"alright user...

"alright user, you are in charge of inventing a backstory for this guy and fleshing out his character so that fans will be satisfied when they watch TLJ next year"
How would you do it? Who is snoke?

Other urls found in this thread:


A serial child rapist

Oskar Dirlewanger would be a cool biopic

Sheev's master

darth plagueis
there we go
prequel hating faggots can get fucked

The founder and CEO of Blacked.com

He is Rey's parents

Am I providing an in-film backstory?

Or an extended universe backstory?

His backstory is totally irrelevant to the story that The Last Jedi wanted to tell. I would leave it out.

Just do the "first Jedi" thing. Was there at the start of the Jedi, fell to the darkside before the Sith were invented, and was fucking around in the outer-rim space for thousands of years. His species lives long plus he is powerful in the darkside.

It's shit, but it's least offensive and most reasonable.

Darth Plagueis.

i would have been happy with this

Would it have been so hard to include a couple minute dialogue scene saying that Snoke and the First Order were just plan B if the emperor failed in his endeavor with Vader? Just anything to explain why in 30 years after the world seemed like it was saved that it ended up being worse than it was before

darth plagius.

Failed clone of the Emperor. That's why he looks all fucked up.


leave plagueis alone you faggots, nu-wars is unworthy


>muh plagueis
It gladens my heart to know Plagueis will never be a movie character, and that prequelfags will never get over it.

Luke is already in the movie, user.

We know that the First Order was Emperor's plan B from the EU books, but we don't know who Snoke is, and how he came to be in charge of it.

who cares if people predicted it, why does it have to be a mystery?

>snoke needs a backstory

You cucks know Sheev had no backstory right?

He's this guy.

It's so obvious.

Literally nobody outside of super nerds knows this. A few lines in the movie to explain TFO would have been nice.

So it's okay if the OT did it?

Then why are we shitting on TFA again? It's a fucking masterpiece.

why? it ties in all the movies.

this would be absolute kino

Just watch Star Wars Explained on YT or something, it's basic Star Wars lore.

Yeah, the big bad doesn’t need a backstory.

It's almost like this is the ninth movie in the series or something.

Shit character that only matters in the EU and was a throwaway line in the prequels. It only ties the trilogy together if you read wookiepedia articles about him. Undermines Sidious completely too.
If you're going to make Nu-Emperor don't just make him Emperor's master.

>you need to do homework before watching a space fantasy movie

How about you stop being a lazy writer instead?

>why does it have to be a mystery?
people are being programmed to accept that kind of thing
you know, if they fuck up your country it's just whatever cause everything's a mystery anyway and you can't affect it
cue random deaths

I guess his character was a Snokescreen

>remove starkiller base and replace it with Byss, the EU planet that palpatine kept secret as his personal base
>after the death of the emperor the super secret contingency plans went into affect and all high ranking moffs and admirals like Thrawn flee to the planet to consolidate their forces
>there on the planet they find snoke, an ancient sith lord entombed in a crypt that palpatine had found during his quests for more power
>as the backup plan entails they awaken snoke (and his personal bodyguards who are in stasis fields besides him, the knights of ren), who ASSUMES DIRECT CONTROL
>snoke is obsessed with the dark side, a collector of ancient sith artifacts, and is enraged that the sith bloodline was wiped out due to palpatines reliance on technology (he believes sith sorcery and ritual is the way to go)
>snoke sets the first order on 2 missions, one find all the sith artifacts they can, and two find him the Skywalker, the one who was able to defeat the rule of the sith
>the first order go out and scour the galaxy, they rob coruscant of all artifacts left by palpatine, they scour korriban, mustafar, and other worlds powerful in the darkside like dagobah.
>snoke grows in power as he heals from his long sleep and reaches out to find the Skywalker, inevitably finding Ben skywalker as a young jedi knight who feels the pull of the darkside
>snoke decides he must draw out Ben out to get to the Skywalker
>he sends his fleets and armies (now built upon ancient sith designs from the manufacturing stations on Byss and the troops from cloning tech Palpatine had stolen from the kaminoans, its basically a mini star forge) to do terrorist hit and run attacks on undefended worlds

He's a rich character, a very powerful sith lord who managed to cheat death at the hands of Sheev and (most likely) created Anakin Skywalker by manipulating the Force. He links the two previous trilogys. He's perfect.

General in the Republic's army who learned to use the force and lead a coup, taking most of their best staff with him.

Snoke was the ruler of an alien planet that was part of the Empire and the Republic.

Archaeologists discovered an ancient Sith temple on his home planet complete with a library.

He taught himself for decades, consulting the Jedi archive to fill holes in his collection.

After the empire fell, his people under his rule were the first to prepare for the Emperors death because Snoke saw the future while consulting the most powerful Sith writings.

With their advantage in knowledge his planet quickly took control of the leader-less government, won the power struggle in the remnants of the Empire.
Many star systems were quick to accept him as new leader, because he is the only Sith left and he can therefore claim direct ideological lineage.

Snoke became the new Emperor.

>He's a rich character
Yea, in the EU. Keep that shit away from muh movies pls.

none sense, either don't make anything beyond the original trilogy or make plagueis the main villian. anything else feels like cheep fan fiction. at the very least plagueis is forshadoweed and his immortality explained. he cheats death. that's the parefect opening for his reentry. snoke right now is a random nothing throwaway character.

I don't care about what you think Palgueis did or didn't do in the EU. He is irrelevant in the films.
Also he would be just as much as villain that comes out of nowhere as Snoke to the general audience.

Would you have him come before Darth Bane? I mean, you kinda would have to since he was the one to create the Rule of Two

How is this hard to develop him based on the EU ? I don't see the problem. And Plagueis IS in the films.

And I forgot to show the fucking huges similarities between Snoke theme and Plagueis Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=vd_8-NCN5CU

>rich alien asshole
>Plagueis started to teach him the basics of the Dark Side, but left to train Sheev
>butthurt Snoke try to attack based young Sheev who beat him and leave him deformed
>has to watch Sheev rise to power and can't do anything
>finally Sheev is dead and the empire is in crumbles
>used his money and knowledge of the Force to gather what was left of the Empire and made the First Order
>he learns about the Starkiller project and decides to finish it
>Ben Solo comes to him thinking Snoke can teach him more about the Dark Side
Basically a loser who got lucky

Why do fan theorist always go for either the easiest, blatantly unsurprising "twists", or the needlessly convoluted ones, and never anything in-between?

Out of all the snoke theories, killing Snoke early was the only thing that actually caught me by suprise.

He was Palpatine's apprentice before Maul however Palpatine could sense his growing power and decided to do a Luke and try and kill him before he got too powerful hence the scars. Snoke obviously survived where he fled to the outer rim and started collecting sith artifacts in order to gain more power for his eventual return to then be killed like a little bitch by Kylo.

idk lol some rich guy X-P LOL fug your snoke theory LOL


Did you not watch ROTS? He's not even EU, Sheev flat out tells Anakin what happened.

>tfw we will never get this movie

everything i mentioned was foreshadowed in the movies themselves, he's relevant because he trained sidious and created anakin, that could have been expanded upon, if disney didn't rush these movies and gave enough time to write them properly.

But it's a shitty one. They show us a big bad in the first movie then kill him like a bitch in the second. That's utterly stupid.

He is the failed prototype of Darth Plageius and Darth Sidious's attempts at willing a Sith into being. Just as Anakin Skywalker was the result of their collective spray of Force jizz, he was the precursor that resulted in a failed, malformed creature. His abnormalities are the result of birth defects, not some wound that he might have suffered.

Rejected by his creators, he focused his infinite hatred into his training until he eventually became a true dark lord of the Sith.

Snoke was a Galactic Empire official of some sort with ambitions to seize control for himself but the current sitting Emperor had already consolidated his rule and it was too risky to pull anything
After the disastrous defeat at the hands of the rebels and the emperors death during the ongoing chaos Snoke slowly and steadily purged the remaining Galactic Empires Forces of the old guard who could eventually undermine him as the Supreme Leader

why is the "twist" or the surprise the biggest virtue in telling a meaningful story? who cares if people already guessed snoke was plagueis? just tell a good meaningful story.

Now this I can get behind.

not bad, not bad

sheev is just a "final boss" character, all we need to know is that he converted anakin to the dark side, founded the empire and killed all the jedi.
Snoke on the other hand is presented in the same vein but they didn't explain how the hell he managed to assemble an Empire 2.0 from nowhere after the rebels won and Luke was the only remaining force user alive, or how did he lure Ben into the dark side.

Anyways, the only Snoke theory that I found to have any merit at all is this one:

Snoke could quite possibly be a reincarnation of an ancient Sith emperor who decided to bide his time and wait for the right time to restore his dominion. The fall of the Empire was a perfect opportunity. With his greatest rival at the time, Sidious, out of the picture, he could seize control of what remained of his Empire, and use it to his ends.

Story? Gramps, our focus groups tell us audiences don't "get" stories anymore

>How is this hard to develop him based on the EU ?
I didn't say it's hard. It's not hard to do it for Snoke either. But they didn't do it anyway.

> And Plagueis IS in the films.
No, he the name is mentioned in the films. His existence as a physical character only came later in the EU.

>And I forgot to show the fucking huges similarities between Snoke theme and Plagueis Theme
There is no such thing as "Plagueis Theme." When this "theme" was written, Plagueis wasn't even a character it's called "Palpatine's Teachings." It's just a reused motif for general evil bad guy.
And for fuck's sake, everyone involved in the movie already stated that Palgueis is dead and he is not Snoke.

Do you really think Disney set up some sort of 6 year long misinformation campaign but left a "hint" when John Williams reused a piece of his music in TFA? That's insanely self-centered.

>Did you not watch ROTS?
>Sheev flat out tells Anakin what happened.
There is no proof that anything he said is true. In fact, he flat out tells Anakin he lied and has no idea how to save people from dying.
Plagueis, as a real character, comes from the EU.

Even George clearly stated that he's irrelevant:
>Now, there's a hint in the movie that there was a Sith lord who had the power to create life. But it's left unsaid: Is Anakin a product of a super-Sith who influenced the midichlorians to create him, or is he simply created by the midichlorians to bring forth a prophecy, or was he created by the Force through the midichlorians? It's left up to the audience to decide. How he was born ultimately has no relationship to how he dies, because in the end, the prophecy is true: Balance comes back to the Force.

George gave no fucks about "muh Plagueis," it was literally a plot device for him, that idiotic fanboys and EU writers turned into a character.

I'm done, but I want everyone to understand that Plagueis is an irrelevant shitty EU character, that will never make it to the movies.

I knew a kid in high school that has a similar scar across his forehead, where his mom tried to coat-hanger abortion him but gave up. Snoke had a hard life.

A story should have revelations of some sort - otherwise, it's simply bland. If I was just told "oh and Snoke is Plageuis by the way", I'd have no reaction beyond a dispassionate "oh, ok".

this would single handedly redeem nu-wars

not everything has to be tied up, otherwise it would feel like the smallest galaxy ever. Doesn't need to be the father of x, teacher of y or whatever. Some new guy who happens to be strong with the force is good.

What I DO want to see explained, however, is how the fuck the first order became so powerful

He's just a man who enjoys comfy footwear. What a fucking joke of a character Snoke was.

I bet he reuploaded his mind into one of the other apprentices Kylo saved and helped Phasma upload her mind into a new body as well. It's the only way to save the character.

Rather than say he's Darth Plagueis directly, I'd go with the idea that he's one of Plagueis' failed attempts at creating life. Snoke was cast aside after his creation and left to fend for himself on whatever planet Plagueis was currently on, and Plagueis was killed afterwards by Sidious (unbeknownst to Snoke). Over the years Snoke grew in power and in the vacuum left by the Emperor's death, revealed himself to have the powers of the force, but to much greater extent than anybody had seen before, as he was created by the force itself. The reason for his physical deformities is that he is a failed experiment, leaving him physically frail, which is why he can't wield a lightsaber.

However, at the same time, it's revealed that Plagueis had a different, more successful experiment, that became Rey. Knowing his failure to produce life from the power of the dark side, Plagueis attempted to use the light side of the force as well, which produced something more successful, but with less raw power. Plagueis sent her away in secret without Sidious knowing as a backup plan in case Sidious were to betray him, figuring that he could overpower Sidious and replace him with Rey as his new apprentice. Snoke's motivation is to capture Rey so that he can dissect her and find the key to curing his abnormalities, while at the same time erasing the light to his darkness, making him the dominant force in the galaxy. He uses Kylo to this end. In the end it is up to Kylo to bridge the gap between a creature born of darkness (Snoke) and a creature born of the light (Rey).

of course they would be big revelations for the characters, and execute it in an entertaining way, but still, the original trilogy is a meaningful, powerful mythological tail, that doesn't depend on cheap twists.

You fucking plagiarist that was literally already said in this thread.

They were preparing from the very moment the Empire fell. 30 years, ever since the Battle of Jakku.

So, you know. Lotsa kidnapping, lotsa strip-mining, lotsa corrupt senators, lotsa corrupt weapon distributors and lotsa time.

Yes, TLJ's story was SO riveting that it could afford to leave out a significant part of the overall story (which now PROBABLY has no place in the next one).

He is Sheevs older brother. Both brothers learned under the same master Plagies but there final test was a duel to the death. Sheev struck a killing strike to snokes head leaving sheev as the true apprentice. However, Plagies uses his dark powers to revive snoke and banishes him to an isolated planet in the outer rim in case he is needed. But he is too late. Plagies was killed in his sleep. A small handful of pretoran guards escape the massacre and make there way to find snoke Hoping that snoke would avenge there masters death. Snoke however decides to let the fates play out and sweeps in when the time is right.

a bit too grounded but could work if you want to avoid eu stuff

>We know that the First Order was Emperor's plan B from the EU books
We do? Any more on this? (I'm not paying for Disney books)

I like the idea that snoke is a survivor of Order 66 and saw Vader cut down all his friends but somehow snoke escaped with injuries

hes ancient sith. freedon nadd naga sadow tier ancient

Jar Jar Binks.

>The republic and the nu-jedi investigate and are horrified at what they find
>Ben is sent on a mission to a planet in the unknown regions with few other jedi to investigate dark side disturbances (luke doesnt want to leave the academy undefended and doesnt believe Ben wont be able to handle it)
>the knights of ren are waiting in ambush and trap Ben and the other nujedi
>they take Ben and the others to Byss
>snoke tortures Ben and reveals truths like Vader being his grandfather and pulls a "certain point of view" on Ben
>Ben, who always felt the tug of the dark gives in as he feels his life was a lie and Luke betrayed him (i feel like Luke and Ben could be kinda distant as well with Ben always feeling like he couldnt measure up to Luke) and so decides to finish what Vader started and become Kylo Ren to kill Luke.
>snoke says he must become stronger and sends him around collecting more shit like an errand boy until he has "proven" himself
>finally Kylo gets all pissy that he cant fight luke and so he takes the knights of ren to lukes academy and razes it to the ground. Luke is able to fight Kylo off and kill the knights of ren but loses his academy and all his students while Kylo flees back to Snoke
>Luke ashamed (he taps into the darkside when he sees his students dead from Kylo and absolutely fucks the knights) goes to the unknown regions at the advice of Obiwan to find the Journal of the Whills, leaving r2 with a piece of the star map to give to Leia and Han
>snoke senses Luke flee to the unknown regions and remembers the Whills from the old times
>enraged he tortures Kylo and says they must find Luke before he is able to find those teachings and is able to bring back the Jedi in the way the Whills used to be (they were superpowerful or some shit i dunno fuck you its star wars)
>Snoke unleashes his forces on the galaxy as he realizes it is time to move forward with his plan and sends Kylo to murderfuck his parents and get the map

So, he's the librarian from AOC?

If I didn't read that post does it still count as plagiarism

>this would single handedly redeem nu-wars

Because Disney's epic series is storytelling at its finest possible!

I hope you die

Your conscious mind might not have read it; but your brain did:


I don't agree with all the points but definitely agree with that people need to be a bit more grounded to avoid getting a convoluted dumb bloated cluster fuck.

Grew up on a backwater shithole planet that had the ruling government cast out by a loose collection of corrupt politicians, criminals, and slavers. The planet became their bitch to be passed around and used in whatever way benefited them. This environment, naturally wasn't the best for a young child and all sorts of bad things happened to him. Maybe he got molested or had his organs cut out and sold or something. So one day, the empire rolls in, and kicks the rulers out and replaces them people that make the place more livable, even if the populace is still being exploited. Snoke, eager for a ticket off the planet and a new life, joins as the Empire and with his determination to make something of himself and some skills he picked up growing up in such a bad environment, attracts the eye of the Emperor who trains him as a Sith. Then Sheevy dies and Snoke is desperate to hold onto the one thing that gave him structure and meaning in life. He sets in motion a plan to rebirth the Empire and restore order and dignity to the galaxy.


Snoke cucked Rey's dad and impregnated her mom with the force. Snoke said in the movie that he can see everything so he knew that he would die and eventually Rey would awaken to the dark side and cause the Sith to rule the universe.

Meant for

One of Sheev's clones, who went AWOL.

I'm liking the idea that Knights of Ren are Snoke's personal students directly rather than being something that Kylo brought to him. I would also find a way to explain who or what "Ren" is. If there are knights for it, it's obviously important. It's not like "Jedi Knights" where the knights are named Jedi, it's "Knights OF Ren"

But he did?

>Darth Sidious
That ruins Vader's sacrifice in RotJ.

An ancient pedophile who found out the secret to ultimate power and ever lasting life is by destroying the minds, bodies and souls of children, bathing in their tears and blood, eating their bodies and having their skin grafted onto his body (hence why he looks like a scarred ballsack).

It is revealed that he came from the far end of the known universe where he manifested as the physical representation of a company called Disney.

Just have him be a youngling survivor from the Jedi Temple massacre or something.

The second coming of Harvey Weinstein

Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas never died, he was seduced by the dark side:

He eventually ordered the Clone Army to help the Sith (Darth Maul, Sheev, Darth Plagueis, himself) win an inevitable war he believed would come. He was convinced that by the time the clones were ready, the Sith would've subverted part of the Jedi Council (he was already part of the council) and/or the government, sparking a civil war.

After he discovered that the rest of the Sith planned to get rid of him (they sensed still doubt in him and didn't want to risk anything), he faked his own death and went into hiding.

He came back after the Emperors death as Snoke, a nom du guerre he gave himself in his years of exile (like "Lenin").

Alright star writing that fanfic novel user. I am intrigued.

>A powerful Sith lord who abandoned the order and was presumed dead.
>Retreated to the Unknown Regions to expand his abilities.
>Became strong with the Force, but saw it only as a tool rather than a way of life.
>Adopted the identity of "Snoke" and began amassing power once the Empire fell, bankrolling the First Order.
>Used the Force to expand his lifespan, but his body was withering away.
>Corrupted Kylo Ren due to the strength of the Skywalker bloodline, intending to transfer his mind into Kylo's body once it was weakened by Kylo severing all of his emotional ties.
>Foresaw his own death and allowed Kylo to strike him down so his mind could latch onto Kylo's like a parasite.