The Resistance manages to lightspeed away from the FO fleet

>The Resistance manages to lightspeed away from the FO fleet
>Snoke the Joke dials up Hux to throw him around for his failure
>but Hux tells Snoke it's alright, the First Order has them "on the end of a string"
>it turns out the First Order has developed tech to track through lightspeed

So why the FUCK does Snoke, Supreme Leader of the First Order, not know that they've got the Rebels locked? Why is he unaware of his forces' capability? This gets all the stranger when the Supremacy, Snoke's own flagship, arrives and it's established that now the lightspeed tracking is being focused from it (and only it, for some fucking reason). And further, the Rebels have a perfect hologram of the room inside the Supremacy where the lightspeed tracker is located. What the fuck is this? This movie is trash.

shhh dude turn your brain off it's just a fun summer action movie

I still can't follow how Finn and Rose can somehow deduce from this single instance of being followed that:
>The First Order has the technology
>They somehow know only one ship is tracking them
>Even if they blow up that ship, they could switch to using a different ship (???)
>They know what room it must be in

Same reason the codebreaker is magically in the same cell as Rose and Finn, and only decides to break out when they arrive: shitty fucking writing.

>and only decides to break out when they arrive
He was hungover and needed some sleep.

Wasn't the codebreaker that rich guy in the casino with the lapel?

Wasn't Toro's character ANOTHER codebreaker who could do the exact same stuff the original guy could do?

why dont you try using those piping hot brain cells on something more productive, like losing your virginity

That just makes it even worse.

>they came all the way to casino planet but get arrested and fail to find the codebreaker
>lol but here's another guy in prison who has the exact skill set you need

Yes. And then he goes on to save Finn and Rose after they decide that a couple space horses are more important than saving the rebels.

>he agrees to go on a potential suicide mission for a vague promise of future payment from the apparently bankrupt rebellion

Okay. So Poe, Finn, and Rose's plan was to take a shuttle, go to a casino planet. Find a man whose only characteristic you know is he has a red lapel and likes to gamble in casinos. Then, you must convince him to help the Resistance (which has like, 500 members at that point and probably just lost most of their funding) fight against the organization which just destroyed five planets less than a week ago. Then, if they managed to succeed in convincing him to join in on this almost suicidal mission, they must find a way to sneak into the fucking flagship of the FO without being spotted. Sneak your way around the ship, find the exact location of the hyperspace tracker. Disable the tracker. The Resistance leaves, and then they would of had to find a way OFF the flagship of the FO without being spotted or followed.

I'm sorry but that's the most bullshit plan I've ever heard.

Why did they desperately need to reach their shuttle without a codebreaker? Why were they so intent on escaping part time mall cops just to slink back to the Rebels empty-handed? Why not actually follow the codebreaker who pledged to their cause and proved his worth?

You are forgetting a crucial aspect of their plan: the FO is almost entirely white people, and white people are fucking stupid dude lmao. They are no match for a wise kang and his fat chink gf.

It's fucking stupid (and hilarious) that the only reason they got thrown into jail is because they parked illegally on a public beach.

Why not park in a fucking space port or landing zone? It's like a secret spy landing their getaway vehicle on the beach of fucking Coney Island in broad daylight. Of course people are gonna check it out.

It's canon

They'd also have to get off the Supremacy and back onto the Raddus in less than 6 minutes.

Oh my fucking god who the hell approved this fucking plot? That ship is fucking 60km wide.

It's insane how this movie is praised for the same things BvS was thrashed. Both are riddled with plot holes, fundamentally misunderstand and butcher classic characters and is too long. but this one has porgs, stronk womyn, interracial relationships and evil white men, I guess that males it a 10/10 for most critics.

The more you think about this whole movie, the less sense it makes. It's like Rian finished the first draft and that's the one he filmed.

there not tracking them with tech they have an informer thats why they never shut the tracker off the big twist in the last movie is its not rebels v empire its rebels v rebels

It's December?

The ship is also 68 kilometers long.

I don't think the issue anymore is whether or not it's trash but rather why is it being praised by critics when it's clearly trash. It should be getting BvS/Transformers level ratings from critics but it's getting praise. Whole thing is bizarre.