Which celebrities best embody this saying?
As in meeting them would probably end in disappointment and bad memories.
Which celebrities best embody this saying?
As in meeting them would probably end in disappointment and bad memories.
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Not him
Refn to be honest lads
Michael Shannon for me.
I can't remember this guy's name for the life of me.
Reddit might be able to help you. Why don't you go there?
NWR is cool. You can talk to him about Japanese toys.
One time in Toronto I saw Michael Shannon give a bunch of change to a homeless man, seems like a nice guy.
Refn is just a turboautist, literally Mads Mikkelson's character from Bleeder irl.
He can't keep getting away with it
Probably Harrison Ford or some shit
>Refn is just a turboautist, literally Mads Mikkelson's character from Bleeder irl.
Just another reason to like him, imo.
Harrison Ford is great as a guy
The problem is Harrison Ford fucking hates Harrison Ford movies
If you wanted to be his best friend go up to him and ask him about his plane collection
I was really disappointed to learn this guy is a huge asshole. Didn't want to believe it.
>not wanting to learn from the true master of everything in the world
>not wanting to achieve enlightenment and access to all the punani in the world
Only if you're a little pussy who can't handle his raunchy sense of humor.
The Rock is the only person in Hollywood I would give a damn about meeting, so I guess The Rock.
>This guy used to be a legendary Aikidoka
>He was the only non Jap guy Japs let to open a dojo in Japan.
>He starred in Under SiegeThere was a period I admired him
>He became an edgy fat fuck
At least his blues albums were enjoyable.
There's a painting of Steven Seagal in one of the more recent Steven Seagal movies. They probably shot the film at his place so Steven has a painting of himself hanging in his house.
I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
>Steven has a painting of himself hanging in his house.
Nothing wrong with that.
Mojo priest was a great album though.
if you don't already know that refn is a major autist then you're not a real fan.
>Steven, can you take down that painting of yourself for this shot?
Ryan Gosling was walking behind me on a sidewalk in LA once and he was purposely stepping on my heels and laughing even when I asked him to stop. Good actor though.
I would be more disappointed if I discovered that Mel is a nice guy irl
A mate of mine fingered Saoirse Ronan outside a club in Carlow once
Sean Connery because It would just be another reminder this is his last Christmas
Fuck you. Connery's never gonna die.
Aidan Gillen.
Craig Ferguson
What if he's mean to me? But like not in a funny way, just like in a "fuck off, man, why'd you think I quit tv?!" And then his hotnwife and beautiful children laugh at me. While he's dead serious driving me away with a silent stare.
I couldn't take that.
I went to his show a few times and he seemed like a nice enough guy when he would chat us up. Back in the day, he would have probably been a dick, but he's chilled out a lot the last decade.
If you were a connery fan you'd want him to die at this point
Would love to talk with him about cinema, according to Mads it's the only thing he ever talks about, too.
Heroic people only have to be heroes when it matters, not when dealing with a rude nobody.
As long as you're not a jew
didn't he save Robert Downey Jr. too?
what are you talking about, rdj is a jew
Oh yeah, RDJ does have some jewish blood in him, but not enough to be "full merchant"
yeah he gave him a chance for him to act in a film when no one else would
to be fair RDJ did pay him back by making a speech about forgiving him for his "incidents"
I came in expecting this copypasta, and you did not disappoint
Does OP think Amy is not worth meeting?
Absolute faggotry
From what I've heard, she's the sweetest person on the entire planet IRL too.
Mel Gibson is weird. He's a racist homophobic anti-semite whose closest friends are Jodie Foster, Danny Glover and Robert Downey Jr.
I just assume he's going to stash them all in his attic on the day of the rope
I would do anything for Ryan gosling to step on my heels laughing even when I asked him to stop
What would meeting these three be like?
>Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster are close friends
I could believe it.
>He's a racist homophobic anti-semite
Is he really though? A lot of people say crazy shit when they're drunk
maybe... humans are complicated people and shouldn't be defined by drunken, bipolar rants?
in vinos veritas
probably any manlet
For this guy, it's Jodie Foster.
I don't know. I like them too much to actually meet them in a con, have them be complete diva assholes and shatter my perception of them
Mel is a top guy
Well as a Trekkie
For me personally those that disappointed:
>William Shatner
Its just an act but he does play it well to be honest.
>Patrick Stewart
Uninterested. Clearly there for payday and contract obligations regarding use of face in media. Also charges obscene amounts for autographs and photos.
>Avery Brooks
Second favourite captain but my favourite series so far, but in real life he's very..."odd"
Those that were awesome:
>Brent Spiner
Happy to talk, sang a song, shared anecdotes and even told me buying stuff off his website is cheaper than the con's.
>Scott Bakula
Nicest guy without a doubt and my favourite captain and I hope the rumours of Netflix bringing back Enterprise for 2-3 more seasons to cover the Federation-Romulan War and lingering plotlines are true.
>Terry Farrell
She's a trekkie and still hot today. Genuine milf also recently got engaged to Leonard Nimoy's son Adam further cementing how committed she is lol
>Michael Dorn
In signing sessions he's very uninterested as can be seen on youtube but if you catch him in private. He's happy to talk at length.
nah he probably loves talking about Gosling, or as he calls him, Ryry.
>Brent Spiner
Sup Forums but literally every person who has met him says morrissey.
not Sup Forums related, but i met phil anselmo of pantera and had him sign my guitar. i told him trendkill was my favorite album and he said something about how he always thought that album was a weird one. i remmebered after leaving that he was addicted to heroin at the time of recording it and probably didnt appreciate the reminder. the people in line in front of me were doing shots with him, so i guess hes a cool guy if youre on the same page as him and not some dorky 20 something.
whats the context here?
Dan 'cum in' Schneider
I asked for TJ Millers autograph once. Now I have anal fissures....
That's an outtake of Data
More Sup Forums than Sup Forums, but this guy has to be the ultimate example of this concept. By all accounts, he is the most mean spirited asshole in existence. There are a million stories out there about his behavior, but my personal favorite is this one some lady posted on Reddit (inb4) about how he stiff armed her friend (a small Japanese woman) to the floor in the middle of a Casino simply because she asked him for an autograph.
>some lady posted on Reddit (inb4) about how he stiff armed her friend (a small Japanese woman) to the floor in the middle of a Casino simply because she asked him for an autograph.
Based 23!
Something I noticed about this thread, only the nice people to meet are those who had small, marginal success.
I sincerely doubt that story ever happening.
Something I noticed about this thread, Amy Acker, in OP's pic, fits perfectly into CIA post's description, and is likely the complete opposite of that OP wanted to discuss in this thread, which is not even an Amy thread
Trust me, you don't want to meet any big guys.
If it were anyone else I would too, but this is right on brand for Jordan
I think he will a few jokes and sarcasm but won't really intended to hurt anyone.
One of my dad's friends (allegedly) went to high school with him. He said he was a major tool and used to try to fight people a lot, no idea if he actually did though.
>having actors (who are nothing more than glorified puppets and whores) as heroes
You only have yourself to blame.
He's literally just a tough old white dude who lashes out when he's drunk. if this is your first inkling that you can like your own race and advocate for it against its enemies, whilst still being civil and likable to people not of it, you need to break the poz conditioning more. there are degrees of "racism"
Can't understand why people idolize, worship or call heroes celebrities. You don't know them in real life, they might be the biggest pieces of shit behind the camera.
I can idolize only people I know in real life, who I know that are good people that have worked hard to achieve something.
Sure I will respect athletes, actors, businessmen etc for what they have done, but will not idolize them.
why respect actors, though? They're no more than puppets.
Acting isn't easy, they deserve some praise and respect.
I am a big fan of the theatre and go whenever I can, these people are amazing imo. Not everyone but nice percentage is.
The ones behind the camera are kinda meh desu, they can screw their lines how many times they want till they get it right. They can break character and just reshoot the scene.
>They're no more than puppets.
Them sucking some jewish cock to get roles in movies doesn't mean that they are bad actors.
Idolizing famous people is simply a natural but childish thing to do. Modern society praises it because there's a lot of money behind it. Economies depend on normies having bland taste and throwing a bunch of money at blockbusters that all hit the same notes.
My mom had paintings done of me and my sister every few years from photographs she would take of us. So both me and my sister have multiple paintings of ourselves and each other at our houses.
Way more classy than photos. Plebs would not understand. I plan on doing it for my family as they grow up as well.
Only strayans
He's just breaking balls
Based Steven, edits his movies himself with his golden hands
Moar Bakula plz
True true
>lockbusters that all hit the same notes.
I sat in front of Oscar Isaac at a movie one time. I think he was high and he kept tossing popcorn at the back of my head. Any time I turned around he would just say "what?"
>I sincerely doubt that story ever happening.
Jordan has a notorious reputation for being a total dick. Like a massive egotistical racist ass.
>isn't easy, they deserve some praise and respect.
> these people are amazing
That would be surgeons, not some make-believe fags.
I never discredited the surgeons, they are class of their own.
If you think theatre actors aren't amazing for performing in front of hundreds of people and not making a mistake for the whole act which is usually at least 1hr & 30min I'd have to disagree. Entertaining is not easy at all.
Regardless, we are talking about idols and, with so many people with skills that actually matter, having actors as idols is moronic.
These are mine posts in this thread, I never was down with the idea of idolizing celebrities.
Forgot to reply to you fml
I doubt they'd be anyone's hero but... you do not want to meet Mike Myers. He's a real asshole, extremely unfriendly and conceited beyond belief.
it's pretty obvious though
i want to lick her nose
based noseposter