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>Jesus was a black American
the funny thing is about 45% of America truly believes this
I thought that Judas was the black one
As a christfag, this actually triggers me. Blacksmear all the superheroes you want but FUCK OFF with doing it with my religion.
Honestly, who cares? Can you fucking autismo Sup Forums cucks stop whining about black people?
He can't hit those screams. I don't care that he's black, he's just not going to be able to do it justice.
Why didn't you tell me NBC was woke? This shit is gonna be piff!
Does he have the range?
Yeah why can't Sup Forums just let black people ruin everything. There's nothing wrong with Africa.
VERY progressive
Jesus was probably closer to John Legend's skin tone than yours.
>Black man is king of the jews
lel america
Not really.
wasn't jesus a black jew?
why racists love him so much?
God's not real.
black people cant come up with their own shit. They have to take everything that whites came up with and turn it black..
I saw a black fucking santa clause statue at CVS the other day
Not according to the Jews he wasn't.
Good enough.
You'd defend whitewashing I bet
he looks mexican
Unless is a black Nubian, not really.
Holy shit I didn't know they had photographs 2000 years ago oh wait that picture is just liberals wishful thinking
>Sup Forums unironically thinks jesus is white
Stop falling for jews meme
I don't think you understand the meaning of this word.
Show undeniable proof that Jesus was white.
I usually wash colors separately.
Yeah gosh it's so awful how people want to preserve their own culture and not turn the entire West into just another shitty Afro-Islamic area. I'm sick of these autists that don't want white people erasing in every single thing we have created.
Race is a social construct, user.
So he's white to me since whiteness doesn't exist.
based black people
fuck off whites
your time is up
t. Alberto Barbosa
>it's ok when Judas is black
Jesus was an ancient semite he wouldn't really fit into any of racial categories neatly. He'd most likely get called an arab but even that's a stretch.
>You believe X, but I also think you believe Y, so therefore you can't believe X
You do know the Middle East isn't just one big homogeneous lump of brown right? You do know it was a lot whiter before Islam, when the Arabs invaded all those diverse cultures? You do know Jews aren't black? You do know there are even credible theories that Jesus was Greek (based on Greek settlement in Israel and the New Testament philosophies). You're not a typically racist imbecilic leftie are you?
Well then Elsa Jean is white because I want her to be.
>John Legend is Jesus
I knew it!
ummm sweetie there are two races, people of color and people of not color.
G*d is not real
Jesus is a fictional character, just like Hermione and Gandalf. There's absolutely no problem with a black person playing these characters as they never truly existed to begin with. Sup Forums is extremely easy is to trigger.
>Jesus was a white American
The funny thing is about 54% of America truly believes this
One moment they are ancient Egyptian pharaohs another day they wake up as Mizrahi Jews
Oh yes, the famous turd from the creative minds of (((British))) and Israeli scientists. The people infamous for hating Christianity. Gosh, I sure hope there's no agenda there.
White culture isn't typically reprehensible so whitewashing should be more acceptable.
Not really he should be played by some Iraqi or some shit instead
>I sure hope there's no agenda there.
So when he's pictured white, brown haired and blue eyed, there's no agenda there?
There was absolutely no way that Jesus was white, you fucking idiot.
It's literally the same thing, dumbass
>I can push an agenda, but you can't
What an interesting point of view!
t. soyboy
Not any more accurate than a white guy playing him to be honest, though they'll pretend it is.
How is it whitewashing to use Caucasian actors to play Caucasian roles? Sorry pleb, the Egyptians were and are whiter than your leftist fantasies.
Weren't people from the Levantine more of an olive color before African admixture?
Like how people from the Horn of Africa don't look like Somalians.
Jesus can be whatever race he identifies as.
>huurr there are only black and white people on this planet
Jesus would have been white by nigger standards (i.e. his skin wasn't the same color as literal shit)
>I'll use this week's buzzword. That'll show him!
>the Egyptians were and are whiter than your leftist fantasies
Yes, by amerimutt standards that statement is technically accurate
Lighter skinned levantines still exist
nah this is what he would have looked like
He looks like he feels like a stick of chalk.
Who gives a fuck. Based mell is making another passion of the christ.
he looks like he could kick your ass
Well he was a toppled Saddam era deputy so he had seen better days.
Jesus was a Nazarene Jew from 2000 years ago.
He most likely look like the Arab dude at the corner gas station. He certainly wouldn't have been some fair skinned, green-eyed Ginger.
Are you sure user? He looks like a frail old man, do you have a better picture of him? Cause right now I really don't see this guy lasting more than 1 hoof to the nards.
>.............according to this totes funny comedian on late night television
lets not kid ourselves, you're a fat fuck who hasn't been inside a gym once in your whole life, meanwhile this guy probably executed multiple people a day by strangulation with his own hands
>skin tone
Lmao, Sup Forums actually thinks Jesus was white. I knew this board was full of idiots but man, I thought it was common sense.
>unironic "WE WUZ" posting on Sup Forums
I thought I had seen it all
He was a great Judas. I kinda prefer him to the album versions on some songs.
You’re right but he wouldn’t have had a sloped forehead or flat nose
The Pharisees and Sadducees will be played by blonde hair and blue eyed Anglo-Saxons. Romans by actors with heavy German accents.
just goes to show that regardless if you chose reality or fantasy. one fact will always remain the same.
blacks enslaved themselves
>having white skin means he looked like some central european german or anglo
I guess these guys are also white europeans
also neither was implied
Nah senpai, I get your point but you'll never in a zillion years guess my physique. I'm an oddity. Plus he's old, it doesn't matter he used to be able to do. It matters that his wrinkly tissue thin throat is more immediately crushable than mine and my hands better suited to it than his shaky arthritic mitts.
if you think jesus looked like the op pic you are sorely mistaken
So lets see here..
Jesus was Arab.
Arabs are Caucasian
Caucasians are "white" according to US census.
You would be surprised but yes African-Americans un-ironically believe this.
Come on, king of the spooks
Never said that friend. There's not just white or black in the world, and Jesus certainly wasn't white as shown in pop culture.
>Unironically falling for the white Jesus meme
Why are Nazis so dumb, bros?
What do you think Jesus would be classified as in america if he was alive today?
When he was arrested for beating up some bankers, what race would it say he was?
all right then
Can't say I ever see Jesus looking like some Scandinavian but ok whatever.
To all you stupid faggots; there are two versions of Jesus, one is from the line of David who were described as having fair skin and reddish/brownish hair throughout most of the line.
Two, there was the Jesus of the transfiguration where His personnel appearance changed into a glorified state.
None of these two spell dark skin.
This is a musical anyway, the voice is all that matters.
Yeah right
Let's be honest here
God kind of phoned it in when He created niggers, didn't He?
Must have been having an off day
Arab? Is that a classification? If committed a random crime, my first thought would be to expect ties to ISIS. If anything I would cast someone who looks like pic related to play Jesus.
The Jews wouldn't let them go to school.
Arabs are considered white in the US, user.
A drawing by a liberal is not a proof of how Jesus looked.
This version of Christ (the most common one) is based on a Borgia, an italian familly full of degenerates who controled the episcopat
Stalin is that you?