Remove Rey and make Finn the main character and you will get a better movie
Remove Rey and make Finn the main character and you will get a better movie
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Fudge we all know that jeezum pete user I mean come on really just cheese and rice dude
He's a male though.
Yeah, what I said from the beginning.
You 'member when everyone was upset because Finn was going to be the main character and a Jedi? Good times
And Phasma as his arch nemesis.
Speaking of which she survived, right?
thats how bad shit got
Remove Finn and make Poe the defected storm trooper. It'd make sense since he's trigger happy and really hates the FO.
She fell into a fireball on a destroyed spaceship with a cracked helmet
Shell fine
I agree only because Finn is a least interesting. He actually reminds me of Luke being a lost youth looking for purpose.
the star wars fanbase everyone.
This is the real reason SW can't do anything new, the fans don't actually want it.
I find him interesting because he doesn't have any idea what he's doing half the time, and sometimes that translates to him deciding to run away but when he has motivation it translates to him making a really brave albeit stupid decision to stand and fight even though he's afraid. Also I am gay.
But he's a black male. Black males are supposed to be the females of males or something.
Or at the very least give them equally serious roles. If you have Jedi Finn then there's an interesting thought that the FO is perhaps abducting force sensitive children to become Snoke's army. Makes the FO scarier, because they wouldn't need numbers if they had a small army of skilled and obedient force using soldiers.
Have him trained by Luke, and Rey abducted and trained by Snoke and Kylo or vice versa. Have them be unwilling rivals, turn Kylo into more of a menacing hateable villain because that's him at his most fun, give Finn a huge reason to want to dedicate his life to saving the first gril who ever held his hand by overcoming his cowardice and/or fighting the empire that stole his life from within.
But instead HURRDURR CASINO B PLOT I guess
Every Star Wars movie must be the same to be enjoyable for you idiots? Thats probably be the reason why you shitted so much over the prequels.
Finn is the worst character. This franchise should be a Rey and Poe ride.
SW fansoys objectively BTFO'd
>An ex-stormtrooper who joins the rebels and learns the force
So younger black Kyle Katarn?
Actually yeah I'm okay with that.
Omg look at that fucking baboon looking ass nigger. Wtf were they thinking?
I wonder how they're going to cast him in the inevitable production of 'Disney Presents Star Wars On Ice' seeing as so few blacks can skate. White guy in a monkey mask?
I was hoping they were going to make his character better and more intense but no side plot and hurr funny mems.
Yeah, they really didn't do his character any justice in TLJ. Huge waste of an interesting backstory.
>Here's a list of the dozen or so negroes to play in the NHL since 1917. Feel stupid yet?
Do you think Disney on Ice is a hockey game? Try that with figure skaters.
>Forcibly inject women and black people
>Every male character is flawed in some way
>All women are stronk leaders with no flaws
>Couldn't possibly make anyone oppressed evil
>Ironically the evil whitey is most memorable
Probably. This whole movie is going to be written away like Obama's legacy.
Could he be Luke's son?
so you the kind of guy who claims that The Shawshank Redemption is so good cause there are no women in it at all?
I'd rather see a black guy as the MC who becomes a jedi than a Mary Sue womyn
Can you imagine they invente the TR8R and the sparring fight with Kylo Ren only to have footage of Finn holding a lightsaber twice to make him the credible Jedi in TFA, only to switch him with the white girl. They tampered with the movie just for marketing purpose. this is the power the mouse
No Escape is awesome too.
>''Now this is progressive!''
I unironically like Finn more than rey desu
i consider the same old fucking thing way better than a Mary Sue as main protagonist
Gave me a solid laugh
There's one woman in the movie and it's Andy's whore of a wife who gets shot, so I'm fine with it.
What has she done that's impressive? Beat a guy established to be a fuck up from the very start?
Actually make Rey not a Mary Sue and merge Poe and Finn into one character for a better TFA.
Finn was the most original idea they had when they pitched TFA. He's also the one with a real story arc and he's the true protagonist as his actions move the plot forward. Poe and Rey would have never made it out of Jakku without him. The Resistance would have been blown up if he hadn't joined them to destroy Starkiller Base. Lol the movie treats him like a random janitor but he knows the place, where to go, who to subdue. He's fucking amazing and I want John Boyega to suffocate me with his thighs.
People were mad as fuck when they thought he would be the main character. Like the anger was something I never seen before. Please don't tell me the movies are this bad now that people actually want him as the main character.
How does that happen?
Finn is more interesting alone for the concept of a A renegade stormtrooper becoming a Jedi.
I would rather say he's interesting because the idea of a Storm Trooper defecting is fun and different, and more small scale. I know it's a space opera, but maybe it's time for something less grand.
>both have qt space asian gfs
it's too similar
You do realize finns character is a generic damsel in distress right?
He needs to be saved constantly
He has one "How you like that" moment (hitting phasma)
He is overwhelmed with wonder wherever he goes
He is stopped from sacrificing himself in an idealist moment of clarity by his shoehorned love interest that drops a line then rape kisses him
He ultimately does nothing and is an accessory to the main characters
Honestly if you made Finn female the character would make so much more sense since he's written as a female.
>How does that happen?
MaRey Sue
It is interesting but they do nothing interesting with it, he's a dopey comic relief who's always running away. His backstory could be literally anything and he could be the same guy.
this is JJ's fault though since it's how he set him up.
But then who's gonna kiss Kylo?
Remove Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose, and BB-8, Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, and General Hux and you will get an infinitely better movie.
I want a mercenary space adventure with Han and Chewie liberating the Wookies.
The asian from TLJ is anything but cute, looked like a man to me.
make Luke not die and make him go on action scenes like Han in 7 and I'll forgive them.
he is a boring comedy character, your typical funny black guy without a brain. This movie is a joke, a bad joke that is.
Blacks don't have good midichlorian production
How about no. Boyega is utterly uncharismatic, Finns backstory makes no sense, and Boyegas facial structure looks like it was stolen straight outta Sup Forumss racial stereotypes book. Holy shit the jaw, protruding lips and sloped forehead
Finn's quest in 8 was entirely pointless
she's cute!!