Why are Star Wars fanboys so cancerous?


SJW/marxist propaganda is equally as cancerous

They're not the cancer they're the cure

Because they are white males.

The majority of Star Wars movies are bad at this point, why do they care?

>come out with a shitty movie to add to the biggest by far movie franchise in history
>people want it replaced with a better one

because they hate seeing the faggot who made Brick of all things flush their childhoof favourite down a toilet

>kill off established characters to replace them with a nigger and a woman
>make said woman a mary sue
>already canonically stronger than luke
>will probably make woman fall in love with nigger

anyone who starts/signs an internet petition is a cancer. also they mostly seem to be redditors.

>Disney shills

>ideology rooted in the subversion of all societal principles that built the first world as we know it
>equally cancerous as some butthurt nerds mad that their favourite franchise turned to shit

I'm probably a bigger swfag than 99% of this board and I enjoyed the film.

why is Sup Forums herpes?

how long till we get a korsub of the last jedi?

Star Wars fans are cancerous because for almost twenty years they've been fed radioactive dogshit.

Every time a movie is announced they get so excited and every time it comes out it's shit. Six doses of disappointment of that magnitude WILL give you ass cancer.

Sup Forums is fail and AIDs newfag

I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao

As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies

you're a bigger fag than 99% of this board, that's for sure

I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao

As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies

How could you let your girl do that ? This shit is beyond me.

why does it matter that I'm new, are you really taking pride in discovering something early and apart from that doing nothing except learning some facts, the history of Sup Forums and sometimes posting things? everyone can do that wtf, btw I'm really butthurt

and an asshole for acting like I'm above it too