Wow, this truly is big if true

Wow, this truly is big if true.

Other urls found in this thread:

People have trouble looking into a mirror.

sounds some made up story to make nigger feel good

>people on the street
aka 1 guy

White WOMEN, she meant to say. Women are the only ones that have trouble believing a female can be an antagonist. Surely a (white) man is to blame for her actions.

Shouldn't her dad being blacklisted revoke her nepotism card?

imagine being this openly racist baka

"People on the street"

Oh so you made up that story. Cool.

Fucking cunt looks like a Nazeebo mask.

Yeah thats pretty much intersectional feminism in a nutshell, white women skirting the guilt onto white males because they cant face their own issues.

I was hoping the whole time she wasn't evil. Maybe she was hypnotized? Up until the keys. That pretty much sealed it. Crushing.

This post won't get replies because nobody in this thread actually watched the movie.

>tfw no yandre gf


>Film about brainwashing and hypnotism
>People question if other characters were brainwashed

I refuse to believe that Allison Williams has ever been recognized in the street by anyone.

I'm looking at a picture of her right now in this thread and I still couldn't hope to describe her. She's like an ultimate Literally Who.

Lena dunham is a great teacher

>Holy crap, it's Allison Williams!

This. She wishes she got recognized


t. Sup Forums everyday

Sup Forums - alt-right man babies cry about literally everything

dad must be proud

Kill whitey

Her dad taught her how to be full of shit

No, that's why women asked her, most men well agree she was evil.

>WAAAAAHHHH stop pointing out how pathetic and disgusting my ideology and the people following it is

t. leftists everyday


You're wrong.

I didn't watch the film, but your post did get a reply.

yeah there's nothing wrong with cultural marxism move along people

These, but unironically.

she pretends to have sex while he pretends he was in iraq

lol how does one act out a scene like this without actually touching the butthole?

You know you can touch a butthole without dying, right?

It's to the point where I don't even care about debate anymore. I just want this bitch and everyone like her lynched from a lamp post.

What astounds me is that the movie itself seems to be more of a hit piece against white lefties.

>White people obsessed with blacks

>white people wanting to be blacks

>white people using blacks to push their own agendas/fantasies

Like that screams all lefty. Are they that dense they can't see the movie is making fun of them?

>women are evil
Who would have thought

you just let it happen man
its a job

No Peele has said as much in interviews that the movie is really a critique of white liberal "allies" which is why I don't mind it. Go ahead and attack the only white people willing to put up with your fucking bullshit niggers, see where that gets you

>What astounds me

Congratulations on picking up on things explicitly told to the viewer.

Yeah it's hard to have positive feelings about it because at the end of the day the message really is "There's no such thing as a good white person"

There's only two kinds of white people in the world: blatant racists and closeted racists


She's right about everything. Typical SWPLs drunk on feminism.
>wymyn r perfect

Ahh so it is official that's the premise. When I first saw everything about it I was like "is this for real?" because I thought it was just another "all white people are evil" trope.

In all retrospect I'd rather have more blacks say "white people shut the fuck up about protecting us and let us do our own shit" than to have blacks suck on white dick for more excuses to be niggers.


Again, that's why i like it, because it really lays all the cards out on the table. This truly is how blacks feel about ALL whites. Even their groveling SJW cunt allies they secretly hate. Good. Let the division between the races grow wider and wider

And yet HBO runs it nonstop
I fucking hate that network
Gunpowder is fucking terrible

I guess every movie has to suck your dick for you to have positive feelings about it. Stick to Heidi and The Sound of Music, pleb.

>women can do no wrong
How come you're not a feminist?

Get Out feels like one of those movies that nobody really cares about but a few people who are pushing it really hard

If I remember correctly, to film the rape scene in the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo they used a couple layers of saran wrap between the dude's mouth and her asshole. Probably something similar in this case.

Go tell your dad he can stop wasting that $15 dollars a month, then.

But the woman in the image looks white as fuck.

You'll love this: director Jordan Peele on why drinking milk is actually really creepy and racist

>Good lord white people do that shit all the time, they have a broken moral compass due to abuse of postmodernism in order to make them forget.

Why are niggers and liberals constantly talking about white people? It's fucking unbearable

I love how this still triggers you.

Feminists are whypipo, shitlord.

>white people aren't blindly racist against white people and assume they're all bad

really made me think

>saying that it's fucking stupid to call milk racist just proves that you're an easily triggered snowflake
So "u mad" is officially part of the political discourse now isn't it?

You know he's a comedian, right? He made a comedy show, as well as the comedy/horror movie being discussed in this thread?

It's probably other women asking her though. Women, especially white women, like to believe that their wrongdoing is justified by her being coerced or forced by a man. I also blame Hollywood for making so many morally ambiguous villains, particularly when they're women. Ergo, when this came out people expected there to be something underlying her evil, rather than just her being genuinely evil.

It's my plan, I'm just waiting for my agreement to end so I can drop it and my landline

>white liberals refusing to accept reality

Nothing new here.

>he's just joking
Well then nothing he ever says means anything, right?

>Black people would recognize that fear - it’s part of the black identity and the horror America. There are things we are cognizant of because we have to be. For white audiences, they see how it is to be a black man in a suburban neighborhood at night.
lol so funneh

In fact, the article actually identifies one joke

>He takes a beat and jokes, “Sometimes all white people are evil — sometimes — but not all the time.”
top kek

How long has the LA Times been writing tripe like this? They even quoted Mother Jones for fucks sake

Wow, still triggered.

>he's just joking
People tend to joke about what they actually mean.

Look at Michael Richards.


This is a really poor effort at white knighting (black knighting?) for a nigger who hates white people and isn't shy to say it

You should pirate 15 copies of this movie just to spite him.

Do people really not understand get out? It's got a pretty high score everywhere, so I figured people got it.

I actually have been continuously downloading it, deleting it and downloading it again since the studio loses $13 every time I do it. I'm gonna bankrupt those fuckers.

>I was hoping the whole time she wasn't evil.


this was my first thought as well


Shes right tho. White people are crazy and evil.

Stop making excuses for them.

I want a yandere moth gf

You mean after earning all those SJW points by lowering herself to fuck a nigger.
How is she not a good guy????

the only white people who liked this movie are the people it's satarizing

Because she was hot and I was hoping they'd get a happy ending together, obviously.

Fuck wypipo

is she Amber Heard's lost sister?

Amazing. It's almost like skin color isn't everything in today's society.

American niggers are a waste of oxygen.
Whole world catered to people born in America, USA niggers still in crybaby gib me dat cuz muh oppression mode

Oh, so you're retarded. Because her character was necessary to the point of the film, her being hypnotised would've made the whole thing moot.

I unironically thought this too. My lefty friends didn't think so

>equality is impossi-
Wrong, sweetie, their demands after 150 years of slavery and 60 years of segregation are actually quite reasonable

I'm yuropoor, I just think it's funny because it makes fun of americans, the white and black ones

burn the coal, pay the toll

yeah, but still...

Funny this dumbass list says do everything for "black or brown" people.
Would be great if white people actually did this list but gave everything to Indians.
Nigs b like "We didn't mean THOSE brown people!!"

They are basicly demanding that we kill ourselves and give them all our shit? Fucking burgers with all shit you unleash to world.

You ever see something and you think "man this is really shitty, heavy-handed satire from some Sup Forums retard, who are they kidding? What a strawman"

And then you look it up and it's 100% real

I would find it hard to trust white people if i was black

Yes, we all know the epidemic of white-on-black violence in this country.

Look how this fucking racist asshole hurts that poor kid's hand.

I imagine it's gotta be weird filming something like that, but if the actors are willing to do it then the director isn't gonna do anything different about it.

America has already paid more than enough for their past transgressions by having to deal with the niggers they imported for the last hundred years. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

Really though, fuck wypipo.

>that posting style
>that webm
Hey I recognize you

>black people sucking up to whites-uncle toms
>white people sucking up to black-WOKE

>Only white people ask about nuance and underlying themes, while non-whites take things at pleb tier face value
Really makes ya think...