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How much does it need to gross to break even.

I want to plug it into the RLM formula.

film budget + half-film budget (average cost of advertisement).



Because it's not meant for "Star Wars" fans, Forbes. Though you define that term quite differently from me, I reckon.

It's not that it's offensively bad, it's that its such a waste and disappointment to turn the Star Wars franchise into just another cash-in fast-food movie rather than something deeper and larger when its so easy to do.


what is that supposed to mean, are those lyrics from a song?

The Godfather Cinematic Universe with a multi cultural female eccentric cast when?

Hello underage


Now you can meme too.

>nine inch nails

ugh, I'll pass

it´s a reference to a youtube video

I think you can throw that out of the window in this case. Disney are claiming it cost $250 million to produce, so probably add a little extra to that and then $250 million again in marketing. It's another memes into dreams moment, the film literally needs just shy of $1 billion globally to break even.

$45 Million globally. Putting it just around $500 Million, or a HALF BILLION in just 4 days.

Keep crying Sup Forums.

original is:

If the original is too edgy for you just listen to the Johnny Cash cover. He replaced "shit" with "filth" to respect your sensibilities.

Diversity is our strength except for when it really comes down to it

Budget was $200 million, has just about made $500 million so it's already broken even

>$500 Million, or a HALF BILLION

Also all the toys they made that won't sell.

Hahahaha no. Cash's is the cover. Go look it up, small child.

excellent, I'll listen to it right away.

>Already BTFO Blade Runner 2049
>Will destroy Justice League LTD in just few days.
>Will easily cruise a Billion once its time in the theater is done.
>Will score another half Billion in video rentals, DVD, bluray
>Will score another Billion in merchandise.

The Mouse can't lose.

Is this a meme? I see people saying it's a Cash song all the time.

Godfather III is a cinematic masterpiece compared to TLJ

That's some tender butt hurt you've got there. How many people are talking about Avaturd? Oh, that's right. Nobody.

Wait, Mike Matei was in Star wars?

NIN is original, Cash is a cover. You can literally find interviews with Reznor about it.

I look forward to watching tv cry about this movie for months to come.

Yeah I know.

The last Fast And Furious film did more than that in two.


Still gonna make a billion. And there's nothing you can do about it but cry. Go post another rotten tomatoes review. That will help your impotent rage.

Underage girl

I think people are literally that stupid, user. Let me tell you one of my deepest fears: After Metal Gear Solid 5 came out, people started memeing the "played like a fiddle" thing, like "Local Man Played Like Fiddle" newspaper articles and other shit like that. I have this fear deep down that many of them didn't know that phrase, and they think that "played like a fiddle" is something Kojima came up with, because you know "oh that wacky Kojima!" and they're memeing it because they think it was a meme in the first place.

The people thinking Hurt is a Cash original is what strengthens these fears in me.

Can the under 18's please leave?

I fucking hate this meme because hurt by cash is probably the best song I've ever heard in my life and it always gives me chills. But this shitposting about a retarded children film is insulting it in a way. No one gives a shit about this traah movie scores, please stop this. Have some respect for that song, let something still be sacred

Emo faggot

Pretty good bait

I havent listened to either version, dont ever plan to, I bet it's meme shit.

Eh, if its bait its pretty weak because its not specifying that he thinks its a Cash original, merely expressing preference for Cash's version.

>I saw a shit movie once too so stop caring that you saw a shit movie

Cash's versio and its video is the closest thing you'll come to experiencing Robin Williams' suicide again.

RIP Robin WIlliams and Carrie Fisher

>You can't like things in Sup Forums!
Edgy fuck
Well, you should. Watch the videoclip too and keep in mind that he died a little after that. The NIN version is pretty good but Cash is just glorious.

user, the Johnny Cash version is one of the greatest things you'll ever hear. It's so genuine as it comes from an elderly man who was about to lose his wife, and he was at death's door himself and coming to accept what he's leaving behind.

I'm not even memeing when I say it's the musical equivalent of kino.

Anyone got the /wsg/ link?

I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao

As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies

>BvS tailoff Friday to Monday exceeds TLJ's by less than 1%

Soon this failure will stop being entertaining, but it won't be today

>Sup Forums is so fucking retarded they think that not reaching crazy force awakens numbers is bad

The Force Awakens made 40million on its first Monday.

The Last Jedi made half that.

I wonder if all the people I follow on Twitter that are pushing the narrative that the people that didn't like TLJ are nothing but a tiny minority of vocal trolls and alt righters will change their turn when the second weekend has a 60% drop.

Know any other songs like this?

You can like whatever you want. You're a faggot though.

Needle in the Hay, also Sup Forums related


Sup Forums fags were a mistake

It's 2017, nothing lives on its own quality, especially not opening weekends. Critics have become completely irrelevant and everyone needs to see something themselves to judge it because while word of mouth is the most reliable thing, having replaced critics, its still ludicrously unreliable and subjective overall. So the 2 big things that score attendance in 2017 are: Hype and The Predecessor.

TFA grossed on Hype. TLJ grosses on hype and the quality of its predecessor(s), that being TFA (and Rogue One). Episode 9 will gross based on the quality of TLJ.

The most realistic indication of TLJs actual quality is the audience scores it gets from a week after to 6 months after its release.

The delusion of this website in general is ridiculous. People actually think companies pay them to post things on this website.

How stupid do you have to be?

It was originally a Nine Inch Nails song, but Johnny Cash did the best cover of all time on it, so I'd say it's more a Johnny Cash song now. Not memeing. The song released only a few months before he and his daughter died, and it hits hard when you realize Johnny Cash means every single word in the song in a non-edgy way.

He replaced "shit" with "thorns" dumbass. It's a good change. "Crown of thorns" is much better than "Crown of shit"

And you know the budget how? Disney will never, ever tell you how much they spent on it.

I'm pretty sure there's one more instance where he inserted filth.

Just because it gets sales doesn't mean it's successful

Honestly I don't mind if people think Hurt is a Cash original. He completely owned the song in his cover. I'm more worried about the people who've never heard the song in the first place.

Any chance it will do worse than Rogue One?

I still cry every time I listen to his cover and watch the video. It's the only song that can do that. It's an eternal classic in that, the older you get, the harder the video hits.

It's possibly the saddest song in the world.

Not him but I'm an oldfag in the real life sense. Nothing edgy or emo about Johnny Cash's hurt. It fucking sucks when your friends and family start dying and you gradually fill with regret and death grows larger in your sky.

I disagree only because Peter Gabriel's Book of Love kills me way more than Hurt does.

Because you might not know, Robin Williams didn't kill himself because he was a sad clown (although he surely was), he killed himself because of rapid-onset severe dewy-body dementia that was causing non-stop panic attacks, hallucinations, confusion, and terror.

I'm a middle-age fag and you need to check your oldfag privilege because my friends and family already died when I was young.

You poor deluded fools.
Leona Lewis did a cover of Hurt and the normies unironically think she made the song. They haven't heard the Cash version and normies have never even heard of Nine Inch Nails.
EXTRA TRIVIA FACT: Hurt was a song about Reznor's recovery from drugs. For Cash it was about his life. Leona Lewis made her cover because she broke up with her boyfriend. Women are THIS retarded.

I didn't mean the song puts you through what Williams went through, I mean it puts you through the experience of learning of his death again.



I can't relate to that, but it does sound like it turns you into a bitter old cunt.

Thanks for posting the proper version dont know which faggot decided to post the NIN one

>domestic only


What normies think this? Does she have a bunch of 8 year old fans?


Well judging from The backlash against TLJ and The sales for fast and furious just seems like the general populace are becoming big fucking plebs.
So glad the last jedi didnt turn into wish fulfilment fantasys of faggots to butt hurt to realise this story is >> then luke being super cool wizard man

holy jesus I just listened to it and it's a fucking travesty. She turns it into a pop ballad. Just fucking nuke us now. The likes/dislikes are disabled on the video, so I'm guessing there is some hope for humanity.

It's mostly that society expects you to have a familial support system around during your younger years still, while people generally expect you might have no one to help you in old age, so you get shafted a ton because people don't really look out for you.

>21.6 is 'far lower' than 40.1
>21.6 is 'considerably higher' than 17.5

that's half of as much as TFA did on it's 1st monday

The mouse is killing star wars

Ok, that's another contender.

You do know Disney gets the majority of its money off of this film from the toys and merchandise right? why else do you think the porgs were shilled so hard in every scene?
This film will make well over a billion dollars, just like the last two, and Sup Forums will act like Disney is shitting themselves and that the film is a failure.
inb4 mouse shill
The film is a steaming pile of trash but that doesn't mean the hordes of fanboys and normies won't make the film a cash cow

>media is already trying to spin the narrative into "boy those silly fans sure hate this movie" instead of "this is just a bad movie"

>You do know Disney gets the majority of its money off of this film from the toys and merchandise right?
and any merchandise not related to the original trilogy in any way sells poorly. shelves will go out of stock for old han, leia, and luke, and still be full of rey's and finn's.



Remember when TFA came out and "glib facsimile" was the meme. We hated it not because of what it was, but because of what it could be.
Then TLJ is like hold my beer, I'm going to take a giant SHIT on the franchise and see if they tell me it's raining chocolate. How can you even meme a movie this bad?

People forget that MSG was on point from the first installment when it came to music (and naming it).




Disney may be too large for itself to manage. There's no vision or leadership and this movie demonstrates it. They have a planned trilogy with no overarching plan or story and they hire and fire multiple directors and writers to try and piece something together. I think it's a microcosm for what's going on at Disney the recent merger with Fox is only going to speed up their demise. It's a diseconomy of scale.

did you hurt yourself sometime within the last 24 hours?

you must be 18+ to browse this site.

Btw moose shills, this is what a successful trilogy looks like.

>Sean Bean isn't in your movie anymore
>somehow budget goes up a million

all declared movie budgets are fake, accountants ensure that no movie ever makes an actual tax-payable cent