What do you think of this pic?

What do you think of this pic?

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Golf Quest 2 > Golf Quest:mini

The autistic side in me finds it really stupid how there were supposedly no human wars yet the world seems to have evolved exactly the way it is now, including Asia's output of technology and America outsourcing all their cartoons to Korea.

The millennial sees the N64 and can only think of nostalgic fanboys who think their old consoles were somehow the best when shit like the Switch is inherently better just because it's more powerful, more convenient, less limiting to other hardware, and when the e-shop opens you'll have access to old games as well. Anyone who longs to go back to the days of the 90's seems to have forgotten what life was before Google, Netflix, and live TV guide that every cable company has now.

Well, that went off the rails pretty quickly.


The PS1 was the more masculine console and that SJW cucks grew up with N64s


>there were supposedly no human wars

>on N64

What I want to know is how did America form without Christianity doing the whole shiggy to the British Isles and ultimately leading to the Protestants and Quakers getting the boot. How did the UK form (especially the "kingdom" part), even? A part of me wants to see the weird pagan London of SU and what it looks like.

Fascination with the past isn't the same as wanting to return to it. Europe's obsession with the Greco-Roman art and literature in the 16th to 18th century isn't asking for an unconditional return paganism and fucking little boys. If anything SU's occupation with technology we've long since deprecated is way of reminding the audience that things are in many ways better now than they were in an idealised version of the past that never existed.

really? I felt there were tons of artistic and stylized games on PS1. Fear Effect had a lesbian protagonist if you want to cry about SJW


shame that such comfy scenes are in decadent cartoon

PS1 was for lonely people like me to play amazing single player games.

N64 was for people who had friends to play amazing party games.

PS1 was also a lot more impressive visually with their games and their third-party content was waaaay better. I don't remember any Silent Hill equivalent game on the N64. But Nintendo's always kind of fallen behind on both aspects for their consoles since they've entered the 3D age.

There's not much to work with when OP posts a picture that is meant to be Steven Universe bait with "wut do you think" as the caption.

If anything, I saved this thread from being just shitposting on Steven and height charts and made it a stealth Sup Forums thread.

well if you design your console with 4 ports, you better take advantage of it before the internet becomes a thing and steals the multiplayer crown away from you

And that's literally it for RPGs on n64 unless you want to count the abortion that was Quest 64

well Mega Man Legends 64 is an action RPG
and a fucking inferior port of an amazing game and lacks the equally great sequel fucking capcom canceling 3 and turning Breath of Fire into a garbage mobile shit

For all you know, Golf Quest could be the Paper Mario or Quest 64-equivalent where it's one of the only RPGs on the system in that world.

Nintendo 64 isn't even retro
What shit pandering

don't kid yourself, it would be exactly like normal london.

Ironically, despite focusing on an alien race and an alternate history, none of the writers are interested in exploring the differences or even basic world building

They're not. Their main focus is Steven and the Townies

Look up Resident Evil 3 for the N64.

The N64 was better than the PSX in almost every technical aspects. The problem was that cartridges had so little space that they had to compress textures and sound, while the PSX had CDs. That's literally it. The N64 was better in everything else.

The GameCube was also much more powerful than the PS2. The only consoles were they fell behind were the Wii and WiiU.

The decision for the story to always be told from Steven's pov has ham-stringed the story again and again

Conker would disagree
>N64 was for people who had friends to play amazing party games.
This. I can't get into online gaming at all. I miss going over hanging out and play games. Now a days both players have to sign on and wait around for it to fill up before you play.

I miss two player co-op.

you mean third worlders and europoors

That's exactly what he said :^)

There was also this.

weird Sugar made it an N64 since she must have really loved the Jumi from Legend of Mana to base her alien race off of them

>Steven has cried for the Jumi pretty much every episode
>He still hasn't turned to stone.

>This. I can't get into online gaming at all. I miss going over hanging out and play games. Now a days both players have to sign on and wait around for it to fill up before you play.

It's only more tedious because you're an adult now and so are all your friends, so you all have wildly different schedules and appointments. If you were a kid during the time of these online games, you would probably have a fucking blast because you would all be following the same school schedule and be able to hang out without physically being over each other's house. The back-hand problem though is that now these kids need to ALL own these games as opposed to "that one kid has the games, let's all go to his house play!".

/vr/ disagrees.

N64 is 3D
It can't be retro


That's not retro either

Battlezone? Doom? If you're trying to tell me 20+ year old games aren't retro, then kys.


Did you get paid by nintendo to write this?

Okay you got me. These days I pretty much given up gaming all together.

I have a friend who is really into twitch, I don't get that at all.
A friend who is a dad that games on his off time.
A friend who doesn't really have his life together. Despite having a kid, that games all the night.

>remember cartridges, my fellow millennials?

something about this just gives me warm happy memories of the shit show that was the Coleco Chameleon

oh fuck it's this guy.
The cup o' autism overflow.

What fake video game would you like to play? I'd been interested in Bonestorm because of how stupid and over the top it was.


>Wind Waker
>Animal Crossing
What do I win?

nothing, everyone caught it

cool looking game