Imagine that you're a Star Wars author and you have to write a book arcing off The Last Jedi but you have to explain how the character's motivations in TLJ make sense.
What would you do?
Imagine that you're a Star Wars author and you have to write a book arcing off The Last Jedi but you have to explain how the character's motivations in TLJ make sense.
What would you do?
Rey can take her super powers and go around fighting crime.
kill myself
Explain Luke was taken over by Snoke.
why dont writers know how to build up to shit. I wasnt feeling tension in the fight btwn them. I wish Luke got off that island for real.
Retcon it.
or this
Snoke had actually been influencing Luke, not Kylo.
easy, luke has sloth milk poisoning and has gone insane, rey and rose are dumb girls, kylo is desperately using his powers at all times to try and prevent people from remembering that they can destroy the galaxy with hyperspace missiles and finn and poe are gay
he Force is so out of balance it is distorting time and space and causing people with force sensitivity to act more aligned to the side they are more akin to, thus explaining the character flaws AND why everyone is SO DAMN POWERFUL despite NO training with the force!
The 3rd movie ends with them bring back balance to the force by fucking 5th element style in some kiber crystal temple and averting a galactic wide doomsday event.
Imagine being one of those plebs that disliked TLJ
>muh luke is a god
The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced TLJ has really great but very poorly estabilished ideas.
>Luke start his academy
>Ben is actually one of his most incompetent students
>He cant find the balance in himself because his parents were always more preoccupied about the well being of the New Republic than his
>That's why they sent him off to Uncle Luke.
>These tribulation make him unbalanced and he lacks behind his fellow students
>To overcome his mediocrity he starts to tap in the dark side
>until some sort of accident happens and he severely maims or kills another student.
>Luke tries to bring him back in every way but cant.
Also in the Galaxy other dark forces arises, some of them were directly set up as contingency plans by Darth Vader and Palpatine (Snoke is one of them).
Maybe a cult that sees Darth Vader as a martyr.
This led Luke to believe that even if he saved his father soul, he couldnt save the universe from the consequences of his very exisctence, so he becomes more and more convinced that he basically failed in keeping the galaxy safe and that the only way to actually defeat evil is to prevent that it ever takes place.
Hence why he decides to kill Kylo.
Play with Kylo and Leia and Han and Snoke in this setting at your discretion.
Look at Kylo's nightstand, he has a compass. He's a kid going on an adventure with his cool uncle Luke, finally getting trained in the force.
Honestly, I couldn't do it. I couldn't tell an internally consistent story where the galaxy is at war, but anyone who owns the equivalent of a car in our universe could depopulate Coruscant on a whim.
This, you cant fix this shit after that.
>le luke is acting crazy
isnt even that big of a problem
Use almost completely different characters on an unrelated adventure. It's a big galaxy, there's room for more than one story.
Came to post this
Luke: Milkies were force enhancer, his plan was to deeply meditate for several years whils sibsiding on it and then Astral Kill Snoke, Why Astral Kill instead of "Real"? WATCH EP9 FOR ANSWERS!, Rey disturbed his deep meditation which is why he is so grumpy and hallucinated Yoda doing un-Yodalike things, Good Job Rey!
Rey: Finds out she fucked up bad by disturbing Luke and that her team up might been all for naught or even made things worse for everyone, and it is ALL HER FAULT, then remembers that "Ben" is hot and she really wants him as a BF and that she needs to keep trucking on. Also tries to read the ANCIENT JEDI BOOKS, only to realize she can't understand a lick of them, Force Ghost Luke helps her through them in a proper Student-Teacher situation.
Ren: With Snoke out of the picture (as far as we know) Slowly begins to remembering things, like the night at the temple, only that Luke isn't holding the light saber, happy memories of his family, however he reinforces himself that he did NOT make a mistake, the Dark Side was there for him when no one else was and the Light Side wants to kill him. WRONG IS RIGHT AND WRONG IS RIGHT! THE EDGE IS CALLING TONIGHT. Reinforce that being Dark Side is a matter of survival in his mind and have him find himself genuinely worrying about Rey being killed due its dogma, building up a idea he wants her to go Darkside for her sake rather then his.
Everyone was raped by Harvey Weinstein, and what they do is caused by the trauma.
>italian pizza herb
That's basically what happened in the EU. Suppose that's why they didn't do it.
I'd just ignore them and leave it for the author of the next book to explain, collect my paycheck and make my exit.
It doesn't matter how depressed Luke is, he doesn't kill family members. That is an essential part of his character, and unless you want to spend films showing that changing (and people would still complain), you can't get around that.
he didn't kill family in the movie either
Just write a book about what that one lady who told Poe about the codebreaker was doing in the hologram phone call
Nice try Disney, but you can go unfuck your own trademarks
You're a clever guy.
not an argument
I'll never get over how stupid it is that every Sith just decided to start using lightsabers when they're Jedi weapons.
The very name of the weapon reveals this, it lights up the darkness. It's literally a sword made of light. Vader used one as an ex-Jedi but the Emperor just used basically wizard powers because he didn't used to be a Space Knight.
Kylo really should have been training in space wizard powers instead of making a shitty Wal Mart brand lightsaber. He wasn't a Jedi his whole life like Vader he was just in training and apparently can't even properly build his own lightsaber so had some sort of training lightsaber.
Have they written about how the first order managed to overpower the current government so hard that the only thing left is a tiny rebellion?
You must begin with an argument to have an argument. Do you think attempted murder is not a crime?
Retcon it.
What would have been best is Luke sets up his academy but starts small. First he just trains say one or two. They turn out okay. He decides to allow more in, including Ben,
He is harsher on Ben because he has expectations but ultimately stunts his growth as a Jedi.
Ben is full of resentment because of the harsher training and becomes disillusioned. Deciding to try and prove his worth he builds his own lightsaber but it's functionally damaged.
Deciding this wasn't enough he challenged the Jedi Knight(s) Luke had previously trained to a duel. This ends with Ben getting carried away with his desire to prove himself accidentally taps into the dark side slightly and kills the Jedi Knight.
Luke, who had been watching due to his overconfidence that his Knight would triumph, tries to subdue Ben but because of Ben's shoddily made lightsaber it malfunctions and he injures Ben.
Ben sees this as Like trying to murder him and escapes back to the other trainees. He convinces them that Luke and his Knight are planning to murder them as they're scared they'll turn to the darkside/overthrow them. These are the Knights of Ten
Can't fix the island part and can't be bothered to write a fix up. Snoke in mine wouldn't be a sith because it's stupid to have a random sith still around, he's just a high up member of the remnants of the Empire and manipulates Ren to become his personal heavy. This explains why he doesn't seem particularly well trained. Also, the shoddy lightsaber was due to poor cooling or something to explain his edgy side lightsabers.
Luke realises that with Jedi there will always be Sith so he vows not to train anymore, becoming the last Jedi.
>The space milk luke has been forced to subsist on since he crashed his spaceship is a class-a drug
>It's caused him so many hallucinations that he doesn't know what's real anymore and fucked up his memory. This is the real reason he can't really remember what happened with Kylo Ren. Also why Mary Sue can beat him in a fight.
>It's slowly fucking his organs up too, so he'll die soon
>It's also screwed up his connection to the force.
>Millenium falcon arrives with fresh space water and space food, allowing luke to detox, which explains why he acts like such a retard throughout the film, he's going through drug withdrawl.
>In the end the cumulative damage from all that cocaine-milk catches up with him, that's why he dies.
His extra powers in Battlefront got me hyped but he doesn't use a single one he did in TFA. No mindreading, stopping a laser bolt, nothing.
jedi apprentice. use that as a source. snoke is a Exar Kun possessed barely alive body, no suncrusher or kyp durran, but ok on the MAW installation and the Daala and her fleet, Kessel being important as a fight area.
Not bad
You have this guy at your side and he will beat the living shit out of you if it doesn't make sense
Sith used light sabers in the prequels
Hes a futuristic knight It’s a weapon to defend himself not a christ allegory you fucking retard
I'd hire one of the prequel defenders from here on Sup Forums and pay him apply the same skill at making excuses for shit movies to TLJ that they already have applied to the prequels.
You do realize Lucasfilm Story Group would reject most of the suggestion?
One of the key differences between Legends and the current canon is that now there's actual supervision.
You do realize Lucasfilm Story Group would reject most of the suggestions here?
One of the key differences between Legends and the current canon is that now there's actual supervision.
Start with the tit juice.
>You do realize Lucasfilm Story Group would reject most of the suggestion?
>he thinks the story group has power
lmao they just take care of nucanonEU, they don't have anything to do with the movies
>This ends with Ben getting carried away with his desire to prove himself accidentally taps into the dark side slightly and kills the Jedi Knight.
Death is the normal outcome of a fucking LIGHT SABER DUEL. This doesn't make sense. A kid / teenager couldn't get a Jedi to duel him unless he simply attacked and the Jedi had to defend himself. This would make Ben a murderer, absolutely irredeemable. Your story is no better than Rian's shit.
books are non-canon
Well, OP asked about books, which do fall under nucanon EU
Ah I see. Disregard that then, I suck cocks. Thought we are pitching movies.
Luke did not attempt murder
Kylo becomes even more obssed with finding and killing Rey now that she won't join him, he now sees her as the ONLY threat to his power
Rey... uhm, yea no idea. maybe goes on the run with out aid from the rebels to draw the first order away?
Poe works more in co-ordinated attacks and acts like less of a fighterjock, we see him make a choice about helping his allies on the ground instead of going for a glory kill, maybe against some kind of Imperial ace
Rose dies because fuck off and for Finn's motivation
Finn, wracked with guilt and torn between rose and rey tries to go after rey as well and ends up saccrificing himself like he always felt he was meant to in order to help Rey confront kylo on even terms
The only thing suggesting that Sith don't use lightsabers is Palpatine calling it a Jedi weapon, and that was before a Sith was even a thing. Once the Sith are a thing in the Star Wars universe, it makes sense that they have a parallel martial tradition. You're taking Palpatine and backwards engineering all of your expectations about every other darkside force user from him.
If anything, enough darksiders would be fallen Jedi that lightsaber combat would be a very likely basis for their own martial traditions.
5 year timeskip
Kylo tries to reform the galaxy and hunt down force users. Hux sees this as a waste of resources and gets rid of Kylo. Kylo goes off with a band of loyalist FO troops and his knights of ren to become a dangerous third party in the war for the galaxy
Leia ded of old age, start book with her funeral. Finn is a rebel leader because apparently FO janitors know everything. Poe is still a fighter pilot. Rey has been reading books, studying under ghost Luke, and gathering force-users to train. She's gotten more powerful through skirmishes with Kylo and his knights. The rebellion has gathered lots of outer-rim support and is ready to challenge the FO for control of the galaxy.
plus bring Luke back he didn't really die, he disappeared into the force and is trying to find his way back like Neo in The Matrix Revolutions
>tfw no dark wizard Sith lore
>luke got buttraped after ROTJ by the male version of that quadtitty camel thing
only way he can be explained
It would make him more redeemable than Vader.
The entire point is we need to see why Ben fell to the dark side. Not just making Luke have a hard on for kinslaying suddenly.
Also we have seen multiple lightsaber duels that end with no death. Vader vs. Luke, Vader vs. Luke 2: Electric Boogaloo, Count Dooku vs. Obi & Anakin, Obi vs. General Grevious.
I'm not really defending my story as it doesn't matter, however it would at least explain Ben's fall from grace and Luke's reluctance to train Rey.
But having someone that powerful in the current set up post OT makes no sense, is immersion breaking that everyone just accepts it and refers to him by name, while also just saddling with much more asspulling to waive it away
Cheers buddy
He could also just be referring that the sith have some edgy name for it.
While all non-cannon now they were prevalent with the sith before Palpatine. He also trained all his apprentices with them as it makes them more of a threat to Jedi directly.
Before episode three it could just be explained that due to his teachings by Darth Plageuis the wise, who given his title, didn't duel he was never taught.
Nah dude everyone thought they’d accept all these suggestions from Sup Forums wtf are you talking about?
It was the will of the force. Worked for the prequels.
15 minutes of rebels flying around dropping light sabers everywhere, followed by an hour and a half action scene of random people awakening with force powers, picking up sabers, and fighting back. FO is winning but has to spread their forces thin. Rey infiltrates HQ and destroys FO leadership. FO crumbles. Last 15 minutes are just for closure, talk about how hope prevailed and morn all the loves lost.
I feel bad for the guy who has to write Snoke's origins and explain why the new republic got taken over by the first order
Luke already says that the Jedi order was arrogant and that he was arrogant, but I don't think "arrogance" is a proper explanation to what the fuck happened in the movie.
So yes make it about arrogance. As Luke trains Kylo , he sees this visions that he will turn to the dark side. First they're small visions, then they get clearer and more savage. Luke knows he should end the training but he doesn't, because he's arrogant and he's the type of guy who only sees the good in people, and Kylo is his nephew / friend.
So he knew it was coming, he could have stopped it but didn't out of arrogance and faith in his friends, and loses the academy and all the students.
That fits in the general "failure" theme of the movie...
>arcing off last jedi
Adventures of Luke the Force hologram. While Rey and Finn are fighting Ben and that general guy in a SpaceBalls ripoff over the burnt books.