappointed by the John Williams music? TFA and TLJ both had the least memorable set of music to me. Say what you will about the prequels, but at least Dual of the Fates, Battle of the Heroes, and Across the Stars could be hummed and get stuck in the head. There's nothing catchy about Rey's theme, for example.
>let's Fuck and Chuck this movie
is this your channel OP? not that im complaining because apparently i have subscribed to you before.
blockbuster scores in general are just moodsetters
The fuck are you on about, there are plenty of shitty channels with more subs and there are plenty of good ones without the "recognition". Just because your reddit mindset is that "woah you don't have 100k subs henceforth don't make videos, don't even try" is in itself a defeatist outlook towards life. It shows that you have no personality, creative ability or a modicum of charm, and you can't wrap your head around someone actually liking the videos the guy makes and giving him a fair chance.
I mean of course no one would defend you or anything you make, as you're your average neutered reddit cuck who thinks that Chris Stuckmann is the pinnacle of good content because he has a lot of fuckeads like yourself subbed to him. Really really go back to plebbit.
Idk if you're shilling your own videos or not but I really enjoyed it
Who gives a fuck about sub count you pathetic faggot.
Doing things for the recognition and not because you want to do them is a completely cucked mindset
It's cute, guy seems like a user who is leaking powerlevel though, could probably get a bigger audience by toning down on that but the potential is there.
He mentioned BLACKED in his alien covenant review, there is no way he isn't a fa/tv/irgin
so, why was the movie called the last jedi?
>if there is a talking point on Sup Forums then it cannot be used
he literally says "let's fuck and chuck this film" in the beginning. He's just your average Sup Forums shitposter.
Fucking reddit disney shill.
I bursted out laughing at the star wars columbine line.
Sounds like he's a bit gay then
To be fair having 3 THOUSAND people see your video isn't that bad. People these days are spoiled. Try getting a 3 THOUSAND people audience for an amateur video a decade ago
I liked the Craggy Island joke.
Could make for some fun Father Ted over-dubs.
Not the guys you're replying to but he has been posted on Sup Forums for a lot of years in multiple boards. He is not obscure unless you came here straight from Reddit.
OMFG..this review is so thing I've watched in entertaining..not even trolling.
>having mistaken the planet's salt for cocaine
top kek
Seriously this was well fucking made..Bravo and Kudos.
If the "creative differences" line is true
then this entire franchise is fucked
>redditor gets BTFO
>Starts falseflagging
Go and stay go
Let him bump the thread in peace, its his time he is wasting, he isn't trolling anyone but himself.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Can't someone enjoy a decent review. I fucking hate SJWars and watch the reviews sometimes like Angry Joe since I'm curious of everyone else hates it just as much as I do. Compared to other reviews this one was very entertaining and funny as fuck, I laughed and had a good time watching it.
Stop being such a faggot.
The Angry joe one was better though. This one was much better edited though. Angry Joe didn't touch the Kathleen control, but then again Angry Joe is much bigger than this guy.
I wish Angry Joe would have let his friends speak up though, why rush the thing? Sure the video lasted an hour as it was, but if The Last Jedi guarantees 2 hours of bitching then so be it.
where did this guy grabbed the movie scenes?
Yeah I was wondering that as well.
>his original posts sounds absolutely ironic typed in a way that essentially sounds something from tumblr, using acronyms that no one on 4chin uses
How the fuck was I supposed to "get" that you were serious when you use "omfg" and "not....... even......... trolling". Disney providing material to fake contrarian to undermine the legit complaints?
World Class Bullshitters also did a negative and hilarious review.
They just roast the entire movie for 1 hour and 36 minutes.
If you can't understand the ebonics equivalent of autism then maybe you are the one who doesn't belong here.
typing like a retard is a shitpost, no one ever genuinely types like this, only fucking redditors and tumblr. If you think that your tumblr speak is 'tism speak you in fact don't belong here.
>Make it seem that only retards dislike the new star wars
>You are lumped with the retards
Bravo fake contrarian-shills
>the channel creator shilling this hard.
What is it with you and redditors and tumblr. You are trying way too hard. Every post on Sup Forums is defacto a shitpost regardless. It's hilarious you are so assblasted about this.
>Every post on Sup Forums is defacto a shitpost regardless.
>he's not a shill
Everyone in Sup Forums is either JIDF or a shill
Pretty fucking good.
Sure it can, but after hanging out tv this couple of days and hearing the same shit everyone been posting here repeated verbatim by some jewtuber who doesn't care to even back up most of the claims he repeats, just really makes me think that he's not that bright and tries to capitalize on user's frustration with the film.
The dude has like 3.5k subs. I refuse to believe there are that many people jumping out of the woodwork to defend him.
He's an underdog that's why, plus he isn't trying to milk his viewers for cash. You see a patreon or some shit on his stuff?
I was thinking of some elderly tachidito
Shilling or not, I actually like the channel.
Do more videos, we both know your shitty film career is not going to work out.
Are you referring to the review in the OP? I'm pretty sure they do indeed have visual and audio proof for most of their talking points and aren't just spewing out 4chinz one liners.
In fact I think this review is the most concise and to the point review that pretty much nails it.
I don't know who is shilling what, and all these jewtube shitheads are probably shilling each other or have people who non stop have little shill wars on here, and honestly don't care.
He's a Sup Forums shitposter, so negative insinuations against him are taken personally by the average user, and in turn leads to liking him more due to familiarity and as the other one explained he is an underdog.
His review on alien covenant was entertaining too
Smack Talk > Mr Plinkett
His Citizen Kane hypothetical reboot gave me a sensible chuckle.
But I got to say I'm not getting a malicious shill vibe from this guy. He's very niche and like another user said he's not in it for the money.
You're the only one that cares that much about that. I mean I don't care at all, and I'm sure most of anons don't give a single fuck about that either.
Yes, he is a Sup Forums shitposter, just like he is a Sup Forums shitposter, and a Sup Forums shitposter. So what? Pewdiepie is also a Sup Forums shitposter, this isn't a single unique case, and this isn't a fucking secret club. If the video is good then its good. 3.5k views is not small in the slightest, you would know this if you actually tried to become an e-celeb. (I haven't but a friend of mine tried and never got above 60 views, plus I have seen plenty of small channels making an entire video celebrating how they got to 150 subscribers) 3.5k Sup Forums subscribbers would mean its not uncommon for people to "come out of the woodwork" to defend him, he is familiar here and people know him, you don't because you came here from god knows where but that's on you not us.
My point is, stop acting like a literal fucking autist. No one cares, you're more annoying than the fact this thread was made and exists.
When are Star Wars threads going to slow down? I'm getting tired of talking about Luke in every thread.
>When are Star Wars threads going to slow down?
When RLM posts the damn review and people get over it.
He posted his first video on Sup Forums years ago asking people to subscribe to his channel and let him what he can do to improve.
I can't wait for them to tell me how to think.
Nah man he's been Sup Forumsirgin for years. I remember his first ever video posted on Sup Forums. Quality is shit compared to now.
I've been here for years and have never heard of him.
>I've been here for years
t. newfag from 2015
I don't give a shit if it's a redditor or user. This is quality content.
stop shilling your shit faggot