The only defense they have is bashing the old movies or pretending it was as terrible as this one

>the only defense they have is bashing the old movies or pretending it was as terrible as this one

he's kinda right, you know

I saw ROTJ for the first time so long ago that I can't even remember my first impressions of it, but I imagine the Emperor shooting lightning out of his fingers was shocking and cool as opposed to just stupid. Maybe I'm wrong.

How did a girl who lived in the desert learn how to swim

ghost emperor?

What scene is he talking about anyway? Super Leia?


Is anybody really complaining about the Force powers in this movie? That's not what I've seen at all. If anything, the new Force powers are one of the few decent things in the movie. Luke's Force projection was pretty cool in a vacuum.

If he's trying to make some crack about the hyperspace kamikaze scene, then that is not at all comparable to Force powers.


>subtly quotes portal on top of defending nu-wars
truly a detestable specimen

But force lightning had already been used prominently in two movies by that point.

when I first saw Return of the Jedi I just assumed that it was A) an advanced power for force users or B) hes an alien and its just something that species could do

Because I saw these films before the prequels or reading any dumb tie in novel.

im amased he didnt managed to talk about trump in that tweet
thats all he can ever do after the elections

No. The series had just picked off and Sidious was our first proper look at what a Sith Master of the dark side of the force was. The idea of what a Sith lord would be were based on him.

I assume this is a stab at Leia. The issue with Leia's bullshit is we had not only never seen any of the countless other Jedi do this, and there was no remote hint in the films that Leia was that skilled in the force.

And honestly the flying Leia thing really doesn't bug me much. Speaking personally, that wasn't even one of the top ten problems I had with the movie. There's a lot more wrong with it than that.

>people complain of how coward and lazy writing was ghost luke and how super leia was weird
>think people are complaining about the force use itself


No he isn't.

Only Siths attuned with the full force of the dark-side had that shit.

Vader probably didn't. Really did not need it because Obi-Wan committed Jedi suicide early in their skirmish in ANH, Vader kicked his son's ass in Empire thus did not need it, and in the RotJ, was a conflicted mother fucker because of feelings for his son.

Luke said he sensed good in Vader anyway.

How surprised is anyone that they do this? ITS THE SAME THING THEY DID FOR TFA!

Didn't Luke say the force was strong with her too at some point?

She IS force sensitive, but its totally out of character that she'd be this powerful, Leia just doesn't seem like a force type of person.


i mean....its kinda valid

that guys a fucking retard, I can't believe I used to look up to him.

I used to follow him on twitter and he start to say the most bat shit SJW stuff, and everytime i said he can't get any worse, he did, seriously he needs a slap

It isn't.

Leia was never a jedi type of person, and that's fine.

If it were something more minimalist, like she levitanting a rock or something like that, people wouldn't be so angry.

>another thread where 100 people disprove some random nobody on twitter

>Something that was in the third installment of a movie series from a character that no one even saw in the first two installments makes no sense because it wasn't in the first movie.

How. Fucking. Stupid. Are. People. Becoming??? This is a level of mental illness that you both need to get checked out. You're fucking actually retarded and you need help. I'm legit worried about how you function in daily life being this stupid. Do you have driver's licenses? Are you out there driving around with this level of mental illness?

It's fucking scary. Seek help now before this colossal level of dangerous stupidity hurts someone.

>Emperor first shoots lightning from his hands when he's relatively safe
>Leia first uses her force powers to save herself from certain death after being caught in an explosion, knocked unconscious and blasted into space with no other hope of survival, with no foreshadowing at all beforehand, making her force usage a deus ex machina
If the Emperor had been getting curbstomped by Luke and then suddenly pulled the force lightning out of his ass right as Luke was about to land the finishing blow, maybe then they'd be comparable, but as things were they're really not.

I'll ell you what bothers me way, way more about that scene. Why are her and the debris field just floating there near the ship? Did they just coast to a stop? In fucking space?

>no one in Naruto could control sand, so introducing Gaara is unforgivable

Not many people are complaining about Astral projection power, it's a strawman.

It was just a really week finale to Luke

People have always been this stupid. But only recently has the bar for using the Internet been lowered to the point that you are exposed to these idiots.

I want my 1999-2007 Internet back..

Not to mention ROTJ does a lot of work before the lightning scene establishing how powerful he is, because we see a lot of his strong precognition abilities. Also, he's VADER'S BOSS. Sheev is set up as a serious motherfucker, so him having a power like lightning doesn't feel out of left field.

He's right. Force powers are super third eye intuition powers and some telekinesis/telepathy, and the prequels focused only on the telekinesis/telepathy and martial arts, and the prequels are bullshit. But even through they are bullshit and nobody liked them, somehow this idea of the Force stayed because that's something that people could understand, not something abstract. So now the movies returned back to the roots established by Empire, and now nobody fucking understand the force again.

I don't really know what to say. Go watch Dagobath again. Is it really that hard to see that the most important lesson Yoda taught Luke was to believe in himself? He didn't fail to lift his ship out of the mud because he didn't flex or train his "force muscles" hard enough. He failed because he didn't believe that he can, because he thought the ship is too heavy for that, and the lesson was that the force doesn't give a shit about how heavy something is, only about what you believe you can do.

This. There's no atmosphere to slow them down or anything.

True but we never saw demonstration of this level of force use. Ignoring the original, if she demonstrated once that she had a level of force power within the movie prior to what seemed like a death scene, it wouldn't be as surprising. She was force sensetive compared to Luke and Emperor who were Jedi and Sith's at their respective levels. Most people complaining are for this and because the actual actress died and it's almost disrespectful to her memory to Superman/ Mary Poppins her character back to life. Then again, people defending TLJ ignore the reasonable complaints to go after the weaker arguments to defend what is really a shit movie, star wars or not.

Also, who cares about cuck Nash who's girlfriend Hope left him and turned herself into a dike male.

What I don't understand is why are so many people taking it so personally that the movie was bad or other people just didn't like it?

If you liked the movie good for you but I don't understand why the faggot in OP's pic is being so defensive about it

Eh, I can bullshit that away with the artificial gravity fields the ships generate. You know how gravity is a field? Your feet is firm on the ground and thousands of feet up, outside of the atmosphere, you'd still be rotating around Earth. So there is "friction" in space near that ship. The ship is still pulling things back. Surely the gravity the ships generate doesn't just fucking stop at the door, at least to the extent that you could reclaim come blasted off parts for repairs.

What's he talking about? The hyperdrive scene?

Doesn't seem that far fetched that a Skywalker would call upon the force in a time of need, I mean her family had some of the most powerful force users ever. And there's also the possibility she had some training in all those years. There's worse things in the movie to complain about.


Leia just doesn't seem like this type of character.

Buddy, you know how people call these retards "bugmen"

It's apt, they are socially engineered corporate drones. They are braindead.

People are so invested in brands on a personal level now that they feel like insulting the brand is insulting them directly by extension.

Why is Sup Forums so fucking whiney about everything

It’s literally stated that she never trained in the force. At all.

Didn't look like a trained power, just the basic telekinesis with the natural powerlevel of an old skywalker. Now what Luke did at the end was a bit more special.

He isn't right but his point is. What to stop the dark lord of the sith from shooting lightning from his hands? We just saw Yoda lift an entire ship out of a swamp using his mind. I hate saying this but the people nitpicking nu wars and sucking off the prequels seriously sound like virgin nerds. who never go outside. Really thats what you sound like like and its what Mike sounded like when he did those prequel reviews only the capitalized on underlying resentment for those movies.

>Vader gains the power to shoot lightning out of nowhere with no explanation in ROTJ
>Vader could shoot lightning all along but only decides to do so in ROTJ

>Didn't look like a trained power, just the basic telekinesis
>Didn't look like a trained power, just a trained power
Come on now

>Vader is Emperor's apprentice
Unless Sheev is just a slimy politician, he can't be Vader's master if he can't use the force.

I think it's the Luke force projection thing.

Although I don't actually know if people really did get pissed at that since that's actually pretty tame compared to what other powerful force users can do. Someone like Darth Nihilus was basically a fucking Sith God that could do all kinds of crazy ass shit like killing fuckers with his mere presence.

>Inb4 the EU isn't canon

Yeah, well, maybe Disney will make it canon anyway once they realized how much they fucked up their own canon.

Telekinesis isn't a trained power, even Rey could do telekinesis, in fact even the kid at the end pulled the broom. Neither force brainwashing nor force telekinesis seem to be gained through training, at best they are refined though training. Rey could probably lift those rocks but couldn't turn the lightsaber next to Snoke like Kylo did because that takes fine control not just brute forcing it.

>she'd be this powerful
She just force pulled herself through a vacuum

Are we going to get a new force power with every movie now?

I think there will be less shitstorm if Leia was wearing spacesuit. Surviving vacuum is more of the issue while pulling her ass back to the ship.

Didn't Empire establish that what you can move depends only on the extent of your belief in yourself, which is why force powers often overperform in times of need when the survival instinct basically shuts doubt off?

Like when Luke was hanging on the bottom of the floating city after having his hand cut off and he could suddenly telepathically call Leila, or when Rey turned Kylo's mind reading shit back onto him and called him out for being a little vader fanboy bitch?

Nash is a retard, and he's pathetic even by TGWTG standards. He got cucked by JesuOtaku, who then became a tranny, then claimed he was a rapist.

She was only in space for like a few seconds; you wouldn't die that quickly. She was fucked up after.

>Telekinesis isn't a trained power, they retconed it to be a spontaneous power

This is like saying you don't have arms unless you go to the gym. You have arms; they just don't become beefy unless you go to the gym.

It was scary as fuck. Like, the Dark side has some big-time firepower! Luke is up against some serious shit! How will Luke prevail??

>retconned it
Fuck off.

Why are all the people who loved TLJ so defensive and salty towards the people who didn't? Most responses I've seen from Twitter and the like try and counterpoint arguments, but say them in like a snarky, insulting tone?

A New Hope established that with the fucking trench run. Luke just HAPPENS to aim better than the targeting computer when the fate of the galaxy is at stake.

Quick question: Was Vader not skilled enough to shoot lightning, or was it just the fact that he had no arms that prevented him for doing so?


>That's you. That's how you sound.
God what a homosexual faggot.

He's referring to Leia supermanning back into the spaceship. Luke displaying new abilities shouldn't be a shock because he's a trained Jedi on an island with ancient Jedi books whereas Leia has never shown any manipulation of the force other than some "feelings"

As I recall, the most current explanation is that you need biological arms, arms actually in tune with the Force, to channel the lightning, so Vader's robot arms can't do it. I'm not sure if that's still the case, though. He can choke people, but the lightning requires finer control than that.

Hetrained with Obi Wan in the previous movie and known what the force can do
Rey didn't known shit

is this about super Leia?
because it's not too out there considering what we've seen people do with the force, even though it looks silly.

>Telekinesis isn't a trained power

Luke couldn't even levitate a small rock without Yoda teaching him. All of Rey's powers are asspulls

People always say that star wars fans deify their characters, and they always say that's not true, so that is an ongoing argument, and then a movie drags their gods through the mud, and the truth comes out that they actually do want their characters to be Mary Sues, they just don't want the new characters to be Mary Sues. They don't want the competition, they don't want their gods overshadowed.

Luke pulls the lightsaber to himself while dying of hypothermia and hanging upside down after being wounded by a wampa without any training from Yoda.

It's like there's a gif in this thread where he pulls the lightsaber to him in the ice cave, which takes place before he is instructed by Obi Wan's force ghost to go to Dagobah in the first place. The same life and dearth situation evolving a force power as explained by

I guess a difference between movies I-VI and the new ones is even force sensitive people before had to go through training to even do basic force shit. Now it just seems as long as you know the force is a thing, you can do force shit.

Considering 4-6 worked just like 7 and 8 so far, I'd say it was 1-3 that was different.

Anakin is literally only able to survive podracing because he has "jedi reflexes."


So you're admitting that Rey is as powerful as literally star wars jesus.


Vader put all his points into the force choke skill tree.

This is the latest coordinated PR response. Because it came up all at once and it's being spammed across the internet from entertainment blogs to reddit posts.

I'm actually more disturbed by how coordinated this shit is than anything else. And they're choosing to attack the fanbase itself, again. Just like Ghostbusters.

If you can't just switch your brain off you have no place in a theatre.

Obi-Wan at least gave him a brief rundown of the force. There's no reasonable explanation for Rey's Jedi mindtrick in TFA

Star Wars Jesus as a 9 year old, sure.

She heard stories. "Jedis can control people's minds!" She tried that and, hey, it worked after some focus.

>Vader probably didn't
Dude his fucking limbs were all made of metal, probably not smart to try throwing around lightning when you have a giant computer keeping you alive on your chest either.

The first time Anakin ever thought against a Sith he got his right hand cut off. The first time he fights against a Jedi master he gets the rest of his limbs cut off.

He never actually used force powers early on before he was trained, jedi reflexes are something that happens passively if you have a strong connection to the force. It doesn't allow you to randomly manipulate your environment and use jedi mind-tricks.

Well first of all people in the new trilogy in general know about Luke and Han and the Force and the entire story of the original trilogy, because those are legends. That's kind of established in TFA when Rey and Finn are all jizzig over Han showing up. So she does know that something like the force exists, as would anyone who has the misfortune to meet Kylo Ren, I would believe, because motherfucker stops blaster bolts in mid air, that's kind of a sight.

the old movies are equally terrible, the whole thing is just manchild pandering.

Anakin was fighting extremely powerful, highly experienced opponents. Rey was fighting an emotionally torn kid who had just taken a fucking laser cannon to the kidney.

>He never actually used force powers early on before he was trained, jedi reflexes are something that happens passively if you have a strong connection to the force. It doesn't allow you to randomly manipulate your environment and use jedi mind-tricks.
Luke pulls the lightsaber without training.

And he fucked up a lot, never finishing a race before.

Rey would have been the Grand Champion of podracing the way she is written in the universe.

Tara is even worse.


>She tried that and, hey, it worked after some focus

That's the root of the problem. Why even bother with jedi training when all you have to do is listen to some stories and do it. These *were* advanced techniques at one point.

You don't automatically become a blackbelt by watching kung fu movies and think ''let me just copy that''

>And he fucked up a lot, never finishing a race before.
But he survived, which is literally something no human can do.

>Rey would have been the Grand Champion of podracing the way she is written in the universe.
Rey scraped the fucking millenium falcon against the ground.

I see this same defense in so many scenarios with different declining franchises it's insane.
The shills look at overwhelming criticism of a given work, strawman it to the absolute limit, then go "previous works were just as bad" or "why didn't you complain when the old one did it".

It's like clockwork. They do this when they have no actual defense to any of the criticisms.

>The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
There you have it. He's right. What you faggots are doing are putting D&D rules on something as vague and mysterious as the Force.

haven't read her stuff, whats it like?

>That's the root of the problem. Why even bother with jedi training when all you have to do is listen to some stories and do it. These *were* advanced techniques at one point.
Because despite what the prequels say, Jedi training isn't about becoming a huge badass, it's about centering yourself and becoming in tune with the greater universe you are connected to. Yoda didn't teach Luke shit in terms of mechanics, he just helped him understand what it is to be at the nexus of this greater thing.

I think he's referring to the backlash of force projection instead of Leia

You bother with Jedi training so you don't fall to the dark side. The fucking thing that people have been trying to explain to you for like 4 straight fucking hours. How the prequels fucked up the idea of what a "jedi training" is with all those images of little kids with blindfolds waving lightsabers right fucking next to each other. Now that was some super fucking safe thing that's not retarded at all.


It does bother me. If she's been doing this resistance thing the whole time, when did she learn the fucking force, and why does she never ever use it until that point? There are many times where using the force would have benefited her.