Anyone going to see Isle of Dogs? I think I could shit out a better movie than this

Anyone going to see Isle of Dogs? I think I could shit out a better movie than this.

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Are those puppets?

prove it

The animation in this movie looks like it could give children nightmares but I will definitely go see it, I love Wes Anderson

I know this is bait but
fuck off

>I love Wes Anderson
and you can say this after looking at this fucking trailer? it looks legitimately terrible full of the worst "cutesy" dialogue that Wes Anderson relies on like a crutch.

Not baiting, just legitimately in awe of how this guy has such a massive fanbase.

Man takes a fuel induced shit that lasts for an hour and a half. Halfway in he takes his shirt off because it's too hot in a small bathroom like his, after he's done he gets up, gives an subtle "whoo", wipes the sweat off his brow, wipes once, flushes, then walks out shirtless with the seat up.

thats not a better movie

I'd rather pay and see that than a movie about an island of dogs. If I wanted that, I'd move to the Bahamas.

you only would do that to prove your point, or is it some kind of fetish of yours?

movie looks great, maybe you just hve bad taste?

star wars is still showing i think

Nope. I just think that a feature length movie advertised well, could draw in a crowd, and subvert their expectations by having it be one long dump session where the guy is having a hard time getting it out. One long take, no real nudity, no real dialog either. Just to fuck with people. We'll get there one day.
Andy Kaufman would be proud if he could see the day.

are you just throwing that name in just to sound more intelligent? Andy never did gross stuff, he wrestled women and could swallow swords, Richard Christy is a more fitting person for that

>maybe you just hve bad taste?
and then you have the audacity to suggest I waste my time with Star Wars. your taste is so shit and you don't even realize it yet.

He's saying star wars would be more your speed, he's not actually recommending it to you as a serious example of amazing cinema, you brainlet.

>He's saying star wars would be more your speed
no exactly. He thinks Isle of Dogs (or ANY Wes Anderson movie really) is any better than Star Wars. Laugh and a half!

I wouldn't want it to be gross. Just something 100% unexpected and hilarious.

turn that poop into kino
turn that poop into kino

too many art students did this already to be 100% unexpected

take your kids to see this if you want them to grow up dog fuckers

all these famous actors and yet it looks like shit whenever they're talking, like the voice is just coming from nowhere