Why didn't Vice Admiral Holdo just let Poe and the rest of the crew know of her plan? Part 2

It still doesn't make any fucking sense.

> low morale
> rebels are deserting the Raddus
> rumors of mutiny

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because fuck Drumpf and fuck wh*te ‘people’

Because a woman shouldn't have to explain herself before men.

Shut up Flyboy!

Remember the morals this brave admiral instilled upon us.
>Blindly follow authority
>Have faith in the institution
>Criticism of leadership will not be tolerated.

uke, did I ever tell you about light speed missiles? It's a combat maneuver that no one in the history of the Republic ever used in spite of having access to FTL technology for thousands of years. It is an attack so devastating that whichever side uses it first wins. End of story. There are no safeguards against it, so now that it has been discovered, it is wisest to resort to it at the slightest hint of danger, because if you hesitate, your side has already lost. It took a smart and brave lady general to discover the technique. Had she been just a bit less brave and a bit smarter the concept of "remote control" might have occurred to her as well and she could have been a good friend.

Stop making fucking shit wars threads

more importantly, why didn't they just abandon ship and used the main cruiser as an actually carefully targeted projectile to destroy the entire FO fleet, including Snoke's ship?


Because apparently "never question authority even if it looks like you're on a path to certain destruction" is a message that the world needed right now.

Truly a champion of the rebellion

>Admiral Tumblr

Because they were being tracked somehow and they didn't know how, so critical information like the escape plan should be exposed to the absolute minimum number of people to minimize the chance of it leaking.

Well meme'd my friend

Why did the First Order follow them for at least 16 hours instead of just sending another 3 tie fighters out to destroy the rebels when they hamstrung them after the first assault?

>likes bad boys
According to KID'S novel, she's a lesbian.

The same reason they didn't hyperspace jump a couple star destroyers in front of the ship to head it off and force a fight.

But the mole subplot was scrapped from the script and the movie immediately tells us that the bad guys have a FTL gps. On top of that Poe Dameron couldn't possibly be the traitor. We already addressed this issue: look at the old thread.

The new Star Wars novel has "Zhe/Zhim/Zher" pronouns...

Bad Guys have FTL tracking ability on any of the star destroyers, but the good guys assume they would only run it on one at a time?
How would they know which ship to board?
Why would they not run at least two trackers at a time?

why didn't they use any of the ships that were running out of fuel to FTL smash the first order ships? the captains/pilots were gonna die anyways so why not just FTL smash?

this is the darkest timeline.

because men should trust that women are always right even when they won't explain themselves

nothing about this movie made any fucking sense

"The tie-fighter hurkily jerkily zig-zagged"
Fuck this guy

Why didn't they just have Super Leia drop Kylo Ren into Mount Doom?

can't track ships in FTL can make phones calls while in FTL though huh???


If hyperspace tracking is new, how did Vader track Leia from Scarif to Tattooine?

they were men captains and thus unworthy of heroic sacrifice. Instead they were only suitable for pointless sacrifice, since they didnt bother to evacuate them for some reason

"How did they track us through hyperspace, that's impossible!"
>10 minutes later Rose is talking about the ftl tracking device the imperials have
So why did they say this stuff about "tracking through ftl is impossible" if even some nobody mechanic knows exactly how it works and knows the imperials have such a device?

She was a shit leader. Good tactician but a shit leader.

The plan would have worked if she would have let her crew know the plan because Poe would not have inadvertently leaked the information. She instead decided to be a prideful shit and emotionally beat down her crew members than improve them as soldiers and people through proper leadership.

She should have executed Poe and all the dissidents for what they did. Instead she was all "I like him, he's a firecracker" even though he was scolded for being hot headed earlier in the movie. What a fucking retarded script.

>do what I say
>don't ask questions
>no I won't explain my apparently suicidal decisions to you
>oh no you've inadvertently fucked up my plan with your plan!
>if only somebody had been willing to communicate their ideas this could've been avoided!

Let's not forget that later they are supposed to find one person in an entire planet. They don't know his gender, species or anything other than the red pin. And they only have 18 hours.

Why didn't she tell the trailing resistance ships to jump away when they were getting low on fuel instead of doing nothing and blowing up?

Where are the rest of these little shits?

>introduce them in the first movie
>ignore their existence in the second

They're gonna be fodder for Finn and Rose, right? BB-8 will most likely take one out too

Why didn't she evacuate those ships and lightspeed them into the Supremacy instead of sacrificing their capital ship?

Looking back, Poe made the right decision to destroy the Dreadnought when they had the chance. Sure many people died, but that thing would have followed them through light speed too and I am sure one shot would have gone through the shields.

Why is her neck so long?

Rian Johnson wrote the script long before TFA came out.

>we gotta find the master code cracker or we're all doomed
>forget what we just said, this other dude will do
>actually this whole subplot is meaningless

I just watched it

Can someone PLEASE explain the Leia shit? What the fuck was that?

I found it more inconsistent that they were able to make a hyperspace jump to a different planet, do all that shit, then make a hyperspace jump back, and do it all without being detected or harassed by fighters. Don't hyperjumps take time? And if they were able to do that without being pursued why not just pile everybody into those ships and split up?

I assumed she did not really have a plan and just knew Leia planned to head the same direction to the very end and was willing to die doing whatever Leia's last plan was
She just hoped it would work out

ok, but it's not like they filmed TFA and TLJ at the same time. TFA obviously came out in theaters first, so unless Rian didn't see watch it at all, there's no reason not to include a line that tells who or where they're at

She's force sensitive. Her dad is Darth Vader, she's Luke's twin, it's not that crazy. They just did it very poorly.

Super Leia > Goku > Anakin > Emperor > Luke

Space travel time is very inconsistent in Star Wars
Im wondering more about how much fuel it takes to do that
If fuel becomes a plot point it adds a lot of questions

To be fair the old alien woman did say he would probably be on a casino table

He didn't realize fans would be interested in Snoke. When he saw the hype for the big bad guy, it was too late for any change.

Holdo during act 1 is basically a completely different character from Holdo in act 3

because that's literally how all militarys work

Her surviving would have been fine
Its just odd to have such a neat death and then drop it all for something that looked so bad
Make her finally open up to the force fully and reach out to Kylo or Luke as she dies setting changes in motion

They aren't a military though they're a resistance group. If you're using the justification that everyone should just shut up and follow orders then nobody should've rebelled against the Empire in the first place.

Goku has a literal god form now, though

>a "line"
These things HAPPENED, bro.

Not as many questions as the economy and weapons trade becoming a plot point. Like what the fuck who is funding the First Order? how many fucking deathstars have they lost, and now Starkiller?? That is a massive financial loss like who is bankrolling this shit

Effective military commanders have the burden of communication of establishing trust
Every commander that has
>I know you dont know but Im in command now and we are doing a suicide mission with no explanation
Has gotten a quick mutinee

Brave women!

So it's in support of Trump. No wonder people hated the movie.

> that's how military works
> leader is dressed like a streetwalker
> always preaching about hope

A military admiral irl would have acted differently. That's a lame excuse.

Kill yourself.

Space Economics has come up often enough with black market trading before it did not seem too jarring
Sheev's massive Ponzi Scheme is funding the superweapons. The debt gets paid by blowing up planets until they run out

RLM made a good point about this. In TFA the resistance seemed to be a lot bigger. In TLJ, it's literally a couple hundred people. It'd be nearly impossible for Poe not to know who Holdo was, and therefore wouldn't go against her orders

Rey can beat Ultra Instinct Goku

Apparently tie fighters now have a small limited range they can operate and need to be near a capital ship for some reason and the resistance was keeping that distance.
What sense does this make I have no idea, the movie supports most of its plot on stupidity or incompetence from both sides anyways so it's probably just another hamfisted reason Rian came up with to justify the dumb extended chase.

One of the rare occurrences of Technobabble in a Star Wars film.

Jiren would shit on her and Kylo at the same time

So they go into debt then blow up the people they owe money? And people still give them money?

They can't hyperspace around the galaxy unless specifically built for it but they could have certainly been within range of the ships, just Rian making things retarded to service his shit plot.

Honestly that pisses me off more than anything else
The massive reduction in scale
The First Order at least seemed big in TFA
Now both look like they can barely hold a single system and are smaller than the original rebellion
The galaxy seems to justifiably give zero shits because it matters as much as the self declared emperor of San Fran fighting with the local police

This is the universe that gave Sheev unlimited power because a Senators retarded friend asked them too
And like you wouldnt trust this face with a loan

The new galaxy feels as big as a waiting room. The prequels get a lot of flack, but at least we knew there was something out there, something that didn't revolve around the main characters. The prequels implied a living and breathing world.

He's the best part of the prequels. I loved every single scene of his.

There was a lot of questionable things regarding the space fights, but the worst offense is weaponizing the lightspeed drive. This was the equivalent of a minivan taking out an entire tank platoon

>Kefla vs Rey
Contest of the powerful independent women

Why didn't the First Order just send in their fighters regardless if they could make it back? It only took 3 to inflict a mortal wound?

Why didn't they phone in reinforcements to warp infront of the Rebels? This is the endgame fight and they're have their entire fleet at their disposal yet they don't call in a single star destroyer?

Why don't they just warp infront of them?


isn't the very first scene from the OT a destroyer successfully chasing down a rebel corvette?

I mean if the minivan was going lightspeed it probably could

Because each episode goes at length to establish it has huge
>Galaxy so big a planet killer is needed to just get rid of an annoying senate
>Galaxy so big second in command has spent two films with unlimited resources hunting the rebels
>An entire galaxy is observed casually in the end of the second
>We only meet the leader of the Empire in the third film, and he has a fleet so big it can just be wasted on an asteroid field until he feels like calling
>Galaxy so big standard money doesnt even work
>Has entire scenes dedicated to the number of stars and senators needed to represent them
With the new films each planet is such a carbon copy but devoid of feeling it just feels like a smaller separate universe

Its amazing how enjoyable characters that feel things are in these films

To be fair, sheev was a major leader of the republic and leads them to win in one of the greatest war of the galaxy. To the senate, he was a genius leader who make all of the right decision and the right call. Jar Jar only announces the vote but there was already sentiments that he should leads the galaxy before the vote happened. That’s why Mace Dindu’s plan to storm into his office, kill him, then tries to tell everyone that he was a Sith afterward is retarded. The Jedi were already losing popularity because they were getting BTFO even when they are supposed to be the protector of the galaxy before the the clone army comes in. Imagine a military leader killing Winston Churchill right after D-day and declare that they did it because he was the Devil

This just needs to be altered enough to fit into Star Wars.

Why didn't Sheev use the force bubble when Vader threw him off the bridge?

that's the point, now that this happened in front of the resistance, there's no reason not to keep doing it. One little cruiser vessel blew up a couple dreadnoughts, I'd expect they make drones to do the same from now on. Fuck laser fights, this kamikaze shit works so much better

God there are so many holes in the story. It doesn't follow any of the constraints and rules of the previous movies. The story feels like a sequences of meaningless scenes any corporate blockbuster must include to succeed. That's where the romance subplot Rose Finn comes from. There's no other reason for it. They spent less than a day together.

Because he was still shooting Force Lightning out of his hands and then hit a fucking reactor and blew up with all the evil energy inside of him.
Don't forget that Palpatine ALSO deliberately engineered the public view of him to see him as a "kindly old grandfather like figure" who was being manipulated first by the Senate than by the Moffs after the Republic turned into the Empire so everyone would treat him as this old leader who was being manipulated by evil politicians.

Sidious is literally a fucking genius.

So you're saying he could have included majorly, completely contradictory stuff into the film and he would have been excused?

Obviously what you say is:

Not true

And scripts can always be edited

I mean if we are being serious then Jar Jars speech wasnt actually that bad and made sense
How many people had to take the floor who spoke weirder and more poorly over the years had to be granted huge respect in such a senate? Probably most of its great non human leaders. Sheev got the an oppressed native from an oppressed resistor of the main backer of the Separatist to vouch for him. This native from a species in centuries long conflict with the Naboo just ten years ago. The Senator he is representing is the major peace lobbyist who was almost killed by the Separatist and is on the run. It is actually good PR to have all of that vouch for you
Also Windu wanting to kill Sheev makes the most sense too. He would just have to go into hiding and would be more like John Wilkes Booth while other jedi downplay him

I watched it last night, it was as expected. One thing i didnt understand is at the end when the Disney lawyer barged in on those kids playing with unlicensed star wars merchandise to issue a cease and desist. What was that about?

Windu's justification for killing Sidious in his office when he had the chance was telling Anakin that since he controlled both the fucking Senate and the courts, he could just manipulate the system to get out. So from a certain point of view, he HAD to kill him.

1) He's old
2) Falling in a Earth-like environment is more damaging than floating in space. You have less time to react and focus.
3) He was hit by his own lightnings
4) Sith have more aggressive powers and less defensive capabilities.

But from my point of view that's not justice!


She has a weird body but man, I would cum on her face

They fucked up the ending bad. It was so comfy with the whole cast, feels good. Then they show these cringe as fuck kid actors, muh broom saber.

I never got why Windu trying to kill Sheev was a big deal beyond maybe doing it partly from anger?
Why is killing countless child or slave soldiers just fine in comparison? None of them came close to what Sheev did or where as much of a threat? Him being disarmed doesnt matter when he has the force, and hes only "weak" because he exhausted himself trying to kill you
He couldnt be taken prisoner nor could dooku

Speaking of weird bodies, why was there so many shots of Leia's assistant/that one british chick Resistance officer's unusually large nose from side angles in TLJ?