I'm off work until New Year's, so I have decided to re-watch the OT during my Xmas break and last night started with Episode IV: A New Hope.

First of all, let's get one thing straight, A New Hope proves George Lucas knows how to make a movie. Of course he had a lot of help and good production staff around him, but he's also credited as the sole writer and director on this movie, and he should always get the kudos for that because ANH is an awesome film. A simple, easy to follow story that makes sense, god tier casting, great performances, groundbreaking special effects that hold up surprisingly well (even the despecialised versions).

Having not watched any of the OT for well over 10 years now I wanted to go back and see how these originals hold up, and it's hard not to notice that even the movie generally considered to only be the 2nd best of the OT is still in a different league to, not just modern SW movies, but modern movies in general. It's clear that Hollywood has barely moved on apart from in the worst ways possible; special effects, merchandising and marketing.

tl;dr going back to the old movies showed to me the massive gulf in quality, love, talent and care when compared to modern shit


out of all the stupid things about star wars fandom possibly the stupidest one is the insistence on treating the first three movies as a single unit called the OT to be contrasted with the PT. there's nothing uniform about these films. it's two great if very different movies followed by a failure on all levels. it's amazing to me that people can watch these three in a row and not notice that return of the jedi is incredibly bad, from basic craftsmanship like the cinematography and editing to the way it gives up on the trajectory established by the first two as if everyone just wanted to end this shit however it can be ended and go home.

I disagree.
V and VI form a logical unit that shifts away from the trajectory established by IV. Obviously with Vader, but also with Obi-Wan.
IV establishes Obi-Wan as a kind, wise old man and mentor figure
V and VI show us that Obi-Wan is actually a manipulative liar who has bitterness in him and who withheld crucial information while letting Luke go with him on an extremely dangerous mission.

I think that's a very harsh appraisal on Obi-Wan. There was never any malice behind his actions or what information he withheld from Luke.

Return of the Jedi is my favorite because it's an adventure movie in ways that 4 and 5 can't match.

True, I didn't mean it to come out so harshly. I think Obi-Wan is well-intentioned on the whole and has no malice towards Luke, but he does treat Luke like a pawn.

Jedi is really good, Star Wars is outstanding and Empire is 10/10.

Nothing made after comes close to those three, no matter how much retards will tell you episode III or rogue one are good.

on adult rewatch

new hope - flaws

jabba scene
luke and leia cheesy romance set up
luke and leia cheesy kissing rope swing scene

empire flaws -

not many?

jedi flaws-

death star rehash
han not dying (with hindsight han dying in jedi would have been great) as originally planned
cgi cartoon song
vader noooooo
no yub nub ending

>"OOH NII TAY" is a problem
>Yub Nub isn't
Weird, I would think those are opposing opinions.

C-3P0 has a silver leg.

I was never a huge fan of the series but I do actually appreciate that things changed over the course of the three films; even if the logic is a bit shaky and there's a bit of character assassination for Obi-Wan with the Anakin/Vader retcon, it makes the three films seem a bit more dynamic and they're not all obsessed with build up and mysteries (which sometimes replace actual character and plot development) because a lot of the twists weren't actually planned before the film they appeared in.

The limitations and the crew's attempts at breaking them is also great - the Hoth battle was devised because special effects were harder to pull off on a white background, the creatures that weren't people or animals in suits, and so on, is something that I think viewers appreciate, at least subconsciously. The creators were trying to show their audience new stuff that was challenging to pull off, and that's gone now with CGI being as heavily used as it is.

Im not a Star Wars autist but the OT is a fun watch once in a while.

>jabba scene
>watching the special edition

Hol up

Do NOT confuse the OT with the Special Editions. They are not the same films. That Jabba scene or the CGI song were not in the originals, and are a travesty.

Until Disney releases the theatrical version of the OT in bluray you should watch the Harmy Despecialized version of the OT. Google it.

To be fair, Jabba in ANH, Jedi Rocks, removing yub nub, and NOOOOOOOOOOO are all a result of Lucas dicking around with them 15+ years later. I really hate the special editions, I don't think Lucas made a single positive change.

The ending is better in the special edition. Try and defend Yub Nub. Go on.

1995 master race VHS here. the ultimate non pleb version with added lucas prequel hype interviews

>I'm off work until New Year's

holy fuck. a long holiday. where do you live user?

based yub nub. or the reddit ending.


Man I used to have those as a kid but my dad sold them since we didn't have a VHS for years.

>reddit boogeyman
Fucking hell, think for yourself.

"I'm a Luchador!!!" Transitions better into the Star Wars theme than Ewok Celebration.

jedi ends = yub nub plays = feel special inside ive just witnessed true magic

jedi ends = victory pleb plays = feel like my soul is being raped by satan.

UK here. Used up the rest of my holiday allowance plus my boss is going away for Christmas this weekend and is shutting up shop until 2nd Jan.

Bespin is actually improved by adding windows to some of the corridors.

>the ultimate non pleb version
1977 35 mm copy
1980 70 mm copy
1983 70 mm copy
aside from that only the negatives can get even less pleb

I could get behind that, sometimes it's hard to forget what's what.

What you say about Obi-Wan is true. His only goal is destroying the Empire and Sith. However I also get this feeling in IV. In a non malicious way he was always manipulate.

Cloud City is better

RotJ is good enough with some great moments.

Only thing bad about ROTJ was the ewok scenes dragging on forever.

Why did you put the minimum amount of effort possible into your post? You actually had something to say but just made a list. Do you even speak english? Also Jedi has the most emotion and the Luke/Vader material has the best writing in the franchise. It potentially could have been the greatest of the 3 but they botched the teddy bear shit and that whole plot line.

2nd death star was kind of lame.
the emperor himself was kind of lame.
maybe i am forgetting something, but after the death star destruction the imperial fleet was gone all of a sudden?

>han not dying (with hindsight han dying in jedi would have been great) as originally planned
spend the first half hour of the movie to save character, let him die an hour later, how lame would that be?

The original text in the screenplay, and what Prowse said, was something like:Obi-wan killed your father!

The opening is retarded.

Droids go to Jabba and fail to free Solo.
Leia goes to Jabba, frees Solo and get captured.
Luke goe to Jabba, gets captured.
As they are about to get executed they destroy Jabba and go home.

Wow, way to ruin Obi-wan's character. He would never strike down someone with a hint of the dark side of the force.

Rebuilding the DS was a given, rebuilding it so fast was pushing it.

>Return of the Jedi is my favorite because it's an adventure movie

ANH was more of an adventure than RotJ ever was.

Progressive complications

Respond to the whole post.
ROTJ has the trio working together to escape an exotic execution, a planet of hostile alien "natives", the hero surrendering to the villain, the hero defeating the villain, an allegorical ground battle, the hero escaping from a crumbling castle.
ANH is mildly adventurous.

HAhahahaha you think Disney is going to release the originals
They bought them to destroy them

My favourite Star Wars film is A New Hope. Why do people think Empire is better? I'm not saying it's bad or even overrated, but to me IV is a perfect film.

>1995 master race VHS here. the ultimate non pleb version
Are they even widescreen?

I'll never understand why people always say the VHS versions of the movie are best when the theatrical versions are available on DVD. Non-anamorphic transfers of the laserdisc version, but still the highest quality available.

Any pics of c3po silver leg

More people like empire
You’re not wrong though
It’s like picking your favorite child
You should love them all equally but you’re going to have your favorite

>First of all, let's get one thing straight, A New Hope proves George Lucas knows how to make a movie.

Isn't it a well-known fact that ANH was a mess that was saved in the editing room?

One thing Ive never understood in the ot is vader killing the admiral at the begining of ESB
He says that they get off the hyoerspace too soon but then the admiral says it was to make a surprise
I never really got it

What did Obi wan do wrong again? what did he lie about?

It's what would have happened in real life. Save for them destroying Jabba and going home

post the scene

Let me guess, you saw that in the George Lucas vs The world movie, did you? A movie known for just focusing on attacking George so he can sell off LucasArts

It's explained in the scene, Vader says they dropped out of lightspeed too close and were detected because of it.

Berenstain effect

You have failed me for the last time

How did my father die?

A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father.

>Just downloaded despecialized 1080p
>Been feeling like watching the OT

Should I? I'm very busy when not on holiday break so I really should he using this time to watch new movies...

?? not a lie?

He didn't lie, from a certain point of view.

>only 1080p
This isn't 2011 bro. 4k or go home.

Let me break it down to you guys
The ot is the original Testament much like the Bible then the nu trilogy came out
Basically the New Testament
And it’s entire purpose was to add Jesus and say most everything in the it doesn’t matter anymore
Now if you like the ot you are Jews
And if you like the nt you are Christians
It’s a new law
God is no longer vengeful and traditional he is loving and modern
You will accept Rey as your lord and savior
Luke was Moses
Accept her into your heart or forever be a Jew
Rey is queen of the jews

But the admiram thought that would surprise them

Imagine that your father is alive and is working for a totalitarian government. However, you think that your father is dead. One day, you run into a man who knew your father back in the day and ask him how your father died. He tells you that a man named Darth Vader betrayed and murdered your father.
How would that not be a lie?

Because doing analogies is retarded as fuck.

Anakin Skywalker is not Darth Vader.

Otherwise Palpatine would have just called him Darth Anakin.

I feel like there is a discrepancy between old Ben Kenobi and prequel Kenobi. Their personalities aren't the same.

Rewatching OT makes me realize the prequels could have gone a different way when Anakin went rogue. The fight between Vader and Ben doesn't really connect with the lava fight.

Vader is his alter ego like two face
He is sentry and the void
Always fighting the conflict within himself
Big bad harv

Luke doesn't know how turning into a Sith works. To not explain to him specifically what "betrayed and murdered" means in this context is a huge lie of omission because the natural thing for Luke to assume would be that it means Vader is different from Anakin in the way regular people are different from each other.

This thread is dying so I'll ask the stragglers. What do you feel about the notion that "the Emperor didn't know about the Ewoks?"
(e.g. The Emperor died thinking he won the battle)

Because he watched too much cnn
They said .1% Ewoks will win
He believed the polls

Now this is fedoraposting

I think that's fine, much better than Snoke not knowing how his ship works