You must believe women goyim, but not when it comes to us

You must believe women goyim, but not when it comes to us

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It seems sincere and believable enough. Miller is a pretentious douche who gets over-excited about politics (he bragged about asking his co-stars if they donated to the Hillary campaign), but there's no evidence to suggest he's guilty of any of this.

>date crazy girl in college
>break up with her
>crazy ex makes up lies about you

there's the fact that he's a raving liberal lunatic and has done fuck up shit in his past and acts as such in a narcissistic attempt to atone for it, possibly the motivation of many liberal activists

Not the point, these kikes always defend feminism in pretty much every occasion, but when things go south for them they remember us that women maybe, just maybe, might be passional and crazy cunts.

Even if the allegations are false this guy had it coming. Allegedly he choked the shit out of her then anally raped her anus. I honestly hope he gets sent to the booty-house so he can experience some of that sweet, sweet diversity liberals crave so deeply.

literally who?

having dated some crazy in college this one is hitting too close to home...

Fuckin' slimy Jew

>anally raped her anus.
At least he didn't anally rape her vagina. She'd need reconstructive surgery to repair that damage.

Fuck you victim blamer.

>Harvey Weinstein (Jew*) (helped by Israeli ex-PM Ehud Barak*, journalist Noah Oppenheim*)
>Bob Weinstein (Jew*)
>Roy Price (crypto-Jew*, fiancée named Lila Feinberg)
>Brett Ratner (Jew*)
>Bryan Singer (Pink Triangle**, Jew* pedophile)
>Gary Goddard (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>Adam Venit (Pink Triangle**)
>Roman Polanski (Jew* pedophile)
>Woody Allen (Jew* pedophile)
>Oliver Stone (Jew*)
>James Toback (Jew*)
>David O. Russell (Jew*)
>Lars Von Trier (considered Jew* at the time)
>Victor Salva (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>John Singleton (Black)
>Matthew Weiner (Jew*)
>Andrew Kreisberg (Jew*)
>Mark Schwahn (Jew*)
>Murray Miller (Jew*)
>Lena Dunham (Pink Triangle**, Jew* pedophile)
>Dan Schneider (Jew* pedophile)
>Jimmy Savile (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>Adam Fields (Jew*)
>Chris Savino (Goy)
>David Guillod (Goy)

>Dustin Hoffman (Jew*)
>Richard Dreyfuss (Jew*)
>Jeremy Piven (Jew*)
>David Cross (Jew*)
>Jeffrey Tambor (Pink Triangle**, Jew*)
>Ed Westwick (raised Goy but wishes to convert: Crypto-Jew*)
>Robert Knepper (Goy)
>Sylvester Stallone (25% Jew*)
>Jon Grissom (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>Alphy Hoffman (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>Charlie Sheen (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>Danny Masterson (Scientologist)
>Ben Affleck (Goy)
>Casey Affleck (Goy)
>Steven Seagal (50% Jew*)
>George Takei (Pink Triangle**, gook)
>Bill Cosby (Black)
>Kevin Spacey (Pink Triangle** pedophile)
>Louis CK (25% Jew*)
>Andy Dick (Pink Triangle**)
>James Franco (Jew* pedophile)
>David Blaine (Jew*)
>Mariah Carey (Black)
>Allison Mack (Pink Triangle**, Jew*, sex cult)
>TJ Miller (Jew*)

>Jann Wenner (Jew*)
>Leon Wieseltier (Jew*)
>Michael Oreskes (Jew*)
>Mark Halperin (Jew*)
>Lockhart Steele (?)
>Charlie Rose (goy)
>Terry Richardson (Jew*)
>Matt Lauer (Jew*)
>Glenn Thrush (Jew*)

>George H.W. Bush (Goy)
>Roy Moore (Goy)
>Al Franken (Jew*)
>Paul Rosenthal (Jew*)

* 2% of population
** 3% of population


LOL eat shit and die you pathetic leftist cucks

>Male feminists are the biggest rapists.
It's all starting to make sense now, isn't it?

#I'mwither you misogynist pig, into the jail now!



anyone that calls themselves a "male feminist" is a leftist cuck that was always trying to compensate for something.

(((They're))) awful people.

I'd say that they're a neo-communist cuck. Liberals tend to hate these assholes.

Sadly, liberals go further to the left everyday. Tons of liberals have become neo-commies these days. But thankfully most people grow up.

This. I'm going to keep my attitude about accusations with no evidence consistent regardless of who is accused and whether or not I like them personally.

She could have come out about the first punching incident while both were in college and he would have almost certainly been kicked out. Instead she kept on dating him. She could have gotten a rape kit at a local hospital immediately after the second incident (beer bottle) and he almost certainly would have been arrested.
But she chose to wait until the statute of limitations was up and he was very successful to make any kind of deal about this.

If all of this was non-consensual, which it very well may have been, I feel sorry for the girl. But in the absence of evidence of any kind nobody should go down for this.

>Sadly, liberals go further to the left everyday. Tons of liberals have become neo-commies these days.
That's what I'm afraid of. The SJWs and the Religious Right are going to tear the two political parties apart.

>fucks up his life dropping from silicon valley
>to pursue shill4hill shit
>fast forward to today after plenty of other life fucking decisions
>practically blacklisted now that he got #metoo'd
Like a train wreck in slow motion

I look forward to killing leftists and commies if the need ever arises.

>I look forward to killing leftists and commies if the need ever arises.
Liberal/conservative pro-helicopter alliance?

I'm down

He's guilty.

He's guilty as sin. And probably of a lot more than this besides.



They dated in college?

So she breaks up with TJ, fucks a black guy, and then goes back to him after the other dude leaves her with two kids?


He's a cuck and an accused rapist.


yeah it's shocking that so many jews are caught up in a hollywood scandal. it's not like hollywood is run by jews or anything.

Daily laugh at cucks thread. Guess some black dude did a better job of breaking you guys up than the woman you raped.

>T.J. Miller’s ‘Gorburger Show’ Canceled by Comedy Central


I'm not sure how I feel about this precedent that an accusation can now get you fired or some other work of yours canceled, etc.

I understand that the company is looking at this from a marketing and publicity stand point, but what if their employee is innocent? What then?

why did this white couple steal these kids?

that's not their kids m8.

If I had to choose between a jew and a woman, I will ALWAYS choose a jew.

FUCK women. The eternal Jew might be strong but the eternal vagina is even stronger.

To be honest, Comedy Central knows the guy, they work with him. Dropping him like this shows they already feel he's guilty.

He does look kinda creepy. And he's always seemed really creepy. I can easily see him doing it.

now thats what i call a coincidence

He looks like what would happen if Colonel Sanders face fucked Ulysses S. Grant.

Same shit Lena Dunham tried to pull with her jew writer.

Good goy be a slave to Jewish cock. Give us your goypussi

Robert Duvall accused of sexual harassment during the filming of To Kill a Mockingbird when?


LOL what a fucking leftist, numale cuck. this dude is a meme at this point.

I'm worried that people specifically going along with these hysterical roasties doing their Crucible re-enactment to fuck over the shitlib men who espouse feminist lip service is going to bite them in the arse when w*men become too empowered

That's kind of unfair because it's hard to not look like a rapist with that facial hair

Pic related is what TJ Miller looked like in college

It's impossible to see this as anything other than just desserts for people that would have been pushing this LISTEN AND BELIEVE shit right up until it's turned on them

>what kind of hair style do you want?
>just fuck my shit up

>What then?
kill all fucking males

I never knew that he had such a punchable face.


welcome to the early 2000s

>>James Franco (Jew* pedophile)
Nigga, never heard this one, any context? I can't stand that motherfucker.

Alleged girl was 17

Somethin somthin about a woman scorned.

The creepy fucker flirted with a seventeen year old girl on instagram.

He looks like he was a huge faggot then too.

The worst part is how he pretended it wasn't a big deal because she was legal in New York and she was about to turn 18 anyway.

Fuck him. Fucking underage girls is never ok for an adult.

You must be american

I'd gladly fuck your underage daughter. No guilt.

Jews don't give a fuck about right and wrong. If they want to fuck an teen girl they are going to do it and they won't feel any remorse. They truly are human scum.

>being this assblasted about a man trying to sleep with a 17 year old woman
Americans are fucking weird.

I think the assblasting is more that it feels to some like the Jews can get away with underage fucking while regular white/black/latino guys get jail time for similar "crimes".

shut soyboy cuck

>he choked the shit out of her then anally raped her anus


have any proof? no? that's what I thought.

Posts like this are the reason I don't come on Sup Forums any more. I don't give a rat's ass about whose vagina got inconvenienced. Can we just shitpost about movies please?

>all these non-Jews

rly makes me think

Is Jeffrey Tambor actually gay or are you memeing cause he’s in that trans show

wtf I love third wave feminism and hate toxic masculinity now! BASED /our gal/

Why do Jews have the highest IQ's, Sup Forums friends?

Fuck off, James, you child fucker.

Jews are the smartest race, this is why they're always represented in things that involve power, success, and/or intelligence.

Men (and women for that matter) meanwhile always take advantage of these positions of power to have many sexual affairs. So it figures as the ruling class in any meritocracy, Jews will end up being represented in such things.

Using a brain is hard when you have a 65 IQ though, I know

>grow up in national socialist household
>Hitler on your mantle-piece as a kid
>end up not just gay, but a pedo

why does this happen so much? (kevin alfred strom, ernst rohm, cameron diggs, kevin wilshaw, etc).

What makes you say Ernst was a pedo? (I don’t know who the other men are) He likes younger recruits? So do straight men, they like younger women. Does that make them pedo?

I looked it up and you’re full of shit. He’s straight, as I thought.