/ourguy/ HATED The Last Jedi
/ourguy/ HATED The Last Jedi
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based Shapiro is NEVER wrong
he even loved BvS. Truly BASED.
He hated GotG 2 more than anything else. Which is weird or he doesn't watch many blockbusters.
My favorite Twitter Meme. His only like.
Why is this slimy little jew on Sup Forums
this manlet still relevant? chapo's already run him into the ground in terms of material
Someone give me a quick rundown on his sister
havent ever seen a jew do the evil things Sup Forums or Sup Forums said
>Spencer hates it
>Shapiro hates it
He got triggered by the first episode of The Young Pope, he's beyond retarded
Little Benji is always either 100% wrong or 100% right, but he's right this time.
>far-left kike
um no, try again sweaty....
but his an conservative orthodox jew who fights the left since hes able to breath
the left also thinks hes a nazi
Mara Wilson is his cousin. She identifies as gender fluid and he probably hates her like crazy.
He IS the left. Literally controlled opposition keeping the goyim in line.
weak attempt with a low quality jpeg full of fake quotes. Nice try dailystormer fag.
I genuinely dislike Ben Shapiro because I'm a raving anti-semite, but what does Chris Evans have against him?
Shapiro constantly exposes Hollywood for his shenanigans and shits on Marvel.
I mean he wrote an entire book on why Hollywood is shit.
>fake quotes
Here he is whining about "toxic masculinity" like the rat-faced SJW kike he is.
Also pic related.
Just imagine being this delusional, friends.
He literally said he wouldn't mind if America became completely brown
holy shit what a brainlet you are but thats expected from a stormfag.
yes cause race doesn't matter to him so what? would you rather live in a country full with white people that vote for socialist policies or conservative brown people that leave you be
>leftist FILTHY JEW says leftist shit
>"h-h-h-he's not a lefty!!"
Nice damage control, queer.
There is no one more based than Ben.
>"biology and genetics d-d-d-don't matter!"
The only brainlet here is you, creationist SJW faggot.
go back to your containment board you retard and circlejerk about white superiority lmao
>would you rather live in a country full with white people that vote for socialist policies or conservative brown people that leave you be
Self-hating white leftists are TRAITORS and therefore lower than even the most criminal negro.
Yeah that's nice and all to believe in what if's but the fact is 90 percent of brown people will never be conservative ever and I would much rather live amongst my own kind that created this country for my own kind
Even if they were lefty filthy socialists
pls stop with teh reddit spacing
it's dumb
>loses argument
>proceeds to whine about his safe space being violated
The absolute state of the left.
You have to go back to your containment board.
We discuss Ben Shapiros take on Hollywood here.
>or conservative brown people that leave you be
>conservative brown people
Cool fantasy, reddit shitlib.
That's because liberals keep lying to minorities to keep them in line. We just need to educate them.
>how DARE you bring politics into the thread about a political commentator! I DECIDE what you should be able to discuss!! I-I-I'M SUPPOSED TO BE IN CONTROL!!
Get fucked, SJW freak.
Its about Star Wars not a commentator faggot
how the fuck can he talk so fast
Attempting to educate the Negroid is an exercise in futility
Venezuela has little to no white liberals "lying to them", yet they will vote for big government and corrupt socialists errytime.
>educating blacks and degraded spaniards
My gf is from Venezuela and she says all the smart people are leaving
He's a Jew
The quicker he talks the more money he makes
Shapiro > CTH ironybros
There are no honest jews.
They have dictators lying to them. The colored man can be saved.
>My gf is from Venezuela
Enjoy birthing your share of stunted, lethargic Amerimutt midgets.