Rank them from best to worst.
Rank them from best to worst
TLJ >>>>>> TFA >>>>>>>>>>>>>> SHIT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> R1
TFA > TLJ > R1
Rogue One
The Last Jedi
The Force Awakens
It's hard to say between the Force Awakens and the Last Jedi. The Last Jedi has bigger highs, but for half of the film it's a boring slog with meandering story-lines that don't go anywhere. It also has the best fights, interesting plotlines and characters. The Force Awakens is a more competent, well-paced film where you don't get bored once. It does have really shit characters like Yellow Nigga Yoda.
R1 > TLJ = TFA
r1 > TFA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TLJ
Haven't seen TLJ, so TFA>Rogue One
TLJ >>>>> Rogue One >> TFA
R1 > TFA > TLJ
I don't think any of them are bad though.
Rogue One>>>>>>>>>>TFA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TLJ
Every single pleb I know IRL loved TFA, hated RO and can't wait to see TLJ.
Rogue One > The Force Awakens >POWERGAP> The Last Jedi
Even though I think the TLJ was nicer to look at, the character development was trash and I'd rather watch TFA any day over it.
Why did they continue to call Poe a hothead pilot when in the comics and books, he's learned the lesson he learned in TLJ multiple times? Why have it be Luke on the island and not a random, lost Jedi? It could have been literally ANY other Jedi and it would have fit better and not ruined Luke's moral character. Why make Rey even more of a mary-sue? "Jedi training? Fuck that, she's a strong independent womyn"
Fuck off, OP
R1>TFA >>>>>POWER GAP >>>>> TLJ
R1 is okay, TFA and TLJ are horrible, but in different ways, so it's hard to compare
Its complicated. Rogue one has around 30 minutes towards the end, when everything seems just right. But the previous 5 hours have literally put me into sleep twice.
tfa has pretty great opening and everything seems like what Ive hoped for, until Han and Chewie arrive. Thats kinda ok but rather meh, untile the Kanji club arrives...everything is pretty much utter garbage, until we get to attack on death star 3. after that, its pretty good. But the inbetween is rather outragous, than Rougue One putting to sleep.
I liked characters and lore of tfa more than rougue one. But Im really on the par with the stuff I didnt like from these two.
TLJ is absolute garbe. But let me explain why. It seems, like the fandom might have guessed too many plot ideas, that Disney needed to deal with that. They probably thought something along the lines like 'This is too many. Nobody would have enjoyed this flick, because these groups have called it, so not only we would be putting a lot of power to these groups, we would become too predictable. No, we cant have gay Poe and gay Finn, we need to cut that. Hey! We can now ponder to the asian demo!' (little did they know, the asians will hate this interracial pair) 'let's get rid of anything the fans called, except Reylo and we can keep them fans for few more movies! More dolla biiiiiiaaatch!' and so they've hired Rian Johnson with easy brief...
TFA > TLJ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> R1
Rogue One is complete dogshit
Spoken like a true pleb
I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao
As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies
Name one memorable new character from Rogue Shit
TLJ had the best and worst parts of the new movies. I find it difficult to feel particularly strongly about the other two, and ranking movies is a pretty ridiculous concept in any case.
Caravan of Courage
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi
They're all so bad I can't actually compare them, they all belong in the trash
TLJ isn't a Star Wars movie.
>Caravan of Courage
This can't be real.
each movie only has about 30 minutes of good screentime
TFA in the beginning. TLJ in the middle and rogue one in the end
Rouge one 7/10
The last jedi 3/10
The force awakens 2/10
Rogue One
poop and shit
Last Jedi
I don't know who either of those characters are
Rogue One is unmemorable shit with no emotion
>ranking movies is a pretty ridiculous concept in any case
R1 > TLJ > TFA
>This can't be real.
They had the balls to kill off curly hair's entire family and leave her alone on a planet of cannibal teddy bears in the sequel.
ive never heard of this. what is this
RotS > all the other Star Wars films. It is unironically kino/10.
When I saw The Force Awakens, I was optimistic, but thought it was ok. The next movie in the trilogy has to be really good to justify all this bullshit.
Rogue one, did not watch because heard everything was shit expect the end.
The Last Jedi? All hope is lost, Disney killed Star Wars.
So, TFA > R1 > TLJ
probably TFA > TLJ > RO
They're all shit. If they didn't have the star wars brand on them, all of these movies would have been universally panned for being trash.
Rogue one is quite decent compared to the other two, i'd even call it good although it does have some cringy moments
Rogue One was better than TFA/TLJ, that's for sure.
Donnie Yen
Mads Mikkelsen
Riz Ahmed
Alan Tudyk
Forest Whittaker
This movie had far more talent than TFA and TLJ combined
It's the best one because it happens just before Epiosde 4 and transitions nicely with a basic story that's well executed. not much to criticise unless you nitpick
Also Mon Mothma a CUTE, CUTEEE!
Question: Does Mon Mothma mansplain?
Not at all there are a bunch of guys round the table talking and they even give the mon calamari importance
>watching it for the first time
R:1 > TLJ > TFA
>watching it again (different friends)
TLJ > TFA > R:1
Rogue one was pretty bad, I think I only liked it because I didn't read the Wikipedia article concerning the plot so I didn't know what was going to happen.
The Last Jedi > The Force Awakens > Rogue One
Very simple
>The Last Jedi
Well made film with an original plot but bad execution.
>The Force Awakens
Well made film with a ripoff plot and bad execution.
>Rogue One
Bad film with a derivative plot and bad execution.
R1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TFA>>>>>>>>>>food in the middle of being processed into shit>>>>>>>>>>>>TLJ
Last Jedi
Force Awakens
Rogue One
when does rouge one come out?
best post
last jedi is shit and if you think it isnt kys yourself
Rogue was one of the best made films the last act was brilliant
I disagree, characters were barely established, subplots didn't make sense, with the Jedha city and Saw Guerrera, acting was a bit all over the place, like in Felicity's character, etc.
The final battle was excellent, anything with Krennic or Vader was awesome of course, but the rest just felt like a borefest. TFA was miles ahead, and TLJ, although being a mess story wise, too.
Shitty rehash
Rogue One
The force awakens
The last Jedi
Rogue One >> TFA >>>>>>>>>>>>>> TLJ.
Rogue One is the only one where I didn't feel bored and checked my watch. TFA was okay but was a pure rehash. TLJ was boring shit I checked my watch every fucking 10 minutes.
TLJ >>>> R1 >>>> TFA
this seems to be the best one so far
how can anyone in their right mind rate TFA above the other two
Interesting how so much of this thread rates TLJ higher than the rest without any reason given especially when the whole board is shitting on it.
Smells like shills.
TLJ is unironically a contender for best movie in the series, rivaling Empire. The only criticisms are wikifag autism and NOT MUH LUKE
TFA is a competent Star Wars sequel, around the level of Return of the Jedi minus the schlocky kiddie merch bait like the Ewoks.
Rogue One is a boring slog with way too many characters but at least the action is decent and it doesn't embarrass itself like the prequels
troll a bit less obviously please
I like this one
>he doesn't realise that they're all the same guy
TFA > shit > TLJ > even shittier > Rogue One.
I literally can't even name a single character from Rogue One.
>muh names
This is fucking terrible.
If the characters were so shit, poorly developed and forgettable that you can't even name them, they were bad characters Disney shill.
Low Bar > Rogue one >>>>>>>>>>>> TFA = TLJ
Gareth Edward's Rogue One > TFA > Disney's Reshoots Rogue One > TLJ
Anyone who was expecting good character writing from Edwards obviously hasn't seen his works. He is the best at atmosphere and scale of destruction. I liked Jyn, Krennic and Jyn's father from Rogue One, but the only character the ST I like is Kylo Ren. 3 beats 1 by far.
Rouge One is so fucking good. It has the action, the nostalgia played correctly, and the director fought for his vision as much as he could under the mouse. Surely I would rather the original cut we never got to see, but come on the film is fine. Characters are not fleshed enought BUT BUT BUT it is a linear fun adventure with no bullshit in the middle. It works and fits in the pt and ot comfy.
Fuck FA and TLJ
I guess TLJ is second but i hurts to call it a star wars film
Wtf Rogue One was great, you're all just salty because they all died
I know this dude that I work with (I am a video producer for bands and shit) and he is a huge star wars fan. He seemed cool until he said on facehookers that "DONT EVEN TALK TO ME IF YOU LIKE R1. YOU HAVE NO TASTE. Btw about to go see TLJ"
What is wrong with atar wars fans? Are their brains not wired?
Rogue one >>>>>>>> Shit >>> TLJ/TFA
Rogue One > The Last Jedi > The Force Awakens
Rogue One is my favorite Star Wars movie of all time, so that first.
Then TLJ
Then TFA
Every single one is utter trash. Rogue One is a bit less, but still.
Revenge of the sith and New Hope come first for me as favs but Rouge One is def 3rd
Come at me faggots
>rebuttal of your own assumption
Keep debating yourself lol
killing off the entire cast was a bold decision
the problem is that the characters are paper thin even for star wars so you have no reason to care
Any other Star Wars film>>>>>R1>TFA>>>>TLJ is the only acceptable answer.
The right one
>killing off the entire cast was a bold decision
none of it mattered because those characters were just pieces of the rebellion in the wider scheme of things, it happens between episode 3 and 4. the movie was unecessary just a nice to know sort of thing they made.
This guy gets it!
best taste