its gonna fail without Denis Villeneuve's direction isnt it?
Its gonna fail without Denis Villeneuve's direction isnt it?
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I still cant believe this is real!
Guillermo in the first movie:
>extremely motivated, cold and efficient
>careful and calculated with his shots but with a clear sense of passion and vengeance beneath the surface
Guillermo in nucario:
yes, but it will probably be a 56% kinda movie
Give it a chance nig nog
Penis Villeneuve has been exposed as a total hack after 2049. This movie will unironically be better than the first
Actually 2049 was his first good film, Sicario was trash and Deakins' absolute worst.
Do you think they'll adapt the al-Nusra run in the OCU?
what is this
can only gather there's a sacario 2 coming out?
>what is enemy
>watches david lynch once: the film
agree with the other user, 2049 was his first good film, and even that isn't as good as the original blade runner
Enemy was good, though.
it's disorienting to see that it's a sequel, that's very similar, but also very different in its intent
Literally every single one of his movies ranges from good to great
>written by Taylor Sheridan, the writer of the original film
Maybe it'll be goo-
>directed by a literally who
>Denis Villeneuve isn't involved in anyway
Goddamn it, why are Sony doing this?
I almost forgot to mention:
>no Roger Deakins
Fuck Sony.
Who's even the protagonist of this one? One of the reasons the first worked so well for me was Emily Blunts character was extremely flawed and a realistic take on a female in an unforgiving environment.
Because Hell or High Water and Wind River were complete shit, right? Fuck no, in Taylor I trust.
>No Villeneuve
>No Deakins
>No Emily Blunt, meaning no relatable or flawed protagonist.
Del Toro is cool but him and Brolin just play assholes
Into the trash it goes
Get the agua.
It looks like Benicio Del Toro is the protagonist. A film focusing on him could actually be pretty good. The problem is it looks like what we're getting is a shallow action flick that misses the point of Sicario.
He isn't directing the film, user.
You fags are still gonna watch it.
>go ahead and finish your popcorn
even if the direction is shit, taylor can do no wrong with the screenplay
You know there are torrent sites, right?
Terrible direction can really hurt a film though. Look at Red Dragon. That film had an A+ cast and a great screenplay but Brett Ratner's lackluster direction held the film back from being great.
him firing that gun looks badass af, why do Sup Forums dweebs get so upset about it?
im sure those stock weapon sounds are only for this trailer, if the actual film has similar FX to the first then we have a badass wanna be cool guy movie right here. but those stock sounds just sound so terrible
Taylor has said they shouldn't have asked for him to write the sequel because it’s extremely dark and hes surprised they allowed it.
So I think its going to end with both of the “ macho” men getting their shit pushed in and dying. Its the only way to make this film interesting.
I'm going to see it.
>Not having seen Incendies
You're a joke dude.
The way the film is shot and just the way the trailer looks makes it seem like a direct to video sequel.
Like a Jarhead 2 or somethinc.
Yeah but the cinematographer is Dariusz Wolski, who is Ridley Scott's DOP.
He didn't direct Hell or High Water either, just wrote it, and it's arguably the best of his three screenplays turned films so far.