Oh boy, how will they react now.
Who cares was Pewds says? Everyone knows he's a nazi.
what a stupid fucking accent.
how does this faggot have 58 million subscribers?
Unfunny edgelord
The guy who went down in flames as a racist several months ago is now pandering to the only demographic that hasn't stagnated on him? You don't say!
truly /ourguy/
If George Lucas killed Star Wars, did Disney dig up its corpse and rape it?
Of all the things to shit on the movie, he chooses the bad jokes?
>eceleb thread
fuck off
>most subs of all time
>highest consistent views on daily videos across the entire site
>going down in flames
It seems to me like going full /ourguy/ was a good move for him.
>as popular as ever
kys nigger
not the fag we deserve but the fag we need
>The guy who went down in flames
Yeah, that didn't happen.
It's over, SW is finished. The god of youtube just gave his verdict and the jews can't stop him
He shits on the people pretending to like the movie and saying you need to watch it multiple times to understand it like some Rick & Morty fag
He is a nazi and Blame! is his favorit comic book, i would like to hear his oppinion.
I enjoyed this more than the RLM review because, although 100% correct, RLM are played out
Who's this cunny demon?
I'm not going to watch a jew hating nazi.
>A literal (confirmed!) Nazi hates it
proves once again the alt cuck bias.
>50 million subsa
>1 - 2 million views
>220 million
So he made this video Saturday morning when all we had were the numbers through friday. He normally says he has an 8-10 day lead time, so I guess he pushed this one out extra quick.
>the jokes in the movies are bad and weird
>some retards defending the movie are retards
>characters like the asian girls are shallow and make no sense
>hamfisted capitalism is bad message that goes nowhere
>plothole complains like Rey being able to do shit without training, purple hair lady not telling anyone shit,etc
>killed his favorite meme Ackbar
>it's praised for "reinventing" but it actually was a mess
Pewdiepie is unironically our guy. That guy was molded by Sup Forums.
>few million views on a daily video that is reuploaded at least 3 times just so it can get monetized
>still the highest on youtube for daily video creators
>17.5-32.5k a day in ad revenue
At least you said mfw, as the pic you included does accurately describe how retarded you must be.
so you admit you're retarded?
>everyone I don't like is le nazi
Time to go back, faggot.
That was quick.
Oh hai Reddit!
He's ruined /gif/ now all you get is ylyl challenge videos just cos that faggot browses it
Absolutely based
Other youtubers think Sup Forums is their ally, but they merely adopted Sup Forums.
He's literally been confirmed as a nazi on several occasions also pic related
>Sup Forums was ever not ruined
Hello newfriend. /gif/ has always been shit. Only reason to use it is to have sound for cross board posting.
>being edgy is being a nazi
This is the nail in the coffin. Based pewds.
>He's ruined /gif/ now
You mean the board raided by fags, trannies and niggers with their fetishes? The board that openly attempts to push in as many tranny shit as possible? He ruined that?
It used to be better without all the shitty ylyl cancer
that's why i care what he says desu
There's nothing wrong with being a Nazi.
>criticizing capitalism
I didn't watch, did this really happen?
>the jews got so mad they tried to ruin those super poor people living in dirt who did not even understand what pewds had them write down
Truely jews are the most vindictive and evil of all
>Haha look, it's the super funny FUCKING BASED Youtuber PewDiePie XDDD, do you remember when he said NIGGER once? That was so funny xDDD He's our guy amirite my fellow Kekistanis? xDDD
Kill yourself
>Not being edgy to convey meaning through shock value is being a "cuck"
>being a cuck that believes whatever the media tells you
The only thing he actually did wrong was say nigger in front of his audience
You don't know what a nazi is, do you?
How did you come to that conclusion lmao
Company's who sold to the nazi's like IBM should have all their assets seized and the executives should be put to death for their war crimes.
oh great yet another russian spy white supremacist nazi botting and manipulating public opinion, only jews and the fourth estate is allowed to do that >:(
Yep, this movie had really on the nose anti capitalist themes within a movie where at several points you could confuse it with a toy commercial
It's an absolute clusterfuck
>these rich guys are evil, they sell weapons to the evil guys
>well, you see, they also sell weapons to... the good guys!
>W-whoa...really makes you think
I'm not exaggerating either
Of course I know, a nazi is someone who does not think europe should be taking in refugees, or who was not against brexit.
have yet to see a youtube review that seems to like this show up in my recs.
Is google really THAT smart it only filters the negative ones wout for me to see or are they really mostly negative?
>making jokes about a group of people that was once hunted by Nazis now makes you a Nazi yourself
I made fun of Pagans once. Am I now Christian?
Not bad. Enjoy your (You).
I didnt know there were this many pewdipie cucks on this board... i will never understand 4chans love for irrelevant e-celebs first the red letter meme cucks and now this faggot.
sincerely KYS
>get fired and blacklisted by (((disney)))
>immediately start shitting on their properties, effectively hurting their net profits
how can one man be so based? why does it always seem to be nazi white supremacists who manage to deal the biggest hits/attacks to the capitalist death machine?
dumb frogposter
Only teenage girls watch Pewdiepie, so it's pretty embarrassing to see Sup Forums sucking his dick.
sad days when pewds has to be the voice of truth on the internet
Something about alien horses being abused for alien horse races by the evil rich guys and the fat asian and Finn releasing them like in a Free Willy movie
they're my friends
>nu-Sup Forums unironically shills for fucking pewdipie cos he said nigger once
>Based pewds, brofist #praise kek :DDD
What went so horribly wrong
It filters.
There are many positive videos, but because you mostly watch videos by people who would hate the movie, you do not see them.
One of the people I watch a lot, who never in their youtube career has made a movie review, made a positive TLJ video, and it showed up in feed.
He lost like 5k subs because of it(only had like 50k). I almost unsubbed myself but he said he would never go off topic for what his channel is about again.
So you're a retard. Cool thx bye.
>biggest youtuber shits on a movie that is the biggest topic on Sup Forums atm
>this is somehow not relevant
>even a dumb youtube memer can see the flaws and wasted potential
another home run, disney
i agree, it's time for you and me to go back to redddit
>pewds started on Sup Forums
>used to post all his videos on Sup Forums as he made them
user, he is literally an oldfag. You would know that if you were not a newfag or shill.
>What went so horribly wrong
r/The_Donald, that's what happened
>biggest youtuber
>doesnt break 2 million views
jake paul has a bigger internet presence
this is literally a lie
not a bad critique to be quite honest desu, i'm surprised
>What went so horribly wrong
Sup Forumsedditors
proof or gtfo
Sup Forums is not ageist like the left is
>Sup Forumsfaggot hates the movie
Who could have foreseen that?
>BTFOing yourself so hard
>jews persecuted by nazis
found the ZOG shill
i don't know if pewds was ever an oldfag but every week he browses ylyl threads on /gif/ and uploads a video of him reacting to them, namedropped Sup Forums a few times and also has reacted to antisemtic webms in his videos, definitely /ourguy/
>cancerous clickbait jewtuber is /ourguy/ because he watches funny video and says nigger
End your life
>tfw brainlets are now using the brainlet meme
plebbit has arrived to ruin even more Sup Forums internet culture, thank you very much plebit
Pewds is an oldfag like 2006-ish I saw old Oblivion memes from Sup Forums on the one vid
>literally is set for a contract with Disney
>blows it all by letting some indians fuck around with a nazi sign
Pewdiepie, not even once.
I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao
As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies
Saved, thank you
Yep, also they shill veganism and communism.
so... no proof?
No, fuck you.
There is no proof notch used to shill minecraft on Sup Forums either, but he did. Everyone around back then remembers pewds, he used to be made fun of for being unintelligible with his accent(used to be way way thicker, Swedish chef tier sometimes).
Literally no archives from that era, and no one thought to take pics of shilling threads that were soon deleted.
If you go super far back in his vids, you would occasionally see Sup Forums shit in the background, but I am not going to do that for some random faggot.
Fuck you newfag.
rich people got child slaves, like to gamble and abuse animals.
Also the resistance are apparently communists now or at least got a big hard-on for social security.
>Everyone knows he's a nazi.
You're saying like it's a bad thing.
You're the one posting copypasta of 2 sentences
>If you go super far back in his vids, you would occasionally see Sup Forums shit in the background
he still uses screenshots from Sup Forums in his videos.
all that text; saying nothing at all
in future, dont make claims you cant substantiate just to elevate your narrative you dumb fuck
outsider here, looks like you got BTFO to me
You know who else says stuff from Sup Forums? r/The_Donald, that doesn't make them good though. He was always an unlikable sellout faggot that did everything as long as it gave him clicks and that hasn't changed since then, all that has changed is his target demographic.