Doesn't care about child slavery

>doesn't care about child slavery
>frees horses when the fate of the galaxy is at stake

Still more moral than Qui-gon and Obi-wan. They freed one slave because it happened to be convenient for them.

>let's waste time freeing these horse things that will just be recaptured

I still find it funny how they didnt give a shit about ani's mother and let the bitch to rot there

Finn and Rose's storyline was so fucking boring that I don't even remember what you're talking about.


they didn't even establish that the jedis are unable to help because of whatever reasons, they literally just don't care
tfw I'm a jedi and non-force users people get treated like animals

how does a janitor know how to use an empire tracker ?

Why was this pie-faced bitch in the movie?

>le epic I care more about animal lives than humans reddit meme
>I can watch hundreds on men be slaughtered on screen and laugh but if they kill the dog I cri evry tyme x(

Don't worry. That kid has the force now I guess. Did he get it from the Resistance decoder ring? They got to get more people to join since they're down to 10-20 people. Child soldiers aren't immoral since the Resistance also help by the weapons from the arms dealers on casino planet, right?

>prevents heroic sacrifice
>fully knowing dommed everyone to die since she couldn't have known that Luke will appear

They needed the horses to get away

I'll lol when EP9 just drops the force sensitive child and the slaves all together again
forever abandoned

Did Johnson copy this scene from the Lost Word?

slaves were a key part of the economic system of tattoine. imagine the repurcussions if the jedi were just going around plundering people's slaves

Was the kid force sensitive? Maybe I missed that.

yea he pulls the broom with the force towards his hand

yeah in the last bit where the kid looks at the sky he force pulls his broom

They worked with the child slaves to free those as part of their ESCAPE PLAN. Did you watch the movie bruh

God I wanna slap her everytime I see her stupid face what a stupid character.

that was kinda the point the jedi weren't what they said they were.

Obi Wan still didn't realize that all his life

The falthier scene is ridiculously bad. What were the walls in those casinos made out of? Cardboard? How the fuck can an animal run through a fucking wall? Why the fuck would they do that? Wouldn't they try to avoid the wall? It's not like when the bulls are released in Pamplona that they just start barreling through walls and shit, that would be incredibly painful for the animal even if they could break a hole through the wall.

Also the battle of the galaxy is waiting for you to accomplish some faggy goal and here you are wasting time by freeing a bunch of space horses? And how the fuck did oyu even free them? They are in a herd just a few miles outside of the city, I doubt it would be that difficult for the Canto Bight civilians to go and capture them again

Just a fucking unbelievably bad storyline, every scene with Finn and that fat Chink was embarrassingly bad.

Not enough room on their shuttle for a bunch of stupid little kids. The kids actually had the option to flee but they stayed because their welfare moms taught them that way.

>The Last Jedi is literally some orphan stable boy slave

Bravo Disney! They keep making people with the ability to use the force more and more meaningless.

Rey is the last Jedi, did you miss her 18 hour training camp?

You've got it all wrong.

There's no way off the planet for either the kids or the horses. Setting them free is meaningless, in fact if either were set free it would just result in them being chased down and savagely beaten if not killed.

Rose fucking hates space horses. That's why she was also so pissed off around them.

She didn't want the kids to die so she just gave them a decoder ring.


everytime i see an asian woman in these threads i remember my old days back in asia, i am ugly as fucking fuck but when i was there asian women looked at me as if i was brad pitt. i fucked so much asian women my cock bleed. good old days good old days

They're in the outer rims. Hutts controlled that space, they literally couldn't do shit unless they wanted to take on the entire Hutt empire.

they had bombs implanted it them Watto could detonate if they tried to run

while this may be true we never see the jedi actually giving a fuck in the first place, regardless of whether they are actually able to help or not

after they escaped of course

>this place is beautiful Rose, why do you hate it so much?
>look closer Finn, this whole stinking place was built by bourgeois pigs off the backs of hard-working oppressed minorities

Wait, was that a decoder ring? Do we ever see it decode? it just looks like some shitty good toy they gave the kid to fuck off.

Well if you'd ever done any janitorial work you'd know that any kind of tracker has to go through one power breaker, you could just destroy the ship with the tracker on it but it would simply transfer to the next star destroyer, so to disable it you'll need an elite hacker capable of locating and overriding the power breaker, which gives you about six minutes to jump into hyperspace.

It makes total sense when you think about it.

The Hutts are very powerful. Jedi don't have the authority or capacity to just overthrow them. What happens to that space afterwards? Who fills in the void of power? The Empire on the other hand...

She honestly felt like this movie's jar jar to me. Only instead of appealing to kids she appealed to women and Asians

You might think that you are the good guys, but didn't you realise that your army also used money to purchase the equipment it uses?

Stay woke.

Why was she flying one of the speeders? Or why was Flinn also flying one of those.

You'd think that they'd have better candidates to fly those last-resource speeders than a pipe cleaning lady and the garbageman.

I'm not kidding someone give me a decent reason to why they were picked that isn't the disbelief shitting one "because they were main characters".

>tfw tall muscular white man
>could go to Asia and slay pussy
>but asian chicks disgust me
>stuck vying for the attention of stuck up white girls

Someone give me yellow fever

I like how Anakin’s biggest force accomplishment as a kid was sliding cups around, but every new character gets full blown force powers.


Reminder that Finn and Rose's adventure to Space Monte Carlo resulted in the death of the majority of the remaining Resistance forces.

They led a thief will no moral compass to the First Order who got caught and gave away the shuttle plan for money

If it wasn't for Luke coming to save the day Rose would've killed the entire resistance force by stopping Finn from sacrificing himself. Holy shit I hate her so much. I would've respected the movie more if they were that bold to let Finn sacrifice himself to save the resistance. But nope.

They had just lost like 90% of their real soldiers when their escape ships got blown up and were letting any volunteers they could get their hands on fight.

tell us more. why did you live in asia? what country?

I don't want to racemix, but asian pussy is so bountiful. Fuck it's hard not to be a bugman sometimes

The thing that bothers the fuck outta me is that with Finn having being a brainwashed child soldier he had the 100% reason to go into freeing every child slave he ever encounters...but i guess Porgs and shit are more important.

She was so dumb

"Not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love"
Bitch you almost killed him yourself, and fighting the enemy is kind of necessary in order to save what you love when that enemy is in the middle of trying to kill all of them.

What the fuck are the script writers even doing?
Do they seriously expect to convince me all the risky heroic actions taken in episodes I-VII were actually the wrong thing to do even when they payed off?

I like how these filmmakers think the force is just a mutant power and that you can just fucking use it whenever you want.