So now when know he loved TLJ can we all agree it wasn't such a bad movie?
So now when know he loved TLJ can we all agree it wasn't such a bad movie?
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But it is bad. Just go to other reviewers
He hated it though. Are you legitimately brain damaged?
No, he didn't.
My favourite part of the review was when they continued to shill for TFA. They STILL can't get over the fact that they're a couple of manchildren pushing 40 and got caught up in the hype for a shit movie. Jay especially. There's a moment in the review where he gets really passive aggressive about others realising TFA was shit before he did. It's hilarious.
they all hated it, they were soft on it because the director acknowledged their existence, it's why they sucked max landis off, because he was an industry insider
He said he doesn't care to see the next one and he basically went through and shit on every single part of it. Do you think that's a positive review in any way?
Is "strange" a new synonym for shit?
You must be severely retarded. The review is very clear and unanimous, the movie sucks dick.
Oh sorry, I must have misinterpreted the part where he spends the entire episode pointing out all the things he didn't like about the movie as him not liking the movie. I am dumb!
He hated it sweetie, sorry go shill your Disney bullshit somewhere else.
>read this post in Jays retard Internet guy voice for a quick laugh
> All these hate boner retards
Lmao he's indifferent towards it. The true patrician response to the movie, you plebs.
>Giving a fuck about Reddit Letter Media
>Not realizing that these cucks are actively shilling their shitty monetized videos on Sup Forums.
(chuckles) That's right, Jay.
>I thought it was a dream and I had watched a bad movie
>The whole movie was a joke
lol ok
You missed
>"they took all the magic of Star Wars and flushed it down the toilet"
Disney shilling at an all time high.
They all thought it was utter garbage.
>You missed
Of course he missed it. The episode is 45 minutes of Mike shitting on the movie. What, you want him to regurgitate everything that Mike said? Fucking retard.
Is Mike growing a Hitler mustache?
>it's why they sucked max landis off
They've openly trashed him before and after they met him.
I read most Sup Forums comments in that voice
Can't wait for the Plinkett review.
>Did we love it, or did we hate it?
>It's complicated
You auties need to learn the difference between a joke and an actual statement
I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao
As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies
>Shills have given up on "The fans LOVE this movie, russians hacked RT" and have moved onto "It's not THAT bad."
>shills shilling shill meme
Very interesting indeed.
Mike didn't like it. He was clearly trying to be polite out of respect to Rian Johnson - an indy filmmaker that's come along and made a shit movie.