What the fuck happened to him? He used to star in kino exclusively

What the fuck happened to him? He used to star in kino exclusively.

Who doesn't know Robert DeNiro?

Trump curse probably.

>p-p-please give me attention!!!!!

Why is there quotations?

Sad. Well at least he didn't OD himself to death.

Dementia. Robert DeNiro is dead, this is just an old turd that left behind him.


His autistic son

I want to see him complaining about marrying a black woman.

If any white man can keep a black woman under control it's De Niro

what do you mean? his ape wife forces him to do shitty movies and then spends all the millions on jewelry. he's a fucking cuck if I've ever seen one.

> “I wouldn’t have to keep making shitty movies if you didn’t spend all my money!”

damn thats pathetic

>literally who?

Someone needs to make him into an Amerigoblin

Robert DeNiro doesn't even have social media. He has talked about how much he hates social media numerous times.

thats fucking depressing

something to do with jews and women. that's this board's boilerplate response to everything

It's objective fact that shitskin subhumans are the ones ruining this planet.

He tried to take on Trump. Trump won.

Stop soying up my board.

There is no way he doesn't regret having that as a child. Poor guy.

He has a chance to redeem himself in The Irishman. Can't really blame him since most of the good films he's been in have accommodated his age, whereas now he's playing the grandpa character in everything.

Hes been in the JUST tier away long before trump,brainlet

Of course I remember him
He was pretty good in Scarface

Trying to be a big man about how he would punch Trump was just self-humiliation, it's probably what sent him over the edge. He didn't just JUST, he JUSTIFIED.

don't forget his catchphrase: "hasta la vista, baby"