Menage a 3

Now who is going to cover her part of the rent?



The random faux-french words thrown in will never stop pissing me right the fuck off and hating this terrible dumb shit comic more than I otherwise would.

I think even with this, you can still count the number of negative consequences random, promiscuous sex has brought on one hand

oh my god, they´re going there!
they´re going for the DRAMA!!
meange a fucking 3 will try to put drama on the plot
and you know what that means

as much as that is the go to image, this will probably be more a Willis/Shortpacked drama tag situation

this is so awful

I don't even read this comic but I thought titty-monster was supposed to be terminally naive, not blatantly selfish like this.

Everyone in this comic is selfish.

that´s the thing, everyone is so selfish that you cant take seriously any kind of character development like this, zii is hearthbroken so what? she´s a sociopath
i don´t understand how anyone can be invested in this comic

Zii you don't deserve to be upset.

So naive that she doesn't know this is a dick move

all it would take is one person with a std to pop up in this comic for every main character to get infected

is so cringey when giz and dave want to make a serious or sad moment on this weak ass comic

What a cossal immature and dick move. I get that she's hurt by not jumping on Gary first, but to up and leave without notice is a really s***** move.

Not the first nor the last terrible impulsive decision she's made.
I bet she moves in with the Single White Female fangirl too.

How many times has he just made her cum? How is she still fucking going?

But he's had one every few seconds/minutes for hours.

Man, she is just the worst. I guess it's becuase she has no emotional attachment to him, just like yer one best girl said.

I miss Gary and Kiley. I liked them as a couple.

Zii wasn't being honest with her feelings. Didi's terminal naivete blinded her to the fact that Zii has an actual thing for her.

>Man, she is just the worst.

Wait, I don't understand. She's the worst because she didn't have an orgasm?

No, because it's been established that she only has orgasms when she feels emotional attachment to someone... and she's only ever had one orgasm despite years and dozens of partners.

In short? She's beautiful, desirable... and feels nothing meaningful for anyone

what the fuck am i looking at

The art in that last panel is a complete fucking mess.