What was worse, Enterprise or Voyager?
/trek/ - red hot negro edition
>It was da (((FERENGIIII)))
Back to >>>/redsquad/ you fucking imbeciles!
every combs character is exactly the same
Not really, brunt and weyoun and vastly different characters
Would Dukat have turned out a good boy if he got to sniff Kira's ridges?
How does Quark know about fizzbin?
Seems like it would be an obscure meme game between drinking buddies.
>page 5
>vedek barail dies
>kira says she's in love with odo in literally the next episode
the fuck
oh fug nvm
Voyager was worse than ENT.
The true redpill is realizing the entire notion that ENT is bad is a tourist meme.
>Implying anything happens in Quark's without him overhearing it
Look at the lugs on him man.
Im a few seasons into ds9 and I cant help but feel intense sexual tension between dukat and kira. Did anybody else notice this?
Everyone in the 24th century watched TOS
It's only going to get more intense and creepy, mang.
Everyone can argue over TOS, TNG, and DS9 on which is the best, but I think most people can agree Voyager is the worst and ENT is slightly better. It's too early to judge Discovery so who knows.
If by that you mean every combs character is exactly perfect, yes.
>He hasn't seen the Kira's mom episode yet
You just wait and see
did Tom Riker and Ro Laren fuck while in the Maquis
>pleb manchild Sci-Fi general
In season 2 currently.
Honestly Garak is my fav minor character.
the writers wanted them to fuck but kira's actor absolutely refused
>t. Orvilleposter
>tfw no gf
>Not using the catalog
>Missing out in those Star Trek threads that don't have a /trek/ general subject on them
>Daring to use based Garak for such foolishness
For shame user
It still hurts ;_;
Quark? I'm FCA
Enterprise. Voyager was better than TNG
Quark? I'm FCC.
so these generals are pretty much dead now
Chairman, tell me about your lobes
Not as dead as the Star Wars franchise, the only thing responsible for the current low post rate of these threads.
At first I started making my Last Jedi posts as a joke ("Why don't they call it X instead of a Last Jedi? The name is misleading") but I'm starting to get annoyed any time anyone uses the Force. I just can't stop thinking about all the plot holes, the unbelievable decisions that people make, the fact that it's possible for the movie to have been made by someone who claims to like Star Wars, there's so much about the new trilogy that doesn't make even a little bit of sense.
And then there's the fucking Republic. They put a bunch of movies in a trilogy to restore the Galactic Republic or something, but they can't set up a government with a military to replace the Empire? Actually, we know that they CAN and DO do this--in the Thrawn and Jedi Academy trilogies (no longer canon unfortunately), we see it done, it's the entire plot--and no amount of handwaving can make me believe that there is some reason that makes sense diegetically NOT to have done this before. And the Resistance almost never does something smart; when it does, they nullify it, no problem. It's even more unbelievable than Holodecks. Why the fuck can't they make more ships? Why the fuck can't the democratically structured New Republic afford an army that consists of something other than FSA-tier faggots who get caught by surprise? If they can take down the Empire, why can't the establish and hegemony? Why does that government lose cohesion when its home system gets blown up if it's democratic and legitimate, rather than centralized circle-jerking? Who decided that the Resistance was a good idea?
how is star wars responsible for low post rate in these threads?
Think about it for a minute
oh nvm i see now
Enterprise, but only by a hair. Both had smatterings of good episodes. If Enterprise had another season or two, it looks like it would have made a lot of improvements. Oh well.
>tfw no Kzinti arc
Lol, I was thinking more like the Romulan war bit that works too
Attention Ferengi creditors!
My idiot brother Rom is responsible for those purchases! I explained to the Gul why I couldn't pay for the order and they understood the nature of the misunderstanding! He was never meant to be in charge of ordering yammok sauce. I did NOT renege on a contract! Please, have mercy! Rom has agreed to offer his vacuum-desiccated corpse to the two of you as a gift, effective within a week of this transmission! I put myself at the mercy of the FCA/C!
That is all!
Ensign helm, evasive maneuvers!
__________ ahead!
Uhh, you don't get to bring an away team
and i think its kinda funny
i think its kinda sad
that dreams in which im dying
are the best ive ever had
at least VOY had the comfy feels from TNG/DS9 and the doctor was GOAT tier
Ent had absolutely no good characters, and was awkward as fuck setting for just unused VOY scripts anyways
Shran was a great character though
Alright TREK hypothetical time
>ds9 space station
pick your RACE
>too many to list
pick your RANK/JOB
>first officer
EXPLAIN these choices
>not the defiant
Early Voyager > Enterprise > Post-8247 Voyager
8472, you RETARD
Oh shit I just wrote my pin
how much smaller is the defiant than voyager im not riding in some shuttle for the rest of my life
>The Enterprise. No bloody A, B, C, or D.
>Human, the objectively greatest race.
>Ensign. Watch and learn from the best of the best.
4 decks, 40-50 crew,
compared to voyagers 14 decks, 150 crew
>the defiant
>section 31 agent
Do I really have to explain?
Worst time to be a redshirt. You won't be learning much ensign. But you will be remembered.
just like my STO:
galaxy dreadnaught, because comfy TNG feels but can match up with modern ships
joined trill, because immortal, with continuous supply of young QT bodies
admiral because power
i always imagined admirals just sat around on earth signing executive orders and shit since picard was just a captain and yet he commanded the flagship
He is lovely.
I like star trek but I wouldn't want to be one.
How the fuck are you supposed to drink out of the Odo tumbler? It's disgusting.