TFU was cringe fanfiction
TFU was cringe fanfiction
Fan fiction would not have treated Luke like that
This looks like shit
>mourning a shadow the hedgehog clone
kill yourself Sup Forums
Would it have treated Luuuuuke like that?
looks like a mutt.
Best thing about nuWars is the death of the EU. The only problem is that they're just going to build another one.
Forgot how fucking awful that game was. Thanks a lot for reminding me.
are you arguing that these games weren't fictional? Or that they weren't created by fans?
>“The team threw a Hail Mary to George, saying the game would have more credibility if the apprentice had a ‘Darth’ title,” a Force Unleashed team member says. Lucas agreed that this situation made sense for Sith royalty, and offered up two Darth titles for the team to choose from. “He threw out ‘Darth Icky’ and ‘Darth Insanius.’ There was a pregnant pause in the room after that. People waiting for George to say ‘just kidding,’ but it never comes, and he just moved on to another point.”
cyborg starkiller wasn't even canon WITHIN the eu, that was infinities aka absolutely non-canon.The TFU novelizations and comics were regular EU though iirc. The TFU II comic is entirely from Boba Fetts perspective.
I don't know why but starkiller looks like if someone did put the mind of an 8 year old into the body of an adult. No personality whatsoever.
he is american, yes.
jesus christ on what meds is he
TFU was a great game and I miss Galen Marak from the canon.
That being said, the Ultimate Sith dlcs were fun but terribly written.
This is some cringe....................glad this ain't canon anymore.
Also, Rahm Kota was the best character in the two games
>“In one viewing of Fracture, [Lucas] said it looked really good, but he didn’t like [Mason Briggs’] name. We’re like, ‘What do you mean, George?’ He responded to the effect of, ‘It doesn’t really fit. When he jumps on stuff, he moves pretty fast. I like B.J. Dart.’
>“So everybody’s like, ‘No, he’s gotta be fucking with us.’ He’s absolutely not. So when something like that happened – in the middle of the campaign, mind you – we have to go back through that entire naming convention again… from scratch.” From that second session, Jet Brody was born.
masgon briggs sounds pretty generic t b h, sounds like something from call of duty
I'm legitimately upset we'll never see what happens after this scene
I think it would be great to do a version of TFU as either a show or a film because the concept of Vader having an apprentice to overthrow Sidious is a great concept. And Sam Witwer would absolutely take the opportunity to bring Galen to life in live action.
Would be interesting but they'd need to nerf the hell out of him.
True, can't have a force user more powerful than Rey nowadays. Even one with a jedi lineage AND trained by Vader himself.
It would be incredibly fucking easy to incorporate him into the series especially now since Vader has his own personal fortress on Mustafar. In one movie set early after it's construction, just have Vader go into the basement and have a quick shot of a young boy being trained and fighting droids with Vader overlooking and watching. That would make him part of the canon and open up the door to show him older and have his own film or tv series.
It would also be great for them to include some version of this fight scene because Rahm Kota is such a great character.A jedi master who fought in the clone wars, but didn't trust clones to fight under him so he recruited his own militia to fight, so he survived order 66.
I didn't mean to nerf him cause of that mary sue but because it's a bit fucked to have a 7 year old kid force rip a saber right from Vader's hands. I would love to see some sort of adventure movie with him and Kota though; as it would make for some classic comfy viewing.
That's what I mean as well. They can show him be strong though, which he should be. But yeah, Getting to see Galen, Kota, Juno, and Proxie all together in live action would be comfy as fuck.
Also, the Rogue Shadow is my personal favorite vehicle design from the EU. A nice combo of Imperial and prequel trilogy designs
Also, I'd love to see a version of this scene as well. Just everything about these games would be great to see included into the Disney-SW canon.
The games did have some good moments but I doubt someone like Disney would do an adventure movie about these 4 without changing something major and ruining it. As for Sam Witwer, i think the only way we'll see him in a live action Star Wars movie is as Darth Maul for the Obi movie.
They could keep his as little OP but nerf him with story, something they couldn't do in game. For example have his start as insanely brutal, almost primal, wrecking shit everywhere he goes but at the same time unable to control his temper, lashing out against enemies and allies alike and letting himself be played by subtler approach of others (including Vader). His arc would be to actually undo it, to find balance and control his powers. He'd become weaker effectively without giving to his emotions so he'll have to fight smarter or know when to avoid fighting. It could also provide a nice contrast between Vader who used his as a tool, a rabid dog to set loose against his enemies, while Kota would be more of a real teacher, helping him tame his animalistic instincts. Lust versus love, beast against man, unconditional loyalty and free willed commitment.
It could make for a nice coming of age story.
And they should seriously change his retarded backhand fighting style.
I'd be down to see something like that; they can change the backhand style to dual wielding stance and it would fit with the wild animal approach.
I'm not sure, Disney has made some terrible fucking decisions with the new canon and diverging characters away from how they should have been treated (cough Luke cough). So doing something like this where the outcome ultimately is the same wouldn't be a bad addition. It would be like how Rogue One was, where it was just a self contained story and the outcome was something we already knew happened. If Galen was introduced and killed off, they could still have Kota kicking around on the animated shows being that old, blind, wise general.
>change his fighting style
Fuck no, his fighting style is great TLJ because in the scene where Rey is swinging Anakin's lightsaber at the rock, she holds it like Galen for a little bit.
*His fighting style is great and I chuckled while seeing TLJ*
The stance might look cool as fuck but most people are going to look at it the same way they did Kylo's lightsaber when the mini saber gaurds shot out; it looks cool but it doesn't make sense to have your hand being at risk of getting fucked up.
Unless you show him training that way from a young age and you show that he's an expert combatant. Maybe they do something to have him use two sabers where as a young trainee, he's using a saber like Maul's and t gets cut in half in the middle and he continues to fight with them without shifting them in his hands.
The Darth Maul game meeting is the best though. Where he takes a statue of this one EU character from the shelf and puts it next to a Maul statue and says "Now they're friends" and tells the team to include her even though she was a hero from the OT era EU.
I advice you to do a little experiment
>grab a broomstick
>hold it like Starkiller
>try to his any object
>now grab it like any sane person would
>decide which way was faster for you to make the whole move
Now you see why its retarded.
Of course Star Wars combat was never about realism but rather signaling character's power through choreography. Unfortunately it's very easy to cross line between cool and flashy fights and cheap and flashy ones.
>look up Sam Witwer
>he does Twitch streams
what the fuck happen?
No, Darth Talon, the character Lucas was shipping with Maul, was a villain from Legacy, a comic series set 100 years after the original trilogy.
He gets regular work on the animated shows as well. He's honestly a really underrated actor/ voice actor. Also, he was the best character and actor on that short lived syfy version of Being Human.
My mistake. Still it was a fun story.
>it was canon someone told Luke Vader was his father before he told him
yeah ok
I like how dark side ending is actually attacking the Emperor with all his hatred.
Makes sense. Dark side is giving into your anger and embracing power. He only did what his instincts told him.
Hate Sidious. Sidious Powerful. Kill Sidious.
Yes that's kind of what was fun about it.
it wasn't, brainlet