Was I the only one that didn't notice?
Was I the only one that didn't notice?
You just made me feel like such a dumbass
holy fucking shit D:
HOLY!!!!!!!! is that a parallel universe???
Jumanji is thematically more intelligent than most high-brow movies released today.
pure unadulterated kineaux
I never noticed either.
what does it imply?
what the fuck
The hunter represents his humility toward destroying his father's shoe thing and blaming it on the nigger. "In the jungle you must wait until the dice read five or 8" means that he must remain in the jungle until he confesses his punishment, then he can travel 40 years in a second and go back to the world he belongs in.
This an extraordinarily deep film that Rian Johnson fans couldn't begin to understand. Jumanji saved m fucking life.
KD in her prime. Is Jumanji Kino?
kek. I just watched that movie a few weeks ago. I guess the fake beard always seemed a bit off, but I thought it was just to add to the ridiculousness of the character
Are you guys for real?
well of course, in many ways, jumanji is unique, like for example, the only awesome movie of Robin Williams
>the only awesome movie of Robin Williams
I feel sorry for your mother.
very fruedianesque if I may say so
That's not Flubber
Nah, Spider-Man was her prime with those perky tits
I agree
jokes aside, is one of the best movies for weekend
How did you guys not know this? The entire movie is about Alan's relationship with his father. Hyde plays both parts, just like actors always play Hook and Peter's dad in Peter Pan theatre productions.
based Flubber poster
you mean flubber is better than jumanji??? come on...
Bro everyone's meming. Come on now.
I've never seen this movie. And I've only even seen the last half hour of Space Jam.
Watch the Robin Williams Flubber first. It's pure 90s kino.
how can you be that dumb
I did not notice also and only found out when I read about it somewhere.
Was the director thinking of Alan's relationship with his father when he cast the same actor for the hunter?
Or is he just doing what several prominent comedic actors have done like Dan Ackroyd playing more than one character in a movie? I mean, maybe he heard about it and thought it would be cool to do the same thing.
Looks #LITY
>people actually didn't realize this
I had a crush on her brother.
I only watch the Wil Wheaton scenes and then I fapped.
Nigga I will fight you.
Honestly though, its a coin flip between pic related and Hook for me. Crazy to think the town built for the movie is still standing, I'd love to go visit someday.
>the new movie is a video game, a FUCKING VIDEO GAME, that the people get sucked into
>lmao it will have alan parish easter eggs xD!
>KD in her prime.
Wrong. That would be Small Soldiers
I had a crush on the boy.
I wish she was my next door neighbor growing up. We could innocently explore our bodies together for the first time.
enjoy your buttrape in jail
Huh. Never noticed that. but I also didn’t realise Marty’s daughter in Back to the Future part 2 was just Michael J Fox in drag even though it’s so painfully obvious
Good lord, she was so cute. We would have been perfect :3
fuck KD
oh my god i am fucking retard
I'm a 90's guy!
It's the I hate my daddy" trope. The best example is Peter Pan. In state productions, the original Disney animated film and the 2003 live action entry, the actor who plays Mr. Darling also plays Captain Hook.
They throw two die, so the result can be eight.
you just made me feel like the biggest retard on the planet for never noticing this
Snodgrass is his daughter
This is Jonathan Hyde's aka van pelts real life hot daughter Georgia King.
wow i didnt know that girls were on Sup Forums
I think he spoke at a lower register in that role too, even though he had like two lines as the female daughter