I can't stop watching Judge Judy
please help me
I can't stop watching Judge Judy
please help me
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Watch Judge Mills Lane instead.
>yfw you found out she's not even a judge
Would you like to fuck her? You can tell us.
This show is pure KINO
>Judge Jewdy
nothing even wrong with Judge Judy
she does a good fucking show and she dispenses anti-feminism redpills
she's also cute bffs with bill shatner so literally go fuck yourself for thinking there is something wrong with this
>when the defendant literally says nothing at all and wins the case
Take the JUDY pill you dumb faggots
It's fun to watch stupid people get yelled at. Why would I tell you to stop doing something fun?
That means Judy takes the burden of proof (which is on the accuser) seriously. She's a good judge.
>She's a good judge
Fair enough, my point stands
It's a the woman loses the case and then claims in the interview afterwards the male was abusive and violent towards her episode
Um is not an answer
daytime television is kind of amazing to me. it's just sustained by old people who don't know what the internet is and have a super low bar for media they're willing to consume.
based jewish judge
based black bailiff
>black people suing each other
>gets visibly tired just by seeing black people
>ends up kicking them both out
Is she ///ourjew///
There is a reason kikes want us to racemix so much. Blacks become smarter and whites become dumber. The perfect goyim/slaves
but Sup Forums, you're already super dumb
Try not to laugh
>It's a "70 IQ mouthbreather tries to tell a blatant lie to Judge Judy" episode
pull the fucking trigger
glad i could help
>please help me
the show is great
Hot Bench is better with that sexy black judge
I dont know if they arent making more episodes or i just cant find them online
But American Jews marry exogamously more than almost any other ethnic group in the US.
Only like 10-15% of cases are real and not just actors. Those 10-15% also tend to be the more boring cases.
kys nigger shill it blatantly says right at the beginning
Stop being a loserd.
no such thing
not being racist but they look like chimps
Hot Bench is the current court kino
Pure /momcore/
>mfw some idiot tries to charge an heroic NEET rent for an apartment he changed the locks too
>not being racist
>calls them chimps
i mean if you dont find them attractive thats fine, but dont lie to yourself and me
it's more for unemployed people
....anymore. She’s still a member of the bar, but she’s technically an arbitrator
>mom stop
He knows, based.
first off, there's nothing wrong with judge judy. she's based af
secondly, if you want me to ruin the show for you i can. but i warn you, it's a redpill you may not want. so...
the show is semi-fake. all judgements are paid for by the show. if someone gets ordered to pay the other person $1000 then the show pay it, not the person. if someone gets ordered to give back the car/iphone/property etc, then the show reimburse the person who gave the property back. it's a no-lose situation. furthermore, you get paid to appear on the show and your hotel and travel costs are paid for. basically, it's a win/win for all the guests, which encourages people to make false claims.
she was in family court for fucking ages
Not true at all, they get paid to appear on the show but they don't get given the money that they must give to the other person especially if it's 4 fucking grand.
Judge Rinder is better than that.
>band member with bowl haircut trying to sue other member of his band for losing the talent show and not getting the prize money because he put another band member who was over 60 in a mankini and he put it on upside down disgusting the judges and leading to them losing
Yup, reality TV is 100% legitimate. All the guests on Maury and Springer are 100% legit as well
Thanks for confirming
I love how she inexplicably turns into Adrianna La Cerva at the end.
>it's a case about dogs
>it's a case about cousins who are dating
>it's a case about a mattress and/or tv stand
It’s obviously not 100% real.but what is shown is a standard arbitration process. She’s a pretty based old lady. In a recent interview she was asked if she was a feminist, her response was “ I don’t really know what that means. I was the only female in my entire law school class of 40 and I’ve never felt any bit of gender discrimination of any kind... in fact I told better dirty jokes than most of the guys in the class”
With that said I’ve noticed she shows absolutely no mercy to bum ass dudes taking advantage of a women financially. She cuts through the “UHHH WHAT HAD HAPPEN WAS” bullshit and gets to the point real quick. The shorter cases are ususally the best
>it's a case about cousins who are dating
Name one case where this happened.
Why did she go on the show drunk what the hell did she think was going to happen.
it is true. read the disclaimer at the end of the show. ALL awards are paid for by the show
Judge Mathis?
Prove it.
i cannot understand him, what does he say? I hear "That ear was not your piece in the mail"
lain was my first waifu
>there was no ear piece in their maam
He's admitting that he stole the purse.
>monetary awards are paid from a fund maintained by the producer
Judy asks the girl what the contents of the purse she says they stole were. When she says there was an earpiece, he says that there wasn't, proving that he took the purse.
Yeah so what? The show gives the winner the money then the loser has to pay back the show, that's the advantage of going on it because in real life a $3000 award might take 5+ years to be paid back in a court order of $15 a month or something.
>The show gives the winner the money then the loser has to pay back the show,
i'm not gonna argue with you. if you're too dense to understand then that's your problem
See >has never been to court
The loser doesn't pay the show you moron, this is part of the system they have setup
>get money from advertisers
>money gets divided with some proceeds going to the judgement fund
>show makes at least $500k gross per episode for production company
The awards are a pittance compared to what the show makes in ad revenue per episode, brainlet
we all look like chimps user. except elle fanning, she looks like a zombie.
>tv jews don't care about every last cent
>thinks just because the show gives the claimant the money straight away that the defendant doesn't owe any money
It's still a court.
people have explained to you how it works. if you're too dumb to understand then good luck in life.
It's a right off you fucking child
*tax write-off
You have opened my eyes, user. There is truly only one race: the human race
Your honor, is it possible I could pace as you're asking me questions?
that is the scientific consensus, yes. although we all know how much racists hate science (unless it's pseudoscience). sorry that science doesn't care about your feelings
in that aspect, hot bench is the superior show
How can I be sure to win my case, even if I was in the wrong?
>No Mature Latina sheriff gf to kick my balls and forcibly jerk me to climax
The Buddha has said that all life is suffering.
Women seriously need to go back to wearing long skirts like that because its erotic as all fuck
She basically just settles arguments for trash people. And I'm fine with that.
excellent post
i lik the show but I cant watch it consistently.
>scientific consensus
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
You do realize that the classification of species is often arbitrary and political, right?
There is no definition which explains why, for example, a Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) and Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) are considered different subspecies but humans are not.
I love her too op. It is ok.
if you appear on the show you will win because the show pays the judgement
The point is, even if the definition is political there is no substantial proof that non-whites are less smart, intelligent, or good than whites.
Not even SJWs defend abbos, though.
>what are crime statistics
>what are median IQ scores by demographics
Actually there is. Pic related.
Would you say the same thing about sports? Are whites just as good at basketball as blacks, for example? How about sprinting? Or most running in general?
I like Judge Judy but the format of that show is fucking horrendous.
and now the next case
All parties in the matter of memes VS shitposting step forward please
A look at professional sports shows your thesis to be incorrect. Not all people are created equally. Some are better at certain things than others.
Blacks often are better physically, but are inferior mentally. Asians are even worse than whites physically, but tend to have a slight edge on whites mentally.
There's a reason Asians dominate many scientific fields
dubs of truth
Why would she be thrown backwards? That's not how physics works, or even biology.
>66% bar is taller than 76% bar
What a shit fucking graphic, literally unreadable.
>There's a reason Asians dominate many scientific fields
Not according to Nobel. That distinction belongs to a different racial category.
It was some SJW thing about needing more minority owners, but yeah it's terrible