The ONLY way to kill this film is to let it die in theaters. If they don't give it a DVD or Blu-Ray release...

The ONLY way to kill this film is to let it die in theaters. If they don't give it a DVD or Blu-Ray release, and they copywrite strike people's theater recordings, and there's no public record of it, people will forget that it ever happened.

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Episode 7 was so much fucking worse than the new one

contrarianism is mainstream now

You’re right. Disney, being the greedy corporation they are, totally cares about these things and will give up all that profit by pretending the movie doesn’t exist.

>Episode 7 was so much fucking worse than the new one
Heh. Not really.

it's a series of films for kids and a vehicle for selling toys. it's not a fucking religion. you don't have to go to war with the Byzantines over doctrinal differences, and you don't have to burn people at the stake because they say Han fired first.

you want fundamentalism? because this is how you get fundamentalism.

Agreed. Don’t understand the love for the lazy rehash that was 7, nor the hate for an attempt at something new in 8. Lots of flaws in 8 but nothing to bring about this reaction.

Man i never thought id see the day when Sup Forums would be this assblasted over a fucking fictional character.

Go Disney go, make them foam at the mouth ahaha.

can't tell if false flagging or genuinely retarded

Best idea i have heard so far...The Mouse must pay for this

Episode 7 didn't fucking RUIN luke skywalker and make master yoda look like a fucking retard

>Sir, we have an emergency!
>The fans have created a petition and they're gathering signatures!
>If they get 25k signatures we'll have no choice but to listen to them!
Said no one ever

Episode 7 was boring, it was souless, it set things up for an uninteresting trilogy

the new one surprised me, it was filled with garbage, but underneath it all, it got more emotion out of me and it developed the characters that should matter in the new trilogy, which are Poe, Kylo, and Rey

Snoke dying was the best part of the movie, he was a lame boring antagonist, and horrendous looking with a shitty gold dress.

Kylo was a conflicted badass in this movie who moved on from his shitty Vader fanboy syndrome. Rey isn't some prophesized child of a Skywalker or Obi-wan and is the natural counterpart that came out in response to Kylo existing and being in the dark side.

The movie could have been better if they removed the shitty jokes, and Finn sideplot, and focused more on the stars of the show.

Luke's final moments could have been so much better if he flew in to the rescue with his X-Wing in the last scene. Sure the movie has so much wasted potential, but unlike episode 7 I value the new set of ideas it was trying to go for

If this happened, I would be happier. Imagine J.J. Abrams starts to direct the next movie and it picks up DIRECTLY after Ep.07 did. It would be fucking hilarious.
But honestly, people I work with have asked me about the movie since I've seen it twice already, I go Thursday nights before the official opening day, and I take my parents out to the movies on sundays. So seeing it twice was really necessary in my case. After the first viewing I just sorta walked out afterwards feeling odd about it. There were things that I caught, but I guess I was too focused on the whole movie to really have thoughts about them, but after seeing it a second time I could pay more attention to them and it really solidified the feelings I had that this movie is garbage.
I enjoy about 1/3 of this movie and I feel so weird saying it. It was a really pretty looking film, the CG was great, the sets were great, the acting was pretty good, but the plot was garbage, the characters were garbage, and they forced plotlines by having MASSIVE lapses in judgement, and those forced plotlines were the worst in the film. Basically, If you're a Star Wars fan (IE: Reads the comics/ books/ play the games) then this movie is definitely not for you, and if you're a fan of Star Wars (IE: enjoy it for the toys/ fandom/ skim the surface of the franchise and never delve deeper) then sure, watch the movie. It'll ruin Luke's character from the OT, but if you don't really give a shit about the actual impact of the film and the decisions that were made in it, then watch it. Otherwise, don't bother with it, it's trash.

TFA is the worst film I had ever seen in theaters on its release.
TLJ is on a whole nother level

I enjoyed TFA for what it was. I could tell it had faults and that it was just a remake of ANH, but at least it felt like it belonged within the Star Wars universe. This doesn't even feel like Star Wars, it feels like a film Rian Johnson wanted to make, but he got stuck doing Star Wars, so he blended the ideas together and we all watched his monstrosity of a film.

I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao

As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies

What it was was the most boring shit I've ever seen millions of dollars wasted on.
You'd have to be an insane star wars fan to enjoy it, and even then you have to ignore the massive fucking plotholes and lorerape

Holy shit Star Wars fags really do love being fed the same bullshit once every few decades TFA was a rehash of ANH and it didn't get this much shit. TLJ was infinitely better.

Star Wars has gotta have one 9f the most autistic fanbases in history. So you disliked a movie. Great.

this shit is pathetic, you need a new fucking hobby if you actually take this shit seriously

Disney Star Wars isn't official canon in the first place.

>it's not a fucking religion. you don't have to go to war with the Byzantines over doctrinal differences, and you don't have to burn people at the stake because they say Han fired first.

All you have to do is look at the picture of the guy who created the petition to know that he represents pretty much everybody who even cares this much.

like I said, I enjoyed it for what it was. It was an entertaining movie even with the plotholes and leaps in judgement, which I admit were there. It's not like I'm forgetting about them simply because it's Star Wars. But it was much more enjoyable to watch than TLJ. I could still MAYBE put on TFA to watch randomly. I on't think I'll ever watch TLJ again it was so bad.

Disney Exec reads this, gets on the phone "C-Can we actually do that? C-Can we just pretend this movie never even existed?"

It's a bold move, Cotton.

dear god

Its like 7 was so distracting for people cause it had effects, storm troopers, old actors and all their nostalgia. I think 8 was about as good as 7. TLJ just had more cringe moments and did lots of unstar wars like things. They are not the good.

It was, basically ANH but shitty